
China's worries may become a reality, once a war breaks out in the Taiwan Strait, China will be attacked on its back!

author:Glowing Siam
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Text丨Ukiyo Qinghuan

Editor丨Ukiyo Qinghuan

Since the United States implemented its strategy of returning to the Asia-Pacific region, it has frequently tried to contain the mainland's development in various aspects, and the Taiwan Strait issue is the most prominent one.

China's worries may become a reality, once a war breaks out in the Taiwan Strait, China will be attacked on its back!

Unexpectedly, however, the United States has gone so far as to become mad and threaten that Chinese mainland dares to reunify Taiwan by force, and that the United States will turn the Taiwan Strait into a "purgatory on earth" as soon as possible.

There are even voices saying that once a war breaks out in the Taiwan Strait, China will be attacked on its back, and its worries may become a reality.

China's worries may become a reality, once a war breaks out in the Taiwan Strait, China will be attacked on its back!

So why is the United States so afraid of the outbreak of war in the Taiwan Strait? Which country will be the enemy on the back?

The game in the Taiwan Strait

As an inherent territory of the mainland, Taiwan is an inseparable part of the mainland, both in history and in reality, and the great cause of cross-strait reunification will eventually be accomplished.

China's worries may become a reality, once a war breaks out in the Taiwan Strait, China will be attacked on its back!

Among them, there are quite a few people and forces who intend to obstruct and separatize, the most prominent of which are the separatists and pro-US elements on the island, as well as the United States, which is fueling the troubles behind the scenes.

In recent years, in order to obstruct the peaceful reunification of the two sides of the strait, the United States can be said to have made great efforts, from sending troops to the Taiwan Strait, triggering a crisis in the Taiwan Strait, to selling arms to Taiwan in an attempt to "seek independence by force." Its wolf ambition is obvious.

China's worries may become a reality, once a war breaks out in the Taiwan Strait, China will be attacked on its back!

Now that the situation in the Taiwan Strait is becoming more and more tense and the Chinese People's Liberation Army is frequently conducting exercises around the island, the United States cannot sit still at all, and even directly makes a big statement in the media to "threaten" the mainland.

According to the "Washington Post", in an interview, the newly appointed U.S. Indo-Pacific commander Paparo pointed the finger at the Taiwan Strait region and directly expressed his views on the Taiwan Strait issue, but his rhetoric was really a bit "radical".

Information source: "The U.S. military says that if the mainland attacks Taiwan, the U.S. side will turn the Taiwan Strait into a "no man's hell", the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council refutes it".
China's worries may become a reality, once a war breaks out in the Taiwan Strait, China will be attacked on its back!

Paparo said that once Chinese mainland reunifies Taiwan by force, then the United States will implement a "hell strategy" and deploy a large number of unmanned equipment in the Taiwan Strait area, instantly turning the Taiwan region into a "no one's hell."

It is not difficult to see that as the clarion call for cross-strait reunification is getting louder and louder, the United States intends to break the net and uphold the idea of destroying if it cannot get it, and will never allow Taiwan to return to the embrace of the mainland.

China's worries may become a reality, once a war breaks out in the Taiwan Strait, China will be attacked on its back!

The publication of this remark will certainly make the situation in the Taiwan Strait more tense and bring Sino-US relations to a freezing point.

In the past, the United States always regarded itself as the "world's policeman," flaunting its might in the world's oceans and wantonly interfering in the internal affairs of other countries under the banner of equality and freedom.

China's worries may become a reality, once a war breaks out in the Taiwan Strait, China will be attacked on its back!

Now that Paparo has said such things, he has completely lifted the fig leaf of the United States and made the world realize that the true face of the United States is simply a "bandit" who does all kinds of evil.

The spokesperson of the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council also issued a strong rebuttal to such inappropriate remarks, denouncing the actions of the United States and emphasizing China's firm attitude and determination to safeguard national sovereignty and territorial integrity.

