
China's engineering is "oolong"! I wanted to grow grain in the desert to ensure yield, and solve the world's problems by mistake

author:Such as the Dream History Museum
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China's engineering is "oolong" again!

The experts originally wanted to grow wheat in the desert as a way to guarantee the yield, but the yield of wheat far exceeded expectations, and the quality was up to the first standard.

China's engineering is "oolong"! I wanted to grow grain in the desert to ensure yield, and solve the world's problems by mistake

What is even more unexpected is that in this process, the experts have solved the world's problems by mistake!

So what does this "oolong" refer to? What kind of problems did the experts solve?

China's engineering is "oolong"! I wanted to grow grain in the desert to ensure yield, and solve the world's problems by mistake

Which one to go

The problem of desertification has always been a problem in the world, and various countries are at a loss to find a reasonable solution, which makes many countries feel very distressed.

The mainland is no exception, and the problem of desertification is still very serious, so generation after generation of people have resolutely devoted themselves to the team of sand control, planting patches of forests on the endless desert, so as to prevent sand fixation and effectively solve the problem of desertification.

China's engineering is "oolong"! I wanted to grow grain in the desert to ensure yield, and solve the world's problems by mistake

Nowadays, however, planting trees in the desert is not the only solution to the problem of desertification, and experts have come up with a very bold idea of growing wheat in the desert, which does sound like a "fantasy"!

It is difficult to grow trees in the desert, let alone wheat, and the soil of the desert alone is not enough to grow wheat.

China's engineering is "oolong"! I wanted to grow grain in the desert to ensure yield, and solve the world's problems by mistake

It's just that farming is carved into the bones for the Chinese, and it can be said that the Chinese take the rice bowl firmly in their hands.

In recent years, extreme weather has been occurring, which has had a great impact on people's lives. At the same time, the mainland's grain output has also been affected to a certain extent, and grain output has plummeted, and this cannot but arouse people's vigilance.

China's engineering is "oolong"! I wanted to grow grain in the desert to ensure yield, and solve the world's problems by mistake

For this reason, the experts set their sights on the endless desert, where they need to reclaim more cultivated area, after all, food security is greater than the sky, and the continent needs to ensure food production.

In this way, the experts came to the desert region of the northwest, but the possibility of growing wheat in the desert is "very small", and it can even be said that "it is impossible and unimaginable".

China's engineering is "oolong"! I wanted to grow grain in the desert to ensure yield, and solve the world's problems by mistake

Many people's first reaction when they hear this idea is shock and doubt, thinking that this is simply a fantasy, it is already difficult to plant trees, and they still want to cultivate in the desert, which is completely "impossible"!

But the experts did not give up, they knew that this idea sounded a bit "ridiculous", but how can they be sure that it will not work without putting it into practice, and what if there is an unexpected surprise?

China's engineering is "oolong"! I wanted to grow grain in the desert to ensure yield, and solve the world's problems by mistake

The experts came to the Northwest Desert region with firm conviction and, after some research, decided to build a test field in Makati County.

Makati County is on the edge of the Taklamakan Desert, which is the world's largest mobile desert. It is extremely difficult to cultivate here, and the mobile desert alone is enough for experts to have a headache.

China's engineering is "oolong"! I wanted to grow grain in the desert to ensure yield, and solve the world's problems by mistake

To do this, the first thing the experts have to do is to "lock" the mobile sand and level the desert. It took only two months for researchers to level 7,000 acres of desert, and the average drop was about five centimeters.

The scientific researchers who leveled the desert alone have put in a hundredfold effort, but fortunately, the agricultural science and technology are now relatively developed, which has helped solve many problems.

Reference: The official account of the national party media information public platform - "Rizhao Aid Xinjiang Creates Another Miracle!" Successful trial planting of the largest pure desert wheat field in China》
China's engineering is "oolong"! I wanted to grow grain in the desert to ensure yield, and solve the world's problems by mistake

However, the next step is the most distressing for the researchers, that is, the soil quality is completely unsuitable for wheat cultivation. It is important to know that Makati County is surrounded by sand on three sides, the vegetation is sparse, and the groundwater is still brackish.

And this is mainly because this is saline-alkali land, there are 150,000 acres of severe, 460,000 acres of mild, and the precipitation is even more scarce, the average annual precipitation is only 42.3 mm, but the evaporation is very amazing, as high as 2349 mm.

