
The aircraft carrier was beaten again and again, and the United States wanted to pull the United Nations to find a field, but after the Chinese side abstained, it pointed out a clear way for it

author:Paitou International Station

Recently, the Houthis have repeatedly claimed that the organization launched missiles to attack the US aircraft carrier, and the United States naturally flatly denies this, but its actions are very sincere, and the "Eisenhower" is moving away from the Red Sea step by step, and is even about to return to China to rest and recuperate, and the "Roosevelt" aircraft carrier, which has been arranged for the "shift," does not yet know when it will arrive.

Of course, it is still a mystery whether the Houthis have hit the Chinese and US aircraft carriers, but judging from the reaction of the US side, the attack may have been carried out, which undoubtedly represents the tension in the Red Sea, which is further escalating, and the United States has also attacked the Yemeni region with its allies, but it cannot create an effective deterrent to the Houthis.

The aircraft carrier was beaten again and again, and the United States wanted to pull the United Nations to find a field, but after the Chinese side abstained, it pointed out a clear way for it

The USS Eisenhower aircraft carrier is already far from the Red Sea

Seeing that there was nothing it could do with this organization, the United States was furious and submitted a draft to the Security Council, hoping to use the United Nations to find a place to return. According to Xinhua News Agency, a few days ago, the United Nations Security Council held a technical postponement vote on Resolution 2722 related to the situation in the Red Sea.

It is reported that Resolution 2722 was co-sponsored by the United States and Japan in January this year, and aims to call for "respect for the right to freedom of navigation in the Red Sea", demand that the Houthis stop attacks, and point out that member states have the right to protect their ships from attacks. The resolution was adopted by 11 votes in favour, with 4 abstentions.

The aircraft carrier was beaten again and again, and the United States wanted to pull the United Nations to find a field, but after the Chinese side abstained, it pointed out a clear way for it

The Council voted to extend the Red Sea resolution

However, the root cause of tension in the Red Sea lies in the outbreak of the Palestinian-Israeli issue, and the United States' support for Israel's attack on the Gaza Strip has led to the Houthis supporting Gaza continuing to launch attacks on relevant ships, and the purpose of the United States in initiating Resolution 2722 is to promote military means against the Houthis, which will only further aggravate the situation and achieve its own political goals, which is not conducive to solving the problem at all. Therefore, both on Resolution 2722 and on the extension of the resolution, China abstained from voting to express its disagreement with the relevant contents.

In his explanatory remarks after the vote, Geng Shuang, Deputy Permanent Representative of China to the United Nations, said bluntly that China continues to call on the Houthis to stop attacking ships and maintain the safety of shipping lanes in the Red Sea, but all parties should also strictly abide by the UN Charter and avoid distorting and abusing international law and Security Council resolutions to create new tensions in the Red Sea waters. After the adoption of resolution 2722, some countries launched military operations against Yemen, damaging the region's infrastructure and causing civilian casualties.

The aircraft carrier was beaten again and again, and the United States wanted to pull the United Nations to find a field, but after the Chinese side abstained, it pointed out a clear way for it

Ambassador Geng Shuang expressed China's position

Proceeding from facts, this statement pointed out that after the adoption of the relevant resolutions, the situation has not developed in a favorable direction, and even the military actions of certain countries have further escalated geopolitical contradictions and deviated from the original intention of the Security Council. As a responsible major country, China must take the solution of the problem as the starting point and strengthen its position, but China also sees the concerns of all parties about the situation in the Red Sea and points out a clear way to ease the contradictions.

Geng Shuang stressed that the tension in the Red Sea is actually a manifestation of the spillover of the conflict in Gaza, and the promotion of an immediate and lasting ceasefire in the Gaza Strip will also help to cool down the situation in the Red Sea and promote a political settlement of the Yemen issue. China is ready to continue to work with the Security Council and the international community to promote a ceasefire in Gaza, and at the same time calls on relevant countries to take a responsible attitude and make sincere efforts to this end, so as to jointly maintain peace and stability in the Middle East.

The aircraft carrier was beaten again and again, and the United States wanted to pull the United Nations to find a field, but after the Chinese side abstained, it pointed out a clear way for it

The conflict in Gaza is the root cause of the escalation of tensions in the Red Sea

It is not difficult to see that China is warning the United States that if it really does not want the aircraft carrier to be attacked, it should pay attention to the demands of the Houthis and use its influence to resolve the Gaza issue first, so that all parties can see the hope of peace, and the intensity of the situation in the Red Sea will naturally be reduced. The Houthi actions against the United States are actually venting their dissatisfaction, and the United States keeps demanding that all parties abide by international law, but it itself indulges Israel's atrocities in Gaza, which is the root cause of the escalation of the geopolitical situation.

Now, China's intention has become clear that China will not be an accomplice to the United States in escalating the geopolitical situation, and the relevant resolution has been postponed to January 15 next year under the manipulation of the United States. After all, the advanced missiles of the Houthis are obviously not something that they can develop, and there is a lot of force standing behind them, and the deeper the United States falls, the more exposed the nature of the "paper tiger" will be.


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