China's worries may become a reality, once a war breaks out in the Taiwan Strait, China will be attacked on its back!

It is also time for those pro-US elements and separatists in the DPP to wake up from their sweet dreams; they are only a pawn of the United States to confront Chinese mainland, and wanting to "seek independence according to the United States" is only a dead end.

In addition to the United States' continuous efforts to arch the fire in the Taiwan region, many voices also say that if a war breaks out in the Taiwan Strait, then China will suffer from the enemy.

China's worries may become a reality, once a war breaks out in the Taiwan Strait, China will be attacked on its back!

There is no doubt that the frontal enemy is undoubtedly the United States and the pro-American elements it supports, so who will be the back-to-back enemy? The answer, which may be unexpected, is India on the other side of the Himalayas.

Enemy on the belly and back

India has always been eyeing the Tibetan region of the mainland, especially in southern Tibet, and there are still quite a few disputed areas between the two sides, and India has always wanted to illegally steal greater interests.

China's worries may become a reality, once a war breaks out in the Taiwan Strait, China will be attacked on its back!

After formulating its strategy of returning to the Asia-Pacific region, the United States has focused on Southeast Asia and actively sought allies in this region, with Japan, South Korea, and the Philippines being its most loyal "little brothers."

These three countries just form a line to blockade the southeast coast of the mainland, and an important link in the middle is the mainland's Taiwan Province, which is also the main reason why the United States is deliberately supporting the separatist forces on the island.

China's worries may become a reality, once a war breaks out in the Taiwan Strait, China will be attacked on its back!

Relying on the backing of the United States, these countries wantonly stir up the situation in the Asia-Pacific region, attempt to blockade and restrict the mainland, especially the Philippines, and repeatedly infringe on the mainland's sovereignty and territory in the South China Sea.

Of course, as far as the mainland is concerned, these countries are still small and medium-sized countries after all, and no matter what they do, they will not be able to set off much storm, and the dispatch of the Chinese coast guard by the Philippines alone is enough to make it frightened.

China's worries may become a reality, once a war breaks out in the Taiwan Strait, China will be attacked on its back!

The United States is obviously aware of this, so it continues to look deep into the Asia-Pacific region to find another ally that can confront the mainland, and India is the obvious choice.

Unlike Japan and South Korea, India does not have much of a favorable impression of the United States, but there is a saying that the enemy of the enemy is a friend, and although India and the mainland have not yet reached a state of hostility, on the border issue, India is absolutely incompatible with the mainland.

Source: "The responsibility lies entirely with the Indian side!" Regarding the Sino-Indian border conflict, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Defense have clarified the truth! People's Daily
China's worries may become a reality, once a war breaks out in the Taiwan Strait, China will be attacked on its back!

In 2020, the Indian army on the Sino-Indian border brazenly crossed the border and violated the mainland territory.

China's worries may become a reality, once a war breaks out in the Taiwan Strait, China will be attacked on its back!

In the end, the conflict broke out, with four border fighters on the mainland and 20 deaths on the Indian side, which was just a small episode, and the situation was so intense that you can imagine how much uncertainty there is on the thousands of kilometers of border.

Source: "India and the United States Sign Agreement to Further Strengthen Military Cooperation", China Youth Daily
China's worries may become a reality, once a war breaks out in the Taiwan Strait, China will be attacked on its back!

Therefore, India will choose to join the US camp to suppress the mainland when necessary, and the United States has also taken the initiative to make overtures to India, and within a few months of this border conflict, the two countries signed a cooperation agreement on sharing geospatial intelligence.

The signing of this agreement means that in the future, the United States and India will share some internationally sensitive and important information, and at the same time, the United States will also provide India with certain information space assistance.

China's worries may become a reality, once a war breaks out in the Taiwan Strait, China will be attacked on its back!

