
Poor metabolism and inability to lose weight are all the fault of "moisture"? Answer the 4 keys to "phlegm and dampness constitution".


Holiday dinners with big fish and meat, coupled with the accumulation of living habits such as staying up late, working overtime, sedentary, and eating out every day, make your body begin to have some chronic minor problems, but you don't know how to save it? If you find yourself tired and edema, be careful that you actually belong to the "phlegm-damp constitution" and do not know it! Answering the Three Concepts of Self-Cultivation: What is "Phlegm-Dampness Constitution"? What does it have to do with obesity and poor complexion?   

Most people don't realize that they have a "phlegm-damp constitution"

Poor metabolism and inability to lose weight are all the fault of "moisture"? Answer the 4 keys to "phlegm and dampness constitution".

In fact, most people belong to the "phlegm-damp constitution" but are not conscious! So what exactly does "phlegm-dampness" mean? Phlegm in phlegm-dampness refers to things that should be metabolized from the body, such as excessive fat in blood vessels or even edema, which can be called phlegm. Therefore, when you find that your metabolism has deteriorated, you always fail to lose weight, and even have three highs: diabetes, obesity and other diseases, you may belong to the "phlegm-damp constitution"!

Be careful with oiliness, fatigue, and discharge

In addition, in addition to finding physical solutions from underlying diseases, the following explicit physiological changes are most likely to be ignored by people who "think they are healthy"! For example, I often feel that my limbs are swollen, tired, have loose bowel movements, my facial hair is easy to produce oil, and my female discharge or smell is unpleasant. In addition, it can also be observed from the tongue, the initial phenomenon is that the tongue coating is yellow, and then there may be cracks, and the second half is also relatively thick, if there is also a red tongue, it means that there is excess nutrition in the body, and it is necessary to pay more attention to the accuracy of health conditioning and food supplements.

Adjust the "subtraction" diet

Poor metabolism and inability to lose weight are all the fault of "moisture"? Answer the 4 keys to "phlegm and dampness constitution".

So what should such a "phlegm-damp constitution" do in daily diet? People with phlegm-damp constitution should first adjust the structure of their diet, reduce high-fat, high-sugar, raw and cold foods, and increase the proportion of vegetables and fruits, such as black fungus, soybeans, black beans, berries, etc., which can help improve gastrointestinal health and indigestion, which can effectively help reduce inflammation in the body.

Strengthens sweating and dampness

Poor metabolism and inability to lose weight are all the fault of "moisture"? Answer the 4 keys to "phlegm and dampness constitution".

In addition, not only eating the right diet, but also "sweating and dampness" is also very important for the "phlegm and dampness constitution"! Therefore, it is recommended that office workers who do not have much time to exercise, can also use bedrock baths and steam curtains to use the external temperature to make the body sweat slightly to remove moisture in the body, and pay attention to remember not to drink iced drinks after sweating, or with Chinese herbal tea to feel more sensitive.     

Don't take supplements!

Poor metabolism and inability to lose weight are all the fault of "moisture"? Answer the 4 keys to "phlegm and dampness constitution".

Finally, I would like to remind you that many people will misunderstand that medicine should be "tonic" to regulate the physique and nourish the body, in fact, not all physiques are suitable for tonic! Since the problem of "phlegm and dampness constitution" is mainly metabolism and waste accumulation, it is not recommended to take supplements, and the damp phlegm in the body should be discharged first, which can effectively improve the spirit and energy, and is also more helpful for weight loss efficiency!