
Liu Yifei's new drama is produced by Chen Jinfei, and the relationship between the two has been hotly discussed and entangled for more than 20 years

author:Guoguo Historical Time Machine

"The Story of Rose" finally came to an end, of course, the biggest hot spot was because of the fairy Liu Yifei.

Friends who have read the original book should know that the roses described in the original book are really unique in heaven and earth, she is innocent, beautiful, and not worldly.

So no one can come up with the idea that there can be such an actress in the entertainment industry who can play such an almost perfect role, and if she can't play well, it is not a matter of ridicule from thousands of people.

Liu Yifei's new drama is produced by Chen Jinfei, and the relationship between the two has been hotly discussed and entangled for more than 20 years

I have to say that Liu Yifei's name of "Heavenly Immortal" is really not covered, and she is probably the only one who dares to challenge such a role.

However, just by virtue of her beauty, does Liu Yifei dare to take on this film that has attracted everyone's attention? In fact, there is a deep meaning behind this.

Sharp-eyed friends may have seen that the producer of this drama is an old acquaintance - Chen Jinfei.

Speaking of Chen Jinfei, everyone's gossip heart is here. After all, as soon as you look at the identity of "godfather", everyone can't help but think about it.

If you have read the original book, you should also know that the first three relationships in the TV series are roughly the same, but the fourth paragraph has been changed. In the play, Huang Yimei has a relationship with a younger brother, but in the original book, Rose is married to Sir Luo Qing, who is 20 years older than herself, so it is interesting to watch Liu Yifei and godfather Chen Jinfei again.

Liu Yifei's new drama is produced by Chen Jinfei, and the relationship between the two has been hotly discussed and entangled for more than 20 years

So, what kind of entanglement is there between them?

Speaking of which, Liu Yifei really wants to thank Chen Jinfei.

In fact, Chen Jinfei and Liu Yifei's original family is a world friend, Liu Yifei's real name is An Feng, and Chen Jinfei is his father's friend. When she was 5 years old, she recognized Chen Jinfei as her godfather, and later became a "godfather" in the westernization.

When Liu Yifei was ten years old, her mother Liu Xiaoli and her father had irreconcilable conflicts because of some family trivialities and the cultivation of their daughter, and the two divorced.

Liu Yifei's new drama is produced by Chen Jinfei, and the relationship between the two has been hotly discussed and entangled for more than 20 years

In the United States, Liu Xiaoli married a Chinese lawyer again, and her life was also good.

When Liu Yifei was 13 years old, because of the arrival of her godfather Chen Jinfei, her fate took a huge turn.

I haven't seen her for a few years, but my goddaughter is so slim, and it just so happens that she has plans to enter the film and television industry. At this time, Chen Jinfei was already an asset predator, and after discussing with Liu Xiaoli, they decided to take her back to China for development.

Since then, Liu Qianmeizi has officially changed her name to Liu Yifei, and since then she has started a smooth career in the entertainment industry.

It is not an exaggeration to use "debut is the peak" to describe Liu Yifei.

Her first drama was Bai Xiuzhu in "The Family of Gold Powder", when she was only 14 years old. Bai Xiuzhu is the white moonlight in many people's hearts, especially with Liu Yifei's cold temperament, which makes Dong Jie, who is standing next to her, a little overshadowed.

Liu Yifei's new drama is produced by Chen Jinfei, and the relationship between the two has been hotly discussed and entangled for more than 20 years

So why can Liu Yifei get such a role at the age of 14? Actually, it's because of his godfather Chen Jinfei who smashed it with money.

As soon as they returned to China, Chen Jinfei spent a huge amount of money to build a "Jinfei Apartment", allowing Liu Yifei to act as a front-line spokesperson, spending money, and never going out of style.

Liu Yifei's new drama is produced by Chen Jinfei, and the relationship between the two has been hotly discussed and entangled for more than 20 years

Since then, Liu Yifei's acting career has been like a hanging, and almost every work has exploded.

Wang Yuyan in "Dragon Babu", Xiaolongnu in "The Legend of the Condor Heroes", you must know that these two dramas have Zhuyu in front, and the two roles played by Li Ruotong are almost the roles in the work.

