
The adjustment of "Chinese Poetry Conference" is good for netizens, and the pressure on Long Yang increases

The adjustment of "Chinese Poetry Conference" is good for netizens, and the pressure on Long Yang increases
Please use your golden finger to make a fortune, like and walk, get rich forever, pay attention to it, and like it, it's hard to get rich if you don't want to
The adjustment of "Chinese Poetry Conference" is good for netizens, and the pressure on Long Yang increases

The spring is cold, but the studio of CCTV is very lively. The new season of "Chinese Poetry Conference" arrived as scheduled, but when the camera was focused on the host, the audience couldn't help but be stunned.

The familiar Dong Qing is gone, replaced by a slightly young but energetic face - Long Yang.

Will the new host be able to handle this popular cultural show? How will she deal with the audience's doubts and pressure? For a while, there was a lot of discussion. Some people are worried that the show will lose its former charm, and some people are full of expectations for new blood.

Let's walk into Long Yang's hosting world, unveil the mystery of her growth, and witness the birth of a new hosting star.

The adjustment of "Chinese Poetry Conference" is good for netizens, and the pressure on Long Yang increases

Long Yang's hosting career began in Nanjing, an ancient city with profound heritage. Graduated from Nanjing University of the Arts, she stepped into the door of Nanjing TV with her love for the hosting career.

When she first arrived, she was just a young intern, but her diligence and talent quickly impressed her colleagues.

In just three years, Long Yang stood out in the host selection competition in the station and won the championship. This victory is not only an affirmation of her ability, but also opens the door to a bigger stage for her.

In 2015, the opportunity came, and Long Yang successfully joined the CCTV financial channel and started her career at the highest level of TV in the country.

The adjustment of "Chinese Poetry Conference" is good for netizens, and the pressure on Long Yang increases

When he first joined CCTV, Long Yang began to hone his training from the morning news column "First Time". She wakes up in the early hours of the morning every day to bring the freshest financial information to the audience. Subsequently, she launched her solo program "Longyang Morning Show", showing a unique hosting style.

At the end of that year, she co-hosted the New Year's Eve party with Wang Xiaoya, the "first sister" of the financial channel, and this experience benefited her a lot.

In 2017, Long Yang ushered in an important milestone in her career - she won the title of "Gold Medal Anchor". This award is a high recognition of her professional ability and motivates her to go further on the road of hosting.

The growth rate of Longyang is amazing. In 2018, she challenged and hosted the CCTV "315" party that attracted national attention; The following year, it made its debut on the CCTV Network Spring Festival Gala.

The adjustment of "Chinese Poetry Conference" is good for netizens, and the pressure on Long Yang increases

Her performance is getting better and better, and CCTV has begun to frequently arrange her to participate in various major events and galas. On these occasions, Long Yang had the opportunity to perform on the same stage with senior hosts such as Kang Hui and Dong Qing, which was both a pressure and a valuable learning opportunity for her.

However, there are inevitably thorns on the road to growth. Every time he appeared, Long Yang was under tremendous pressure and strict scrutiny from the audience. She knows that in order to gain a firm foothold on the highly competitive stage of CCTV, she must make unimaginable efforts.

In the dead of night, when many people have fallen asleep, Long Yang often still practices repeatedly in front of the mirror. She carefully ponders every expression, every movement, and strives for perfection.

Sometimes, she will watch the video of her show over and over again, carefully analyzing every detail and thinking about how to do it better.

The adjustment of "Chinese Poetry Conference" is good for netizens, and the pressure on Long Yang increases

Long Yang's efforts were not in vain. From local stations to CCTV, from obscurity to fame, she proved her worth with her strength. However, she knows this is just the beginning, and there are many more challenges ahead of her.

2020 is a crucial turning point for Longyang. The host of CCTV's ace program "Chinese Poetry Conference" was unexpectedly handed over to her.

As soon as this news broke, it immediately caused an uproar among the audience. After all, in the hearts of many audiences, "Chinese Poetry Conference" has been closely linked to Dong Qing's elegant and intellectual image.

On the first day he took over the show, Long Yang felt unprecedented pressure. Standing on the familiar stage of the "Chinese Poetry Conference", her heart beat faster than ever.

