
The top brass of the US military is anxious! US media: China's mastery of aircraft carrier technology far exceeds US military expectations

author:Reading the inscription in the sea

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The top brass of the US military is anxious! US media: China's mastery of aircraft carrier technology far exceeds US military expectations


This year, the news of the Fujian ship's sea trials spread all over the country and abroad, and we Chinese are happy and proud that the aircraft carrier group has added another "capable general."

On the other hand, in the United States, their mentality is not so optimistic, not only that, but the US military top brass is anxious about this, and the US media directly said: "China's aircraft carrier technology has far exceeded the expectations of the US military." ”

So, what kind of aircraft carrier technology do we have that can make the US military feel so anxious?

The content of this article is written with authoritative information combined with personal opinions, and the source of the literature and screenshots have been marked in the article, please be aware.
The top brass of the US military is anxious! US media: China's mastery of aircraft carrier technology far exceeds US military expectations

Information sources:

North Evening Online: US media: This is the "main reason" of the US military's anxiety about China

The top brass of the US military is anxious! US media: China's mastery of aircraft carrier technology far exceeds US military expectations

China's aircraft carrier technology has impressed the top brass of the US military

Today, the rapid development of China's aircraft carrier technology is like a dark horse, which has impressed the top level of the US military.

In this regard, US Chief of Naval Operations Michael Gildaytan: "The pace of China's progress in aircraft carrier technology is impressive, exceeding the expectations of the US military. ”

Not only that, but Jeff Simmons, director of US Naval Intelligence, also had to admit: "China's successful application of electromagnetic catapult technology has enabled it to quickly narrow the gap with the United States in aircraft carrier capabilities." ”

The top brass of the US military is anxious! US media: China's mastery of aircraft carrier technology far exceeds US military expectations

You must know that electromagnetic catapult technology is one of the core technologies of aircraft carriers, which determines the combat efficiency of aircraft carriers and the take-off ability of carrier-based aircraft.

China's breakthrough in this field can be described as a few in one fell swoop, unlike the alternating current used by the American aircraft carrier Ford, China's electromagnetic catapult system uses direct current, which makes the system more stable and the failure rate is greatly reduced.

In addition, China's electromagnetic catapults are lighter in weight and take up less space, which is conducive to the layout of the aircraft carrier and the increase in the number of aircraft carriers.

The top brass of the US military is anxious! US media: China's mastery of aircraft carrier technology far exceeds US military expectations

In fact, China's electromagnetic catapult technology is not just talk on paper, but we have been tested by shore-based tests and sea trials, which proves its reliability and stability.

On the other hand, the U.S. system is still struggling with failures, and Chief of Naval Operations Michael Gilday admits that China has made the leap from a conventionally powered aircraft carrier to an electromagnetic catapult aircraft carrier in a short period of time, demonstrating its strong technological strength.

The top brass of the US military is anxious! US media: China's mastery of aircraft carrier technology far exceeds US military expectations

In the face of China's rapid progress in aircraft carrier technology, the anxiety of the US military top brass is understandable, after all, this means that the United States' advantage in the aircraft carrier field is being rapidly eroded, and once the US aircraft carrier was seen as a symbol of maritime supremacy.

And now, China's aircraft carrier technology is overtaking in corners, which is undoubtedly a huge challenge for the United States.

The top brass of the US military is anxious! US media: China's mastery of aircraft carrier technology far exceeds US military expectations

Information sources:

Reference news: Chinese aircraft carriers have electromagnetic catapult systems? US media: Shoulder to shoulder with the most advanced aircraft carriers in the United States

The top brass of the US military is anxious! US media: China's mastery of aircraft carrier technology far exceeds US military expectations

The electromagnetic ejection system of the Fujian ship has obvious advantages

The Fujian, which represents the pinnacle of China's aircraft carrier technology, is famous for its advanced electromagnetic catapult system, and the American media "Business Insider" spoke highly of the Fujian, saying that it surpasses some of the current US aircraft carriers in many aspects.

This evaluation can be said to be a powerful proof of the advanced nature of the Fujian warship.

The electromagnetic catapult system of the Fujian ship can be said to be its magic weapon for victory, and unlike the alternating current used by the USS Ford aircraft carrier, the electromagnetic catapult system of the Fujian ship uses direct current.

The top brass of the US military is anxious! US media: China's mastery of aircraft carrier technology far exceeds US military expectations

This choice makes the system more stable, and there will be no frequent breakdowns like the Ford, you know, the reliability of the electromagnetic catapult system is directly related to the combat efficiency of the aircraft carrier, and the Fujian ship is obviously superior in this regard.

