
June 27, 2024


Lu persuasion dynamics

Zhang Ying led a team to Zehei Township to investigate industrial development, project construction and disaster prevention and mitigation

June 27, 2024

On June 25, Zhang Ying, member of the Standing Committee of the county party committee and executive deputy county magistrate, and his party went to Zehei Township to investigate industrial development, project construction, disaster prevention and mitigation. Heads of relevant departments at the county level participated in the investigation.

The research team successively went to the taxi village group, taxi sorghum distillery, Guicheng Yakou and other places, and through on-site inspection, listening to reports and on-site exchanges, they learned in detail about the industrial development, project construction, disaster prevention and mitigation of Zehei Township, and put forward guiding opinions and suggestions.

The research team emphasized that it is necessary to adhere to the project construction as an important starting point for promoting economic and social development and ensuring the improvement of people's livelihood, focus on the shortcomings of people's livelihood, and accelerate the progress of project construction; It is necessary to continue to develop and expand advantageous and characteristic industries, based on the advantages of resource endowment, vigorously introduce leading enterprises, and drive the masses to increase their income and get rich; It is necessary to firmly adhere to the bottom line of safe development, do a good job in disaster prevention and mitigation without slackening, strictly implement the "1262" early warning mechanism, and make every effort to ensure the safety of people's lives and property and the overall stability of society.

Contributed by Heixiang

June 27, 2024

From June 25th to 26th, Luquan held the 2024 county-wide reading class for retired cadres above the deputy department level and the training course for retired cadre branch secretaries.

The training was carried out through special counseling and learning the "Regulations on Disciplinary Actions of the Communist Party of China" and visiting the project of Nuoggeni Village and County Industrial Park of Xinshan Village Committee of Yunlong Township. Through the visit and study, everyone expressed that they would give full play to their own advantages, actively give full play to their residual heat, tell the story of the new era, and contribute to the new practice of Chinese-style modernization.

Contributed by the Veteran Cadres Bureau of the County Party Committee

June 27, 2024

Recently, Liao Ping, deputy director of the Municipal Bureau of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, and his party went to Tuanjie Town, Luquan County to investigate the management of rural homestead contracted land and the performance evaluation of rural revitalization.

After the research team went to the Gaojia Village Committee of Tuanjie Town to check the approval and construction of rural homesteads, it was emphasized that Luquan County should strengthen policy publicity, scientific village planning, and strictly rectify the illegal occupation of farmland and building houses; It is necessary to give full play to the advantages and specialties, gradually make up for the disadvantages and shortcomings, and promote the rural revitalization work to make great progress.

Contributed by the County Agriculture and Rural Bureau

June 27, 2024

On June 26, Jiulong Town launched the 37th International Anti-Drug Day anti-drug knowledge education activities.

The activities popularized anti-drug knowledge among the masses by hanging banners, posting slogans, distributing publicity materials, and giving lectures on anti-narcotics knowledge and the rule of law, and effectively stimulated the enthusiasm of the masses to understand, participate in, and support anti-narcotics activities.

By participating in this event, everyone expressed that they should cherish life, stay away from drugs, and jointly create a drug-free society.

Contributed by Kowloon Town

June 27, 2024

On June 26, the main leaders of the party and government of Wudongde Town went to the "Huaguoshan" project to inspect the construction of the project and held a symposium.

The meeting emphasized that it is necessary to strictly control the selection of seedlings, improve the efficiency and quality of planting, and ensure that the seedling planting work is carried out in an efficient, orderly and steady manner; It is necessary to go all out to promote the progress of the project and ensure that the project achieves the expected goals on time and with quality; It is necessary to establish a mechanism of linking agriculture with agriculture, drive the surrounding masses to realize industrial revitalization, and join hands on the road to prosperity.

Contributed by Wudongde Town

Source: Lu Quanrong Media

Editor: Li Yang

Preliminary review: Qian Jin

Re-examiner: Wang Yanfei

Final review: Zhou Ming