The adjustment of "Chinese Poetry Conference" is good for netizens, and the pressure on Long Yang increases

In front of the camera, she tried to keep smiling, but the unconcealable tension in her eyes was captured by the keen audience. Sure enough, the audience's reaction was mixed. Some people expressed "resistance and rejection" to her, thinking that after the change of host, the show lost its original charm and style.

Some viewers also called for Dong Qing to return, which undoubtedly brought more pressure to Long Yang.

In the face of doubts and criticism, Long Yang did not choose to back down. She knows that the only way to win the recognition of the audience is to constantly improve herself. After each episode, she will carefully review the video, repeatedly ponder her performance, and carefully summarize the gains and losses.

In order to make up for her lack of poetry, she began to read classical literature extensively, striving to improve her cultural heritage. In her spare time, she often asks Dong Qing and other seniors for advice and humbly learns from their experience.

The adjustment of "Chinese Poetry Conference" is good for netizens, and the pressure on Long Yang increases

Over time, Longyang's performance was gradually recognized. Her poetry skills are becoming more and more profound, and her hosting style is becoming more and more mature. Although there are still audiences who miss Dong Qing's demeanor, more and more people are beginning to appreciate the unique charm of Long Yang.

Her energetic smile and amiable hosting style have injected new vitality into the "Chinese Poetry Conference".

However, the challenge doesn't end there. Each issue of the "Chinese Poetry Conference" is a test for Long Yang. She had to maintain the original style of the show while still showing her own characteristics.

This requires an extremely high art of balance. Sometimes, when she hears the judges commenting on the contestants, she will silently recite those beautiful poems in her heart, trying to improve her cultural literacy.

The adjustment of "Chinese Poetry Conference" is good for netizens, and the pressure on Long Yang increases

During a program recording, Long Yang encountered a tricky situation. One player made frequent mistakes due to nervousness, and the scene was embarrassing for a while. Long Yang had an idea and cleverly quoted a poetic translation of "failure is the mother of success", which not only resolved the embarrassment, but also encouraged the contestants.

This scene won the applause of the audience, and also let the audience in front of the TV see her progress.

Long Yang knows that succeeding Dong Qing to preside over the "Chinese Poetry Conference" is not only a rare opportunity, but also a huge challenge. She secretly determined to use her own efforts and strength to win the hearts of the audience.

Every day, she is trying to grow, looking forward to one day becoming the well-deserved host of this show.

The adjustment of "Chinese Poetry Conference" is good for netizens, and the pressure on Long Yang increases

In 2021, Longyang ushered in another important moment in his career - the first time he appeared on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala. For every CCTV host, it is a great honor to be able to host the Spring Festival Gala, and it is also a severe test.

Standing on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala, Long Yang's mood was both excited and nervous. In front of the camera, she tried her best to show her confident and calm side, but her inner apprehension was difficult to hide completely.

When she said the opening words, her voice trembled slightly, and her eyes revealed a hint of unease. However, as the show progressed, she gradually found her form and behaved more and more naturally.

But fate always seems to like to play a joke on people. Just when Long Yang thought he had mastered this stage perfectly, an accident happened. In a string of scenes, she misread the "everyone" of "blessing everyone" as "big position".

The adjustment of "Chinese Poetry Conference" is good for netizens, and the pressure on Long Yang increases

This small slip of the tongue immediately sparked heated discussions among netizens, and the topic of "Longyang's slip of the tongue" quickly appeared on the hot list of social media.

Faced with this mistake, Long Yang was tormented in his heart. However, as a professional host, she knew that she couldn't let this vignette affect the performance later. She took a deep breath, adjusted her mentality, and continued to complete the hosting of the entire Spring Festival Gala.

Afterwards, she posted an apology on social media and promised to work harder, and this candid attitude also won the understanding and support of many viewers.

However, the test did not end there. At the "315 Gala" just a month later, Long Yang encountered challenges again. Towards the end of the show, she suddenly felt difficulty breathing, causing pauses and repetitions at critical moments.

The adjustment of "Chinese Poetry Conference" is good for netizens, and the pressure on Long Yang increases

Although this mistake is not serious, it is undoubtedly a blow to Long Yang, who pursues perfection.