In fact, electromagnetic catapult technology is not the first in China, Western countries have begun relevant research many years ago, however, the only countries in the world that can successfully apply this technology to aircraft carriers are the United States and China.

This fully illustrates China's leading position in electromagnetic catapult technology, although the Fujian ship has not yet been officially put into service, but its electromagnetic catapult system has been widely recognized in the world.

The top brass of the US military is anxious! US media: China's mastery of aircraft carrier technology far exceeds US military expectations

Of course, no matter how advanced the technology is, it also needs to be tested by practice, and the Fujian ship is also excellent in this regard.

During the second sea trial, which lasted more than 20 days, the Fujian completed a series of complex tests, including power performance, high-speed sailing, high-speed reversing and complex maneuvering of figure 8.

These tests have comprehensively tested the performance of the Fujian, and the answers it has handed over are undoubtedly satisfactory.

The top brass of the US military is anxious! US media: China's mastery of aircraft carrier technology far exceeds US military expectations

Information sources:

Jimu News: Xinhua Omnimedia+丨The Fujian ship of the Chinese Navy successfully completed its first navigation test

The top brass of the US military is anxious! US media: China's mastery of aircraft carrier technology far exceeds US military expectations

During the sea trials, China also dispatched tugboats to provide various support for the Fujian ship, including sending pilots and supplies to the ship, which demonstrated the comprehensive support capability of the Chinese Navy and provided strong support for the smooth testing of the Fujian ship.

In addition, the aircraft flying above the Fujian ship is ready for testing the electromagnetic catapult system, and it is reported that the Fujian ship has passed the ejection mission of the counterweight small red car, which means that it is not far from the ejection of a real carrier-based aircraft.

The top brass of the US military is anxious! US media: China's mastery of aircraft carrier technology far exceeds US military expectations

It can be seen that the US media's high evaluation of the Fujian is not groundless, and it is based on an in-depth analysis of the Fujian's advanced technology and outstanding performance.

These evaluations are not only a recognition of China's aircraft carrier technology, but also reflect the importance that the United States attaches to China's naval strength, after all, a formidable adversary deserves such attention.

The top brass of the US military is anxious! US media: China's mastery of aircraft carrier technology far exceeds US military expectations

Information sources: Why the United States hyped up China's construction of the "world's largest navy", expert: It reflects that the US military circles are full of strategic anxiety about not being able to face up to the normal development of China's military

The top brass of the US military is anxious! US media: China's mastery of aircraft carrier technology far exceeds US military expectations

China's military technology development has exceeded the expectations of the US military

For the US military, the speed and level of development of China's military technology seem to have exceeded their expectations and understanding, and this cognitive gap is the source of anxiety at the top of the US military.

Former U.S. defense official Guy Snodglass has said that China has shown a strong track record of deploying and mastering new technologies and capabilities beyond expectations, which is very worrying to the top of the U.S. military.

After all, the strength of the adversary is greater than expected, which means that the established strategy and deployment may need to be adjusted, which is often a painful process.

The top brass of the US military is anxious! US media: China's mastery of aircraft carrier technology far exceeds US military expectations

In recent years, the speed at which China's military technology has developed can be described as "astonishing."

Taking the field of fighter aircraft as an example, China's J-20 fighter has achieved combat performance similar to that of the American F-22 through optimized design without a sufficiently powerful engine.

This ability to "turn a short board into a long board" fully demonstrates China's flexibility and innovation in military technology.

The top brass of the US military is anxious! US media: China's mastery of aircraft carrier technology far exceeds US military expectations

In addition to fighter jets, China has also achieved rapid development in the field of military technology such as phased array radar and Type 055 destroyers, and the progress of these technologies has provided strong support for the modernization of China's armed forces.

Not only that, but more importantly, the pace of development in our country seems to be accelerating, as the US military top brass is worried that there may always be a cognitive lag in the development of China's military technology.

China's military technological development is not an isolated phenomenon, but is based on the improvement of the country's scientific and technological strength.

The top brass of the US military is anxious! US media: China's mastery of aircraft carrier technology far exceeds US military expectations

China has also achieved a blowout development in high-tech fields such as space exploration and electric vehicles, and this all-round scientific and technological progress has made US containment and sanctions ineffective.

