
China's U18 women's basketball team lost to Australia 79−96! Zhang Ziyu MVP needs to recognize three facts in this game

author:Target Xiao Wu

On June 30, Beijing time, the Chinese team lost to Australia 79-96 in the final of the 2024 U18 Women's Basketball Asian Cup, regretting the loss of the championship. So we need to learn from the experience of the game, make up for the shortcomings, and this game, expose our three shortcomings.

China's U18 women's basketball team lost to Australia 79−96! Zhang Ziyu MVP needs to recognize three facts in this game

The game has to admit three facts

1、我们‬全场‬79分‬,张子宇‬一个人‬得了‬42分‬,其他所有人‬得了‬37分‬,这也‬暴露出‬其他‬球员‬基本功‬非常‬差‬,得分手段单一,缺乏攻击能力,传球也不到位,不会组织,而对面谢尔斯一个人打爆了我们的防线。 It can be said that the gap is very obvious. In the last four minutes, with a difference of four points, Wang Jiaxin made a hasty shot after halftime, ignoring Zhang Ziyu and having no sense of teamwork! To sum it up: poor offense

2、本场的‬防守‬也被‬对手‬打爆‬,内线不足‬不是‬张子宇‬一个人‬能弥补的‬,从篮板‬差‬上‬便可‬看出‬,全场‬输了‬24个‬篮板‬,证明‬我们‬的球员‬拼抢‬不积极‬,不会‬卡位‬,而且‬防守‬端‬也‬防‬不住‬对手‬‬,仅靠张子宇‬一人苦苦支撑。 To sum it up: poor defense

China's U18 women's basketball team lost to Australia 79−96! Zhang Ziyu MVP needs to recognize three facts in this game


At this time, the coach should adjust in time, so that the players can reduce mistakes, don't worry, wait for Zhang Ziyu to fall into a good position, if there is a vacant position when the bag is clamped, and the ball must be given to Zhang Ziyu when one-on-one, but the feeling on the court is disorganized, the players are panicked, and they do not appease the players' emotions in time

China's U18 women's basketball team lost to Australia 79−96! Zhang Ziyu MVP needs to recognize three facts in this game

However, Zhang Ziyu's performance is very good, and he is the only player worthy of praise today, which may also carry the glory and hope of the future of the women's basketball team.

And Zhang Ziyu also won the MVP and the best center with his excellent performance, everyone sees the outstanding performance, continue to work hard, come on!


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