These two mistakes brought a lot of trouble to Long Yang. She began to wonder if she was really fit to host these important evenings. However, it was these setbacks that made her realize that becoming a good presenter requires more grinding.

Despite this, Long Yang did not give up. On the contrary, these experiences inspired her to be more aggressive. She began to practice harder, trying to improve her resilience and mental fitness.

She believes that as long as she perseveres, there will be a day when the clouds will open and the moon will shine.

The adjustment of "Chinese Poetry Conference" is good for netizens, and the pressure on Long Yang increases

In the next two years, Long Yang continued to serve as the host of the Spring Festival Gala. Every time she appears, she is more calm and confident than the last time. The audience also saw her progress and hard work, and their evaluation of her gradually turned positive.

Long Yang's road to the Spring Festival Gala witnessed her transformation from youth to maturity, and also showed her perseverance and professionalism.

While his career is developing rapidly, Long Yang's personal life has also aroused the curiosity of the public. In CCTV's latest variety show "Weekend New Flower Young", Long Yang rarely opened his heart and talked about his mate selection criteria.

Surprisingly, Long Yang's ideal type turned out to be a complex of several well-known CCTV hosts. She frankly said that she liked Kang Zhen's elegant appearance, admired Kang Hui's magnetic voice, and especially mentioned the humorous and interesting soul of Sa Beining, who was known as the "CCTV joker".

The adjustment of "Chinese Poetry Conference" is good for netizens, and the pressure on Long Yang increases

This remark sparked heated discussions on the Internet, some people thought that this reflected Long Yang's admiration for CCTV's top hosts, and some people felt that it showed her pursuit and positioning of her own career.

However, the ideal is very plump, but the reality is very skinny. As a new generation of hosts, Long Yang is expected to be high, and is even regarded as a potential "successor to Dong Qing". Such expectations undoubtedly put a lot of pressure on her.

Every time she appears, she feels that she has a heavy responsibility on her shoulders, for fear of disappointing the audience's expectations.

Rapid promotions have also brought with them doubts. Some people think that Long Yang is "unworthy" and feel that she still needs more experience. In the face of these voices, Long Yang chose to work silently.

The adjustment of "Chinese Poetry Conference" is good for netizens, and the pressure on Long Yang increases

She knows that only by speaking with strength can she truly earn respect.

In private, Long Yang is a very self-disciplined person. She finds time to read every day and strives to improve her literacy. At the same time, she also attaches great importance to image management and often works out to maintain her best condition.

Despite her busy schedule, she still tries her best to balance her career and personal life, hoping to achieve success in her career and a happy love at the same time.

Long Yang knows that becoming an excellent host requires unimaginable efforts. She often practices her pronunciation and expressions late at night, in order to look her best in front of the camera.

The adjustment of "Chinese Poetry Conference" is good for netizens, and the pressure on Long Yang increases

This dedication and love for her profession is what drives her forward.

Despite facing many challenges, Longyang's development momentum in CCTV is still strong. She frequently appeared in major important programs, from "Chinese Poetry Conference" to the Spring Festival Gala, and then to the "315" party, Long Yang's figure is almost everywhere.

This high-frequency exposure not only shows her strong adaptability, but also reflects CCTV's attention and expectations for her.

However, Long Yang knows that he still has a long way to go compared with his predecessors such as Dong Qing and Zhou Tao. She needs to continue to accumulate experience and improve her hosting level and cultural heritage.

The adjustment of "Chinese Poetry Conference" is good for netizens, and the pressure on Long Yang increases

At the end of each host, she will conduct a serious review and think about how to do better. She also often consults with seniors in the industry to learn from their experience and skills.

Longyang's growth path continues. She looks forward to one day being able to truly become CCTV's shining business card. In order to achieve this goal, she has paid unimaginable sweat and hard work.

Whether it is to improve business capabilities or enrich knowledge reserves, Longyang maintains a high degree of self-discipline and focus.

On this challenging road, Long Yang is moving forward step by step. Her progress is obvious to all, and more and more viewers are beginning to appreciate her hosting style.

The adjustment of "Chinese Poetry Conference" is good for netizens, and the pressure on Long Yang increases

We have reason to believe that in the future, Longyang will shine more brightly on the CCTV stage and become a benchmark for a new generation of hosts.

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