
The USS Roosevelt ran away when it saw the ship! Who is still transparent in front of it

author:Strategize and point troops

In the vast blue ocean, an invisible contest is being staged. When the USS Roosevelt, the nuclear-powered aircraft carrier that the US military is proud of, quietly approached the area around Scarborough Shoal on the mainland with an invincible attitude, it may not have expected that an invisible "martial arts master" was quietly appearing -- that is, our Type 815A electronic reconnaissance ship.

The USS Roosevelt ran away when it saw the ship! Who is still transparent in front of it

As soon as this "martial arts master" appeared, he thundered with a thunderous momentum, so that the "Roosevelt" aircraft carrier, the "overlord of the rivers and lakes", had to bow his head and admit his cowardice. The aircraft carrier giant ship, which is not afraid of anyone on weekdays, is like a son seeing his father, and he doesn't even dare to make a little extra action, so he immediately makes a 180-degree turn and rushes towards the little brother's base in the Philippines. This scene makes people laugh, and they have to admire the prestige of the 815A electronic reconnaissance ship.

The USS Roosevelt ran away when it saw the ship! Who is still transparent in front of it

Why, then, would the invincible "Roosevelt" aircraft carrier be so afraid of a small electronic reconnaissance ship? There is a mystery in this. Since its official launch in 2008, the 815A electronic reconnaissance ship, as the "clairvoyant" and "ear of the wind" of our navy, has become a leader in the same type of ships with its excellent reconnaissance ability and advanced technical level. For fifteen years, it has always maintained the throne of the world's number one, and no one can beat it.

The USS Roosevelt ran away when it saw the ship! Who is still transparent in front of it

Its power lies in its ability to directly connect to satellites and guide our Dongfeng missiles to carry out precision strikes. Imagine that when the 815A electronic reconnaissance ship finds a target in the vast sea, it can quickly transmit the target information to the satellite, and then the satellite will guide the Dongfeng missile to carry out long-range strikes. This kind of tactical layout of "the sky net is magnificent, and there is no leakage of negligence" has left any enemy who dares to challenge the mainland's sovereignty nowhere to hide.

The USS Roosevelt ran away when it saw the ship! Who is still transparent in front of it

The reason why the "Roosevelt" aircraft carrier is afraid of the 815A electronic reconnaissance ship is precisely because it knows that once its own family background is looked at, it will mean that its fate will be in the hands of others. After all, on the battlefield, knowing oneself and knowing one's opponent is the only way to survive a hundred battles. And the existence of the 815A electronic reconnaissance ship undoubtedly made the "Roosevelt" aircraft carrier feel unprecedented pressure in the unknown.

Of course, we cannot ignore the rise of the continental navy and the improvement of its strength represented by the 815A electronic reconnaissance ship. It is precisely because of the support of advanced ships like the 815A and the strong naval power that we are able to hold our heads high and raise our eyebrows on the international stage.

In the days to come, we expect the 815A electronic reconnaissance ship to continue to play its "martial arts master" demeanor at sea and contribute more to the modernization of the mainland navy. At the same time, we also hope that all countries in the world can respect each other's sovereignty and territorial integrity and jointly safeguard regional peace and stability.

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