
Do you know the difference between a dog and a dog? Is your family thinking about dogs or dogs?

author:Cloth clothes show talent

Do you know the difference between a dog and a dog? Is your family thinking about dogs or dogs?

In many people's minds, dogs and dogs are just different names for the same animal, but in fact, they do have some differences in many ways.

Do you know the difference between a dog and a dog? Is your family thinking about dogs or dogs?

First, physiological differences: dogs have dominant genetic characteristics, it retains a functional degeneration toe on the left and right front ankles, which is called a chaff toe in ancient times, also commonly known as wolf claws, so dogs have a total of 20 toes, retaining the ancient characteristics of hunting dogs. Whereas, dogs do not have fangs, so dogs only have 18 toes. Although this feature is not obvious in appearance, it is indeed an essential difference in the physiological structure of dogs and dogs.

Do you know the difference between a dog and a dog? Is your family thinking about dogs or dogs?

Second, the difference in body size: Generally speaking, dogs are larger than dogs. The ancients believed that the big mastiff was the dog, the middle was the dog, and the small was the dog. Therefore, generally we refer to the larger breeds introduced from abroad, such as Labradors and German Shepherds, as "dogs", and family pets are generally called "dogs".

Do you know the difference between a dog and a dog? Is your family thinking about dogs or dogs?

Third, the difference in usage: the character "dog" appeared earlier than the character "dog" in ancient Chinese, and has a longer history. As can be seen from the oracle bone inscriptions and the gold inscriptions, the character "dog" has long existed, while the word "dog" has been used relatively late. In context, "dog" is mostly used in written language and formal situations, while "dog" is more often used in spoken and informal settings.

Do you know the difference between a dog and a dog? Is your family thinking about dogs or dogs?

Fourth, the difference in meaning: in many cases, the word "dog" has a strong positive or neutral meaning, such as "dog and horse lover", etc., and "dog" also means self-humility, used to call his son in front of others. The word "dog" was mostly used in derogatory meanings in ancient times, such as "lackey", etc., with a strong demeaning meaning.

Do you know the difference between a dog and a dog? Is your family thinking about dogs or dogs?

Fifth, the difference between morals: In terms of ancient legends and allegories, dogs and dogs are also different. Tengu is generally considered to be a festive and auspicious thing that brings luck to people; And the tengu is mostly considered to carry the meaning of bad luck. These legends and allegories reflect the different perceptions and perceptions of dogs and dogs since ancient times.

Do you know the difference between a dog and a dog? Is your family thinking about dogs or dogs?

Sixth, cultural differences: From a scientific point of view, dogs are another name for dogs, and they actually belong to the canine genus in the canine family. Therefore, from the point of view of biological science, there is no essential difference between them, and they belong to the same term. But in terms of culture and language usage, people still tend to think of dogs and dogs as different names.

Do you know the difference between a dog and a dog? Is your family thinking about dogs or dogs?

That's all for this issue!

Pay attention to Xiao Xiucai, the next issue will be more exciting!