
A medium-sized aircraft carrier comparable to 10, why is China's ro-ro ship called the island seizure artifact? How strong is it

author:Scientific knowledge points

The United States always threatens the mainland by waging war, but the Chinese People's Liberation Army is not afraid of any enemy, and as a brave and resourceful army, it can be seen that it has Chinese wisdom in developing weapons.

A medium-sized aircraft carrier comparable to 10, why is China's ro-ro ship called the island seizure artifact? How strong is it

Hope always underestimates the mainland's combat strength, and even thinks that even if China has spent so many years building three aircraft carriers, in fact, there is only one aircraft carrier with real combat effectiveness, and once faced with an actual war, the aircraft carrier fleet is very disparity in strength compared with the dozen or so aircraft carriers of the United States, and there is no way to match it at all.

However, there are also different views that China's military industry can develop rapidly, and even China can develop a lot of weapons to defeat the enemy, in fact, there are different military development ideas in the West, such as China's current insufficient number of aircraft carriers, but the Chinese People's Liberation Army has a variety of reserve support forces.

A medium-sized aircraft carrier comparable to 10, why is China's ro-ro ship called the island seizure artifact? How strong is it

For example, amphibious assault ships can be used to supplement the combat effectiveness of aircraft carriers, and even ro-ro ships can be used as larger island-grabbing artifacts, or even a ro-ro ship can be compared to the volume, displacement and combat effectiveness of 10 medium-sized aircraft carriers.

Why are China's ro-ro ships regarded as an artifact for seizing islands? What kind of combat strength does it have?

What kind of ship is a Ro-Ro ship?

A medium-sized aircraft carrier comparable to 10, why is China's ro-ro ship called the island seizure artifact? How strong is it

It is a large-scale consignment ship that realizes ro-ro loading and unloading trucks through a springboard, and a ro-ro ship in the mainland. The volume can range from 25,000 tons to 200,000 tons, including the mainland's 37,000-ton Zhonghua Fuqiang ro-ro ship, with this tonnage alone, it can transport 8,000 tons of load, and the number of passengers can reach 2,200 people, the length of the ro-ro ship is 186 meters, the width is 26 meters, and compared with other warships on the mainland, in a special period, it can start the special purpose of transporting strategic weapons and troops, and it can also play an important supplementary force.

According to the information on the Internet, China's ro-ro ships have a total tonnage of more than 750,000 tons, realizing the strong capability of the seven group armies in Yunnan Song, once a special operation breaks out in the Taiwan Strait region, and it is necessary to urgently take action to land on the island, then the mainland's PLA does not need to worry about no ships at all, and the ro-ro ships can achieve super transportation capacity, and the capacity of transporting vehicles can also reach 420,000 tons.

A medium-sized aircraft carrier comparable to 10, why is China's ro-ro ship called the island seizure artifact? How strong is it

This total of 720,000 tons of ro-ro ships, directly equivalent to supplementing the combat effectiveness of 10 medium-sized aircraft carriers, in these ro-ro ships, the installation of loading and unloading vehicles of the lane line track, etc., the total length of 40,000 meters, super carrying and conveying capacity, to achieve a more powerful maritime supplementary combat force, as a special purpose that can be converted into military, so that the ro-ro ship industry began to appear more and more mysterious.

This is because the navy has already conducted military exercises and training, using ro-ro ships, and sending drills on how to deliver tanks, vehicles, weapons, and troops to the island, which directly stunned potential enemies.

A medium-sized aircraft carrier comparable to 10, why is China's ro-ro ship called the island seizure artifact? How strong is it

China's civilian ro-ro ships can actually undertake military delivery tasks, which the West did not expect at all, the use of ro-ro ships, can quickly transport dozens of tanks and armor, to achieve the centralized delivery of troops, large ro-ro ships, no less than the delivery capacity of aircraft carriers, so that the PLA's support soared directly.

In the face of the arrogance and threat of the external enemy, our navy is also formulating targeted strategies and methods of checks and balances, among which the most powerful projection capability will ensure that after the outbreak of a fierce battle, it will be able to continuously ensure the stable supply of combat power and achieve saturation to strike at the enemy's firepower at the greatest intensity.

A medium-sized aircraft carrier comparable to 10, why is China's ro-ro ship called the island seizure artifact? How strong is it

To meet such conditions, a strong backup capability is required, and the ro-ro ship can achieve a super delivery capacity, which is also a surprise to the outside world, I did not expect that China's wisdom can be used in the field of military industry, can play so powerful and accurate.

In the past, the West used amphibious assault ships to supplement the combat power of aircraft carriers, so there was a mindset that China could only build amphibious assault ships step by step to supplement its combat power, but to build such ships, different shipyards started construction at the same time, and there was also a certain period, and if you want to quickly increase your super combat power, there is also a certain long time to wait for delivery and adjustment.

A medium-sized aircraft carrier comparable to 10, why is China's ro-ro ship called the island seizure artifact? How strong is it

Then the ro-ro ship is different, it has become a certain scale, in use and normal operation of the ship, there is a very advanced technology and a complete set of tested systems, can be used, and very advanced, the overall loading and unloading capacity is also very strong.

This is probably the most exciting civilian ship in the world, which can only be converted into a shocking scale for military use, with a total volume of 700,000 tons, capable of providing 10 medium-sized aircraft carrier fighters, and the delivery capacity, making it difficult for the enemy to match.

A medium-sized aircraft carrier comparable to 10, why is China's ro-ro ship called the island seizure artifact? How strong is it

Through the cover of other Chinese Aegis and carrier-based aircraft, as well as the missile fire cover of the shore-based rocket force, the ro-ro ship can achieve a super landing and transportation capacity on the island, so that the PLA can quickly seize the beach and land on the island in a short period of time and achieve special operational objectives.

In the future, once the situation in the Taiwan Strait requires it, the Ro-Ro ship will become a new type of island seizing artifact, helping the PLA to fight bravely, achieving more powerful support and assistance, and making the enemy tremble.

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