
"Ink Rain and Clouds" counterattacks the apocalypse: the six survival rules of those who change their lives against the sky



"Ink Rain and Clouds" counterattacks the apocalypse: the six survival rules of those who change their lives against the sky

1. "Between the Ink Rain and Clouds" became popular on the screen, and the big heroine counterattacked and became a new favorite

As soon as "Between the Ink Rain Clouds" was broadcast, it quickly detonated the screen and became the focus of heated discussions at the moment. With her superb acting skills, Wu Jinyan once again created a successful image of a cool heroine. The play not only exceeded 100 million broadcasts within two days, but also received high praise from People's Entertainment: "What really makes the audience 'cool' is not one trick or one style, but the growth of people, the presentation of beauty, and the grafting of contemporary values." Although part of the logic in the play is up for debate, the growth process of the heroine Xue Fangfei undoubtedly brought a visual and spiritual feast to the audience.

"Ink Rain and Clouds" counterattacks the apocalypse: the six survival rules of those who change their lives against the sky

2. The common traits of those who change their lives against the sky: ambition and will

In "Ink Rain and Clouds", Xue Fangfei's experience shows us a truth: those who can really change their lives against the sky, under the calm appearance, they all hide magnificent ambition and indomitable will. These people may seem ordinary on the surface, but they are actually strong on the inside, and they are able to persevere and move forward bravely in the face of adversity.

3. Stop loss in time and stay away from scumbags and scumbags

Xue Fangfei in "Ink Rain and Clouds" was originally a typical "love brain", and she devoted herself wholeheartedly to her husband as a "phoenix man". However, instead of getting the rewards she deserves, she has suffered all kinds of injustices and frame-ups. This made her understand a truth: not to pay will be rewarded. Similarly, in "The Story of Rose", Huang Yimei played by Liu Yifei also saw through this truth early. When she realized that Zhuang Guodong was not suitable for her, she decisively withdrew and left, avoiding further damage. These two characters tell us that in a relationship, once we find out that the other person is not a good person, it is the right way to withdraw and stop losses in time.

Fourth, reborn from the fire, the strong never give up

In "Between the Ink Rain and Clouds", Xue Fangfei experienced life and death, lost her relatives, and lost her former identity. However, she did not give up because of this, but with the help of Jiang Li's identity, she began her own path of revenge. She used her wisdom and courage to succeed step by step, and finally realized a change of life. This spirit of rebirth in the face of adversity is an important trait of the strong.

"Ink Rain and Clouds" counterattacks the apocalypse: the six survival rules of those who change their lives against the sky

5. Resilience is king: Your resilience determines the height of your soul

On the road of life, we will inevitably encounter various difficulties and setbacks. In the face of these challenges, some people choose to escape, some people choose to complain, but the truly strong will choose to face them bravely. As the host Lu Yu said: "You have interviewed countless people, what do you think is the most valuable trait in them?" Her answer was, "No hurry." Behind this unhurried attitude is the resilience of the strong. This resilience allows them to persevere in the face of adversity, ultimately overcome difficulties and achieve self-transcendence.

Sixth, the strong do not complain about the environment, but change the environment

In "Between the Ink Rain and Clouds", although Xue Fangfei is in adversity, she has never complained about the injustice of the environment. Instead, with her own efforts and wisdom, she gradually changed her surroundings. With her actions, she proves the belief that the strong do not complain about the environment, but change it. Again, in real life, we have to learn this attitude. In the face of unfavorable circumstances and conditions, we should not complain and retreat, but should actively seek ways and means of change. Only in this way can we go further on the road of life.

"Ink Rain and Clouds" counterattacks the apocalypse: the six survival rules of those who change their lives against the sky

7. Self-redemption and continuous growth: the only way to change one's life against the sky

In "Between the Ink Rain and Clouds", Xue Fangfei has undergone a transformation from a victim to a counterattacker. Through self-redemption and continuous growth, she finally completed the process of changing her life. This transformation not only won her the applause of the audience, but also provided us with a valuable life insight: that is, we must have the courage to redeem ourselves and continue to grow in the face of adversity.

8. Not succumbing to fate: the counterattack life of poet Yu Xiuhua

The life experience of the poet Yu Xiuhua is also a counterattack legend. She was born with cerebral palsy due to miscarriage and lack of oxygen, and she had difficulty moving. However, she did not succumb to fate, but insisted on writing poems, using words to express her inner emotions and love for life. After years of hard work, her poetry was finally recognized, and she transformed from an obscure poet to a high-profile literary star. Yu Xiuhua's success tells us that no matter how big the difficulties are, as long as we dare to face and challenge, we will be able to walk out of our own counterattack.

9. Dare to recognize the reality and face the reality

In "Between the Ink Rain and Clouds", the key to Xue Fangfei's success in counterattacking is that she dares to recognize reality and has the courage to face reality. She did not dwell on the pain of the past, nor did she escape the difficulties and challenges of reality. Instead, she chose to face reality bravely and actively look for ways and means to solve problems. This attitude of daring to recognize reality and face reality is something that each of us should learn from and learn from.

"Ink Rain and Clouds" counterattacks the apocalypse: the six survival rules of those who change their lives against the sky

10. Create conditions and do what you say

In addition to having the courage to recognize the reality and face the reality, Xue Fangfei also has a strong ability to create conditions and do what she says. In the process of studying at Mingyitang, she faced the difficulties of her stepmother and Zhuang Yuanlang, and did not choose to retreat and complain, but skillfully created the conditions and successfully enrolled in the school. This spirit of creating conditions and doing what we say is an indispensable quality in the process of achieving our life goals.

11. Get out of the predicament and create your own new territory

In "Between the Ink Rain and Clouds", Xue Fangfei successfully got out of the predicament and created her own new territory through her own efforts and wisdom. She not only avenged herself, but also brought hope and positive energy to those around her. This ability to get out of trouble and create new territories is something that each of us should have. Only in this way can we go further and further on the road of life and realize our dreams and values.

Twelve, after the wind and rain, see the rainbow

Xue Fangfei in "Ink Rain and Clouds", her counterattack was not smooth sailing. She went through all kinds of trials and tribulations, but finally ushered in her own rainbow. This is just like our life path, although it is full of twists and turns, but as long as we face it bravely and persevere, we will definitely be able to usher in a better future. After wind and rain, you can see the rainbow; After going through hardships, he showed his true character as a hero.

"Ink Rain and Clouds" counterattacks the apocalypse: the six survival rules of those who change their lives against the sky

13. The rules of survival for those who change their lives against the sky

Through the TV series "Ink Rain and Clouds", we have seen the survival rules of those who change their lives against the sky: first of all, ambition and will, which are the driving force that supports them to move forward in adversity; The second is to stop losses in time and stay away from scumbags and scumbags, which is their wisdom to protect themselves in their relationships; The second is to be reborn from the fire, and the strong never give up, which is their firm belief in the face of difficulties; In addition, the principles of resilience is king, the strong do not complain about the environment but change the environment, self-redemption and continuous growth, the courage to recognize the reality, the courage to face the reality, the creation of conditions to do what they say, and the creation of their own new territory out of the difficult situation are all key factors for their success on the road of life. These rules apply not only to the characters in the play, but also to the life practices of each of us.