China's engineering is "oolong"! I wanted to grow grain in the desert to ensure yield, and solve the world's problems by mistake

It is enough to see that it is very difficult to grow wheat here, but even so, the experts did not give up, but overcame one problem after another, and finally achieved the goal.

The experts needed to improve the soil conditions and add organic matter to the yellow sand, and at the same time solve the water problem, they also added sand fixing and water retention agents.

China's engineering is "oolong"! I wanted to grow grain in the desert to ensure yield, and solve the world's problems by mistake

In addition, plant antimicrobials should be sprayed when planting wheat to ensure the growth of wheat and better survive in the desert.

Regular and quantitative fertilization and sprinkling are indispensable links, to provide nutrients to wheat, the whole process can be described as very difficult, problems one after another, experts will overcome one by one.

Reference: Official account of China News Network - "Today's hard work ends in the harvest, and Rizhao's aid to Xinjiang bears fruitful results"
China's engineering is "oolong"! I wanted to grow grain in the desert to ensure yield, and solve the world's problems by mistake

At the same time, agriculture has now been modernized and technologicalized, and all kinds of "artifacts" have been put on the field, solving many problems and improving the efficiency of farming.

Irrigation, fertilization, and real-time monitoring of pests and diseases allowed the experts to achieve their goal, turning the "impossible" into the "possible" and cultivating golden ears of wheat on the desert.

China's engineering is "oolong"! I wanted to grow grain in the desert to ensure yield, and solve the world's problems by mistake

The experts turned the idea of "Arabian Nights" into practical action, which can be described as "practice brings true knowledge", and this time it was cultivated on the desert, and once again created a miracle.

The hard work paid off, the hard work of the experts was not in vain, not only the yield of wheat far exceeded expectations, up to 294 kilograms, and the quality reached the first-class standard, which is really "gratifying"!

China's engineering is "oolong"! I wanted to grow grain in the desert to ensure yield, and solve the world's problems by mistake

At the same time, the experts also reaped unexpected surprises and solved the world's problems by mistake.


The experts have successfully planted golden wheat in the desert, and the most surprising thing is that the yield of wheat is very impressive, up to 294 kilograms, and the quality is not to mention, reaching the first-class standard.

China's engineering is "oolong"! I wanted to grow grain in the desert to ensure yield, and solve the world's problems by mistake

When the experts first proposed to reclaim the land in the desert, many people were full of doubts, thinking that the experts were talking "big and bragging".

Who knew that the final result shocked and delighted countless people, and the doubts gradually disappeared. And the so-called "oolong project" is nothing more than the limitation of people's imagination, and the subconscious feeling that farming on the desert is completely impossible, thus questioning the ideas of experts.

China's engineering is "oolong"! I wanted to grow grain in the desert to ensure yield, and solve the world's problems by mistake

Unexpectedly, in the end, wheat was actually cultivated, and the yield was considerable. It is important to know that agriculture has long ceased to be backward and has achieved modernization and science and technology, which has provided a lot of help and convenience to the peasants.

This time, the blessing of agricultural modernization and science and technology has played a vital role, greatly improving the efficiency of farming.

China's engineering is "oolong"! I wanted to grow grain in the desert to ensure yield, and solve the world's problems by mistake

At the same time, the experts also reaped unexpected surprises, one is to greatly improve the lives of the villagers, so that they can obtain a certain income through farming, and the living conditions have been well improved.

In addition, the straw left behind after the harvest of wheat unexpectedly played a role in sand prevention and sand fixation, indirectly solved the problem of desertification, and firmly fixed the flowing sand.

Reference: The official account of the National Party Media Information Public Platform - "Shandong Helps "Desert Becomes Fertile Land" China's Largest Pure Desert Winter Wheat Harvested for the First Time, Measured Theoretical Yield per Mu of 294 kg"
China's engineering is "oolong"! I wanted to grow grain in the desert to ensure yield, and solve the world's problems by mistake

At the same time, the straw will seep into the soil after decaying, thus improving the soil conditions and providing certain nutrients for the poor soil, and over time the desert will become more and more suitable for cultivating crops.