After all, when a country's scientific and technological strength reaches a certain level, it will be difficult for external interference to stop the pace of its development, and in this context, it is not difficult to understand that the US military is paying close attention to China's new-generation aircraft carrier Fujian.

As the culmination of China's aircraft carrier technology, the Fujian integrates a number of cutting-edge technologies such as electromagnetic catapult and advanced radar, representing a new height of China's naval power.

The top brass of the US military is anxious! US media: China's mastery of aircraft carrier technology far exceeds US military expectations

Of course, the development of military technology will ultimately be implemented in actual combat capabilities, and in this regard, the US military seems to retain some advantages, after all, the US military has more actual combat experience, while the Chinese army is still relatively lacking in this regard.

But as the Chinese Volunteers demonstrated in the Korean War, the combat effectiveness of an army does not depend entirely on its technical level, but more importantly on the courage, wisdom and will of the soldiers.

It can be seen that the development of China's military technology is a reality that cannot be ignored, which reflects the enhancement of China's comprehensive national strength, and also reflects China's determination to safeguard national security and world peace.

The top brass of the US military is anxious! US media: China's mastery of aircraft carrier technology far exceeds US military expectations

There is no doubt that the development of China's military technology has become an important factor affecting the world's military pattern, and every progress it makes has touched the nerves of the US military and even the whole world.

However, no matter how the situation changes, peace and development have always been the common aspiration of mankind.

The top brass of the US military is anxious! US media: China's mastery of aircraft carrier technology far exceeds US military expectations

Future prospects for China's aircraft carrier technology

The development of China's aircraft carrier technology is like a long march of thousands of miles, from the initial exploration to today's achievements, every step embodies the wisdom and sweat of the Chinese, and all this has also made the United States feel unprecedented pressure and fear.

The speed and breadth of China's scientific and technological development is truly breathtaking, from chips to trams, from aerospace to aircraft carriers, China has achieved a transformation from following to running and then leading in all fields.

This all-round progress is the source of America's fear, after all, when a country of 1.4 billion people achieves such achievements in science and technology, its influence and competitiveness are beyond the reach of any country.

The top brass of the US military is anxious! US media: China's mastery of aircraft carrier technology far exceeds US military expectations

Nowadays, in the field of aircraft carrier technology, China has shown the strength that has attracted the attention of the world, from the original conventionally powered aircraft carrier to today's electromagnetic catapult aircraft carrier, China has completed the road that the United States has walked for decades in less than ten years.

This pace of development is beyond the control of the United States, but also beyond the expectations of the world.

Looking ahead, the prospects for the development of China's aircraft carrier technology are even more exciting, and with the maturity of electromagnetic catapult technology, China is expected to build larger, nuclear-powered aircraft carriers to further enhance its maritime power projection capabilities.

The top brass of the US military is anxious! US media: China's mastery of aircraft carrier technology far exceeds US military expectations

At that time, China's aircraft carrier group will be able to carry out tasks in a wider sea area and play a greater role in safeguarding national interests and world peace.

At the same time, China is also accelerating the development of new carrier-based aircraft, such as the J-35 stealth fighter and the Z-20 helicopter, which will form a more complete and powerful combat system with electromagnetic catapult aircraft carriers, greatly enhancing the combat effectiveness of the Chinese Navy.

It is foreseeable that in the near future, China's aircraft carrier fleet will be able to achieve regular deployment in the region and even the world, and become an important force for maintaining world peace.

The top brass of the US military is anxious! US media: China's mastery of aircraft carrier technology far exceeds US military expectations

Of course, the development of China's aircraft carrier technology is not for the purpose of dominating the oceans, but for the purpose of safeguarding national sovereignty and territorial integrity and promoting world peace and development.

As China has always advocated, countries should respect each other, treat each other as equals, resolve differences through dialogue and cooperation, and jointly build a community with a shared future for mankind.

In this process, China is willing to play its role as a responsible major country and make greater contributions to world peace and prosperity.

The top brass of the US military is anxious! US media: China's mastery of aircraft carrier technology far exceeds US military expectations


The development of China's aircraft carrier technology is not only a microcosm of China's military modernization, but also a manifestation of China's comprehensive national strength, which not only enhances China's ability to safeguard national security and territorial integrity, but also provides new possibilities for maintaining world peace.

I believe that the future of China's aircraft carrier technology is destined to affect the pattern of the world, and let us wait and see the rise and development of the mainland's naval power.

The top brass of the US military is anxious! US media: China's mastery of aircraft carrier technology far exceeds US military expectations


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