
The correct formulation of the planned economy is the command economy: it must be realized in the sinking of the hierarchy

author:Godot's sigh

  Why do we only talk about the economy at the problem level? And not just because Q&A is useless

The correct formulation of the planned economy is the command economy: it must be realized in the sinking of the hierarchy

  Zhuangzi has a saying: It is easy to condescend to people's mouth, but it is difficult to convince people's hearts.

  I wrote an article about the selectivity of the planned economy and the market economy, and the comments are often more interesting than my articles, there is no lack of fallacies, and there are positions everywhere, but they are also colorful, who can say that they are the spokesperson of the truth, the truth is just a symbol, it steps on the fallen leaves of error, and moves forward on the rugged path.

  In comparison, those who support the market economy are relatively sensible and will pay attention to the perspective of economics, rather than shouting empty slogans, and many netizens have their own deep realistic feelings, which is emotional and respectful; However, it can be said that 99 out of 100 people support the planned economy, and this support is not profound, or it really stands on a higher level; All supporters, without exception to this day, do not understand at all what a market economy is, and that's it, and without exception, they do not know what a planned economy is at all?

  That's what makes it interesting.

The correct formulation of the planned economy is the command economy: it must be realized in the sinking of the hierarchy

  Why is this so, because it is too simple, as soon as you look at the name, you have your own definition of what you want to do.

  This is like Professor Zhang Wei, who became famous at Fudan University, when he saw the term "ownership by the whole people", he really thought that all Chinese people had the property rights of the state, so every ordinary person in China was particularly rich. Professors at prestigious universities can make such low-level mistakes, not to mention the simple public who just go online to scatter their minds, I fully understand, and I think the Chinese people are too good.

  The term planned economy has the same problem.

  It is easy to make sense of the word, so people define the planned economy according to their own logic; In fact, in the world, especially in Europe, the birthplace of socialism, the expression "planned economy" will not be used, but more often "command economy", "ruling economy", and "power economy"; Isn't there a big difference? Can you still hope for righteousness? The expression of the planned economy is arguably the most ambiguous. Because a planned economy is not the same as a planned economy, and if the plan is so clever, will there still be 1962? A planned economy is not the same as a planned economy, which economy in the world has no plan, and the plan is not as good as ours? Matrilineal societies are planned, and the principle of distribution is matrilineal, because at that time it was not known who the father was.

The correct formulation of the planned economy is the command economy: it must be realized in the sinking of the hierarchy

  Unfortunately, friends who support the planned economy will say: a planned economy is a planned economy, which is certainly better than a market economy without a plan.

  This is the meaning of hope.

  A planned economy is not the same as a planned economy, and a market economy is not the same as an unplanned economy, and literally, it seems to be very self-consistent, but, it has to be said, this is a low-level mistake.

  Who told you that there is no plan for a market economy?

  If we want to talk about a plan, the plan of the market economy must be 100 million times that of the planned economy. The planned economy only needs to have a set of top-down plans, and the rest is a matter of implementation below.

The correct formulation of the planned economy is the command economy: it must be realized in the sinking of the hierarchy

   A big plan is a plan, and it is absolutely not allowed to be changed, not a word, not a single data can be changed, is this also called a plan? It is a plan, but it is characterized by a command, a command economy with hierarchy as its lifeblood.

  Under a big plan, and then the regional level sinks down to formulate small plans, these small plans are just the way to implement, and they must be outlined in a big plan, which is actually a task order; How much steel and how much grain is produced in a year are dead data. What to do in a disaster year, it is clear that it can't be completed, but the instruction is the instruction, no one blames the climate, you are not a warrior, so there is a good situation in various regions, as shown in the TV series "Old Farmer", Chen Baoguo and Feng Yuanzheng's performance very truly reproduces the "planning" of that era, what kind of "plan" is it, so there is a historical comment on "three natural disasters". It is a memory of the command economy that can never be erased, and no one dares to start with "The Old Peasant" when praising the planned economy.

The correct formulation of the planned economy is the command economy: it must be realized in the sinking of the hierarchy

  The plan of the planned economy is compulsorily formulated by the office elite at the top in accordance with the highest intentions.

  To achieve a GDP growth rate of 5% this year, we must also pull it up with debt, is this called a plan? Lin Yifu's plan to pat his head, in Zhang Weiying's words, if you can't build a steel mill and build another one, will it have any effect, whether the products produced can be sold, whether there will be overcapacity, whether it will affect employment and residents' income if it goes bankrupt, these things are secondary, because of the GDP of the performance assessment.

  Theoretically, it is too easy to pull for the sake of GDP, just trade in the old for the new, build a building, is GDP, demolish it or GDP, and then build it, or GDP, where is the benefit, burn the money. No, change the concept, for example, five or six smart homes, and then build them, it is GDP, or high-quality new quality productivity; So, Milan. Kundera said: God laughs when man thinks. Countless troubles will follow.

The correct formulation of the planned economy is the command economy: it must be realized in the sinking of the hierarchy

  What is the plan for a market economy?

  It's simply a full Han banquet, varied, a registered market registration entity is a plan, and no one has the right to let him obey other people's plans, unless you can impress Xu Jiayin like Ren Zeping.

  Beijing has issued a document asking companies to raise wages by 7.8 percent, but China is already a market economy, and the office elite has no right to give orders in law, no matter how high the level is, unless you treat the rule of law economy as a child's play and be proud of your own rank; if it is really implemented, it is estimated that at least 40 million enterprises in the country will close down, and 300 million people will lose their jobs. Because in 2022, the return on assets of private enterprises in the country is only 1.77%, how to raise salaries? The property rights of the market economy have the final say, and there are as many plans as there are property rights subjects, which is enough to make up for the lack of natural knowledge points of a very small number of people, and countless blind spots in business and life.

The correct formulation of the planned economy is the command economy: it must be realized in the sinking of the hierarchy

  How many property rights are there in China?

  There are still 120 million individual industrial and commercial households in the industrial and commercial register, and 52 million enterprises with private property rights. Some people ask whether Lenovo is a private enterprise or a state-owned enterprise, or a private enterprise, of course, the Chinese Academy of Sciences is still the largest shareholder, you scold Liu Baye, it is no problem to scold Lenovo, scolding Lenovo is equivalent to scolding the Chinese Academy of Sciences; all these private rights-led market entities will have their own plans, and this kind of plan subdivided by property rights certainly has unparalleled advantages, because it can be self-regulated at any time, immediately, and immediately with the market price system. It is not a pool of stagnant water, only a dynamic plan is a plan in the true economic sense.

  Humanity should never pin its fate on any one person's plan.

  One of the proudest slogans of patriotism: is the people's eyes bright? Another slogan that has reached a higher level is that the people are the heroes who create history. So, why is it that when it comes to talking about the operating mechanism, they all lie down and become intelligent robots, and they need others to define the programming of their own operations?

  Just kidding, many people think that in about 20 years, 996 will basically disappear, why, because at that time, the streets were full of intelligent robots, and the image would be more handsome and elegant than 99% of humans; At that time, it was really a "plan", and there was a big plan under the planned economy, and there was a plan for the whole people under the market economy, so it would be troublesome. Just hit the execute button, and I think a three-year-old can do it.

  Private enterprises and reformist academics were the guests: eyes turned to the July conference

The correct formulation of the planned economy is the command economy: it must be realized in the sinking of the hierarchy

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