After the experts successfully planted wheat in Maigaiti County, they reclaimed land in Yache County, not far away, and planted "Jingmai 183" wheat here, which also produced a considerable yield of 700 kilograms.

China's engineering is "oolong"! I wanted to grow grain in the desert to ensure yield, and solve the world's problems by mistake

The salinity of the soil has also been well improved, and experts have turned the "impossible" into a "possible", growing wheat on the desert and solving the world's problem - the desert.

Deserts have always been a problem in the world, and the global desert area accounts for 20% of the total area, and the problem of desertification can be described as extremely serious.

China's engineering is "oolong"! I wanted to grow grain in the desert to ensure yield, and solve the world's problems by mistake

It is important to know that the harm caused by desertification is very many and serious, the land productivity is seriously declining, the available land resources are decreasing, and it will also cause natural disasters, sandstorms and so on.

These hazards have seriously affected people's survival and have a great impact on human health, so it is urgent to solve the problem of desertification, which is also a world problem that many countries have been trying to govern.

China's engineering is "oolong"! I wanted to grow grain in the desert to ensure yield, and solve the world's problems by mistake

The mainland is no exception, and the problem of desertification is still very serious, with the desert area as high as 700,000 square kilometers and the Gobi area as high as more than 500,000 square kilometers. To this end, it is urgent to tackle the problem of desertification.

Generation after generation of people have dedicated their youth and hard work to the desert, painstakingly tackling the problem of desertification, planting trees on the desert desert, afforestation and sand fixation, and have made very remarkable achievements.

China's engineering is "oolong"! I wanted to grow grain in the desert to ensure yield, and solve the world's problems by mistake

And this time, the continent once again cultivated wheat in the desert, and patches of golden ears of wheat fluttered on the desert, and also unexpectedly solved the problem of desertification, turning the desert into cultivated land.

However, it has also caused many people to think deeply about turning cultivated land into high-rise buildings, and worrying about the amount of food stored in them, and cultivating cultivated land in deserts that are not conducive to cultivating crops, which cannot help but confuse people.

China's engineering is "oolong"! I wanted to grow grain in the desert to ensure yield, and solve the world's problems by mistake

Deep Thought.

Effective control of desertification is a very serious problem, due to natural phenomena such as drought and lack of rainfall, soil salinization, etc., coupled with unreasonable human activities, such as a large number of felling trees, overgrazing, etc., desertification has been exacerbated.

At the same time, some areas that were not originally sandy deserts have also undergone environmental changes similar to desert landscapes due to unreasonable human activities, which are one of the main causes of land degradation.

China's engineering is "oolong"! I wanted to grow grain in the desert to ensure yield, and solve the world's problems by mistake

The rapid development of the modernization process has made the problem of desertification more severe, and people have cut down a large number of trees, overgrazing, and overuse and irrational use of land resources have aggravated land desertification.

The area under cultivation has been reduced dramatically, and the frequent occurrence of extreme weather has led to a sharp drop in food production.

China's engineering is "oolong"! I wanted to grow grain in the desert to ensure yield, and solve the world's problems by mistake

The area of arable land has shrunk, and experts have decided to cultivate land in the desert in order to ensure food production. However, the desert soil is not suitable for growing crops, which is a bit of a contradiction.

To this end, people should protect the existing cultivated land area, improve the process of agricultural modernization, science and technology, and invest in agriculture to improve the efficiency of farmers in cultivating crops, so as to ensure food production.

China's engineering is "oolong"! I wanted to grow grain in the desert to ensure yield, and solve the world's problems by mistake

Of course, the cultivation of wheat in the desert is still something to celebrate, which not only greatly increases food production, but also effectively solves the problem of desertification, which is also an unexpected surprise.

However, we should also protect the existing cultivated land and ensure that it is not reduced to ensure food production.

China's engineering is "oolong"! I wanted to grow grain in the desert to ensure yield, and solve the world's problems by mistake


Wheat is grown in the desert, and by mistake solves the world's problem - land desertification, wheat straw not only plays a role in sand control and fixation, but also improves soil quality and provides nutrients for the soil.

This allows us to see that with the blessing of agricultural science and technology, the desolate desert has also bred patches of golden ears of wheat, which are full of vitality. At the same time, we need to ensure that the existing cultivated land is not reduced.

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