But Liu Yifei is undoubtedly successful, especially the role of Xiaolongnu she played, which was personally praised by the author, Mr. Jin Yong.

"Miss Yifei, if you come to play the little dragon girl, the majority of Jin Yong fans will know that I am not talking nonsense." Jin Yong gave Liu Yifei such a high evaluation.

Liu Yifei's new drama is produced by Chen Jinfei, and the relationship between the two has been hotly discussed and entangled for more than 20 years

That year, Liu Yifei was only 16 years old.

Immediately afterwards, "The Legend of Sword and Fairy" became a classic again. In those years, Liu Yifei became a ratings guarantee.

Liu Yifei's new drama is produced by Chen Jinfei, and the relationship between the two has been hotly discussed and entangled for more than 20 years

And Chen Jinfei's support for this goddaughter also cost a lot.

On the day of the 18-year-old coming-of-age ceremony, Chen Jinfei threw 1.8 million yuan and invited many stars in the industry, which completely pushed his goddaughter to the forefront, and also made everyone have greater speculation about the relationship between Chen Jinfei and Liu Yifei's mother and daughter. is not related to each other, can a goddaughter be so sparing no effort to be favored?

Later, Liu Yifei entered the singer circle under Chen Jinfei's arrangement, but the response was mediocre, so she had to turn back to her comfort zone.

Liu Yifei's new drama is produced by Chen Jinfei, and the relationship between the two has been hotly discussed and entangled for more than 20 years

It doesn't matter if she turns around, she went directly to the big screen, and a "King of Kung Fu" pushed her out again. A-list star Li Bingbing is matched, and Jackie Chan and Jet Li, the two kings of kung fu, perform with her, what a big row this is.

As expected, Liu Yifei signed a contract with Hollywood, and the last one to go so fast was Zhang Ziyi.

Since then, Liu Yifei has begun to appear frequently on the big screen, but it doesn't seem to have made great achievements. Then, at this time, the relationship between Liu Yifei and Chen Jinfei also began to be tense.

Liu Yifei's new drama is produced by Chen Jinfei, and the relationship between the two has been hotly discussed and entangled for more than 20 years

Almost at the same time, the "father and daughter" broke out in love at the same time. Liu Yifei and South Korean actor Song Chengxian's relationship was exposed, and at the same time, Chen Jinfei and Yang Caiyu were photographed kissing on the street.

Looking at Yang Caiyu carefully, the appearance of clear soup and little water is also quite similar to Liu Yifei's mother and daughter.

Liu Yifei's new drama is produced by Chen Jinfei, and the relationship between the two has been hotly discussed and entangled for more than 20 years

As a result, netizens immediately staged an annual drama of "Wanwan Zhiqing" in their hearts.

Since then, Liu Yifei's resources have begun to decline, and Yang Caiyu has been supported by Chen Jinfei and has performed high-quality dramas such as "Fanghua" and "Dajiang Dahe" in one fell swoop, and has also begun to emerge in the entertainment industry.

However, later, the two broke up, and it is said that it is also related to Liu Yifei.

Last year, "Menghualu" exploded, and everyone exclaimed that Liu Yifei had finally returned to her comfort zone, and the resources seemed to be back. So, it seems that he has reconciled with his godfather Chen Jinfei.

Liu Yifei's new drama is produced by Chen Jinfei, and the relationship between the two has been hotly discussed and entangled for more than 20 years

A few years later, Chen Jinfei was directly supervised and produced, and Liu Yifei became popular again because of "The Story of Rose", which made people have to marvel that the money ability in the entertainment industry is really good.

I wonder what they experienced in private? Which side made the compromise? However, at present, it seems that such cooperation is still a win-win situation for both parties, after all, Chen Jinfei's old foundation is there, and Liu Yifei is really top-notch at present.

Of course, Liu Yifei's ability and acting skills are also obvious to all, after all, who can be popular in the entertainment industry for so long?

Xiaohong relies on support, and Dahong relies on life.

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