
The U.S. media criticized Biden's poor performance and urged Biden to withdraw from the race, and Biden encountered the darkest moment

author:Aomatsu Bureau

After a catastrophic defeat in the first debate of the presidential election, Biden faced overwhelming skepticism. The New York Times even published an editorial urging him to withdraw from the race.

However, the opinion of the Biden team is also very clear, that is, Biden will stick with the campaign.

The U.S. media criticized Biden's poor performance and urged Biden to withdraw from the race, and Biden encountered the darkest moment

How bad is Biden's performance in the showdown with Trump? The overall assessment of American public opinion is that Trump is as confident as ever, fluent in answers, but also full of lies, while Biden is stumbling, his voice is weak, he repeatedly makes mistakes, and repeats policy views mechanically.

After the debate, most people, even supporters of Biden and the Democratic Party, thought Biden had lost. Biden originally hoped to take this opportunity to respond to all kinds of doubts about himself, but the effect backfired, and people all over the world found that Biden was too old, and Americans were relieved to hand over the country to this old man?

On June 28, the New York Times published an article in the name of the paper's editorial board, bluntly saying that Biden should withdraw from the race. The New York Times said Biden's candidacy for president was a "reckless gamble" and that "the greatest public service Biden can do right now is to declare that he will not continue to run for re-election."

The Wall Street Journal said that Democrats have privately discussed the presidential candidate to replace Biden, and said that Biden is too old to do public service.

The U.S. media criticized Biden's poor performance and urged Biden to withdraw from the race, and Biden encountered the darkest moment

CNN described the debate as a disaster in its headline, pointing to Biden's re-election path in jeopardy. Call Biden's age problem even more serious.

In the face of the media wind, the Biden team fought back.

A senior adviser to the Biden campaign said, "The last time Biden lost the support of the New York Times editorial board, it turned out to be good for him."

This last time referred to 2020, when the New York Times backed two of Biden's opponents, but Biden had the last laugh.

The U.S. media criticized Biden's poor performance and urged Biden to withdraw from the race, and Biden encountered the darkest moment

Biden, meanwhile, shouted confidence to supporters at a campaign rally in North Carolina, admitting that he doesn't walk as fast as he used to be, nor is he as fluent or debating as he used to be. "But I'm telling the truth, and I know how to do a good job as president."

Biden stressed that he would not seek re-election without wholeheartedly believing that he could do it. He also accused Trump of setting a new record for the most lies in a single debate, saying Trump was the real threat to the country.

Overall, after that debate, the current election situation is very unfavorable for Biden, and some Biden supporters may adjust their voting choices. However, it is too early to say that Trump will win the US election. With five months to go until the election, there are still too many variables. If Biden catches up, there is no possibility of a comeback.

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