The support of the United States can greatly improve its missile precision strike and unmanned aerial vehicle combat capabilities, and the United States is also willing to sell some advanced weapons and equipment and unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) to India, greatly improving the comprehensive combat capability of the Indian army.

The signing of this agreement means very obviously, that is, to strengthen cooperation between the two countries in the military field, so that when war breaks out in the Taiwan Strait, India can better deal with the mainland.

China's worries may become a reality, once a war breaks out in the Taiwan Strait, China will be attacked on its back!

Therefore, it is not alarmist that if a war breaks out in the Taiwan Strait, the mainland will be attacked by the enemy on its back, and even if India does not heed the call of the United States and proceeds only from its own national interests, it will stir up right and wrong in the border areas in an attempt to take Tibet into its pocket.

In this case, India is likely to retreat to the next best thing and force the mainland to make concessions in the border areas on the grounds of war in the Taiwan Strait.

China's worries may become a reality, once a war breaks out in the Taiwan Strait, China will be attacked on its back!

However, on this issue, the mainland has always been very resolute, will never make concessions, and will resolutely crack down on all invading enemies to safeguard the country's territorial sovereignty.

The true intentions of the United States

In the new era, with the rapid development of the mainland's economy, the national defense strength has also ushered in a huge take-off, aircraft carriers have been launched into service, J-20 has soared into the sky, and Dongfeng-41 is on standby at any time to strike at all invading enemies.

China's worries may become a reality, once a war breaks out in the Taiwan Strait, China will be attacked on its back!

Since the collapse of the Soviet Union, the world has presented a pattern of one superpower and many powers, and now that the United States is in decline and China is rising, this situation is destined to collapse.

However, the United States, which is accustomed to claiming to be the hegemon of the world, will obviously not be reconciled, so it will focus its main attention on the mainland, restrict and contain the mainland's development through various means, and further enhance its influence in the Asia-Pacific region.

China's worries may become a reality, once a war breaks out in the Taiwan Strait, China will be attacked on its back!

The island chain plan is a very prominent existence, the United States is trying to go up to South Korea, down to the Philippines, connecting Japan and Taiwan, imposing a blockade on Chinese mainland and establishing US dominance in the region.

However, the United States has obviously miscalculated that Taiwan's return is the general trend of history, and no one or any force can stop it, and the first island chain will surely be wiped out.

China's worries may become a reality, once a war breaks out in the Taiwan Strait, China will be attacked on its back!

If you understand the history of the mainland, you will find that the Chinese nation is an extremely resilient nation, and the repeated suppression by the United States will only make us stronger on the road ahead.

Obviously, the United States has not yet fully realized that peace and development are the trend in today's era, that all countries in the world are an equal existence, and that only by working together can we make the world a better place.

China's worries may become a reality, once a war breaks out in the Taiwan Strait, China will be attacked on its back!

However, the United States insists on going its own way, immersed in the illusion of world hegemony and unable to spontaneously, and will only decline more and more, and the final result will be a dead end, and its actions will also be nailed to the pillar of shame in history.

The most correct and only way forward for the United States is to shoulder its responsibilities as a major country, deeply reflect on its hegemonic behavior, and focus its development on safeguarding the interests of its own people and the people of the world.

China's worries may become a reality, once a war breaks out in the Taiwan Strait, China will be attacked on its back!


China-US relations are one of the most important bilateral relations in the world today, and they should work together for common development, but the United States regards China as the biggest threat on its development path and continues to provoke disputes, especially the recent remarks of US Indo-Pacific Commander Paparo, which has added fuel to the fire in the Taiwan Strait region, lest the world be chaotic.

In the face of the "shameless" behavior of the United States, the mainland has also issued a strong rebuttal, indicating the mainland's determination to safeguard national sovereignty and territorial integrity, but one thing worth worrying about is that in recent years, India and the United States have continuously strengthened cooperation in the military field, and the mainland needs to guard against being attacked on its back.

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