
High blood pressure does not require lifelong medication, and a prescription "reconciles" liver and kidney yin deficiency hypertension

author:Professor Meng Yi of Traditional Chinese Medicine

Today, I will share a prescription called Lotus Tree Soup, which is also a prescription I commonly use, which can nourish yin and nourish the kidneys, and specifically treat high blood pressure with liver and kidney yin deficiency.

For the treatment of hypertension, I have never advocated taking Western medicine for a long time, because Western medicine will destroy the blood vessel's own regulatory mechanism for blood pressure, which is not conducive to the stability of blood pressure. Instead, it advocates measuring blood pressure and distinguishing between the severity and urgency, treating the symptoms and the root cause if the severity is severe.

How to treat both the symptoms and the root causes? Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the syndrome manifestations of hypertension are mainly caused by liver disease, and the liver and kidney are homologous, the kidney is the mother's organ, the liver is the child's viscera, and there is a problem with either side of the liver and kidney, so that people have the symptoms of child disease and mother or mother disease and child at the same time.

Therefore, many people's hypertension often shows symptoms of liver and kidney yin deficiency such as dizziness, tinnitus, palpitations, insomnia, waist and knee weakness, memory loss, or night sweats, spermatozoa, thin shape, and dry mouth.

High blood pressure does not require lifelong medication, and a prescription "reconciles" liver and kidney yin deficiency hypertension

And the lotus soup I want to share today (lotus whiskers, mulberry seeds, ligustrum seeds, dry lotus grass, yams, turtle plates, ox knee) is a recipe that specializes in nourishing the kidneys and nourishing the liver and liver, and treating the same diseases of the liver and kidneys.

How do you use it? Next, I will tell you about my experience in treating high blood pressure with this prescription through a medical case.

He is 56 years old and has suffered from high blood pressure for many years, but he has not paid attention to it. It wasn't until his condition worsened that he began to panic.

Blood pressure once reached 180/110mmHg, often felt dizzy, limbs weak, and even numbness, sleep quality was also very bad, often plagued by tinnitus, forgetfulness, and palpitations.

The patient did not want to take Western medicine so early, and planned to drink Chinese medicine decoction first to control it. So, I was introduced to my office.

After diagnosis, I found that he had a thin pulse, a reddish tongue and a thin tongue coating. He reported that he has been feeling weaker in his legs and his head dizziness has become more severe recently.

Based on these circumstances, I prescribed him lotus soup plus or minus.

Blood pressure dropped significantly in patients who took 4 doses, from 180 mmHg to 168 mmHg for high pressure and from 110 mmHg to 100 mmHg for low pressure.

However, patients report still feeling dizzy and weakness in the lower limbs, and feeling lightheadedness when walking. So raw oysters were added to the original recipe.

After one month, the patient's dizziness and weakness in the legs almost disappeared, and the high pressure stabilized at 150 and the low pressure at 90. This is already quite a good result and the patient is very satisfied.

High blood pressure does not require lifelong medication, and a prescription "reconciles" liver and kidney yin deficiency hypertension

Now let's talk about the reasoning behind this.

In fact, the symptoms of hypertension in this patient are very simple, which is typical liver and kidney yin deficiency and liver yang hyperactivity.

You see, the patient's tongue is reddish in color and has a thin tongue coating, which indicates that he has heat in his body.

In fact, it is because of the lack of yin fluid, which cannot restrain the exuberance of yang energy, resulting in inflammation on the void fire. What are the symptoms? The patient's palpitations are caused by yin deficiency and fire, which disturbs the mind.

The thin pulse indicates that the patient is related to insufficient yin blood. In hypertensive patients, the chord pulse may also reflect tension and hardening of the blood vessels.

Finally, dizziness, weakness of limbs, and numbness are all caused by the lack of yin fluid in the liver and kidneys, and the loss of the head, muscles and bones.

The liver and kidney are deficient in yin, and yin does not converge yang, so the liver yang will be hyperactive, and the patient will be dizzy.

What to do at this time? It is necessary to make up for the upper part of the body, nourish the liver and kidneys in the lower part, and submerge the yang and wind in the upper flat liver.

In the lotus soup, herbs such as lotus whiskers, mulberry seeds, ligustrum seeds and lotus grass can penetrate deep into the patient's body and replenish the yin fluid that is insufficient due to the deficiency of yin in the liver and kidney, so as to effectively restrain the excessive exuberance of yang qi and relieve various discomforts caused by the rise of deficiency fire.

In this way, the symptoms of palpitations and insomnia that patients often feel can be significantly improved, so that the patient's life can return to tranquility and peace.

Yam not only has the effect of nourishing the liver and kidney, but also strengthens the spleen and stomach, enhances the patient's appetite and improves digestive function. This has a very positive effect on improving the overall health status of the patient and enhancing the immune system.

The turtle plate and ox knee are the "right-hand men" used in the lotus soup to calm the liver and latent yang and extinguish the wind.

They can effectively reduce the high blood pressure in the patient's body, relieve the uncomfortable symptoms caused by high blood pressure such as dizziness and weakness of limbs.

In particular, ox knee can not only nourish the liver and kidneys, strengthen the muscles and bones, but also invigorate blood circulation and menstruation, and has a significant effect on improving the blood circulation of patients and relieving symptoms such as numbness of limbs.

On the whole, lotus soup comprehensively and accurately treats hypertension caused by liver and kidney yin deficiency by harmonizing yin and yang, nourishing the liver and kidney, and flattening the liver and latent yang.

You see, that's the basic idea of medication. It's very concise and to the point. #高血压#

High blood pressure does not require lifelong medication, and a prescription "reconciles" liver and kidney yin deficiency hypertension