
Is cowpea a "gospel" for patients with high uric acid? Doctor: If you want to stabilize uric acid, you can eat 3 kinds of vegetables often

author:Dr. Liang popularized science

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"Uncle Zhang, you have to pay attention to uric acid, cowpeas are a good thing." The doctor's voice echoed in Uncle Zhang's ears.

The summer solstice has passed, and the weather is getting hotter, Aunt Li took out the bamboo mat from the utility room and took it to the yard to rinse and dry. At this time, she ran into Uncle Zhang, a neighbor who had just returned from the hospital for a physical examination, and the two chatted.

Aunt Li is a retired teacher who likes to study all kinds of health knowledge. Uncle Zhang is a retired worker who usually likes gardening, but recently because of high uric acid, there are many taboos in life.

Is cowpea a "gospel" for patients with high uric acid? Doctor: If you want to stabilize uric acid, you can eat 3 kinds of vegetables often

"Aunt Li, the doctor said that my uric acid is high, and cowpeas can help lower uric acid, is this true?" Uncle Zhang asked while sighing.

"Cowpeas do have a good effect on uric acid." Aunt Li put down the bamboo mat and began to talk to Uncle Zhang about the benefits of cowpeas.

First of all, cowpea is rich in dietary fiber and vitamin C, which can promote the metabolism and excretion of uric acid and reduce the accumulation of uric acid in the body. A study published in the Journal of Nutrition showed that the dietary fiber in cowpeas could help lower serum uric acid levels and reduce the risk of gout.

"You see, cowpeas are not only delicious, but also good for the body." Aunt Li said, "However, we can't just eat cowpeas, we also need to eat other healthy vegetables." ”

Uncle Zhang nodded, but he was still a little confused.

Is cowpea a "gospel" for patients with high uric acid? Doctor: If you want to stabilize uric acid, you can eat 3 kinds of vegetables often

"Then Aunt Li, besides cowpeas, what other vegetables are good for uric acid?" Uncle Zhang continued to ask.

"That's a lot." Aunt Li said, "First of all, let's eat zucchini." ”

Zucchini is high in water and low in calories, and is also rich in potassium and magnesium, which help promote the excretion of uric acid. Potassium neutralizes uric acid and reduces uric acid deposition in the body, thereby lowering serum uric acid levels. A study published in the Journal of Nephrology showed that the high potassium content in zucchini significantly reduced uric acid levels and prevented gout attacks.

"Zucchini can be eaten steamed, fried, delicious, and good for the body." Aunt Li said, "We usually eat more zucchini, which is very helpful for uric acid control. ”

Uncle Zhang listened carefully and nodded again and again.

Is cowpea a "gospel" for patients with high uric acid? Doctor: If you want to stabilize uric acid, you can eat 3 kinds of vegetables often

"Then Aunt Li, do you have any other vegetables?" Uncle Zhang continued to ask.

"Of course there is." Aunt Li said, "Then there is cucumber." ”

Cucumbers are high in water, low in calories, rich in dietary fiber and vitamins, which help promote the metabolism and excretion of uric acid. The water in cucumbers increases urine output and promotes the excretion of uric acid, thereby reducing serum uric acid levels. A study published in the Journal of Nutrition showed that cucumber can significantly increase the rate of uric acid excretion and reduce the deposition of uric acid in the body.

"You see, cucumbers can be eaten raw or cold, which is refreshing and healthy." Aunt Li said, "We usually eat more cucumbers, which is of great help to uric acid control. ”

Uncle Zhang nodded frequently when he heard this, and felt that he had benefited a lot.

"Then Aunt Li, what you said is really reasonable, I have to go back and adjust my diet." Uncle Zhang said with a smile.

"Yes, uncle, eating a healthy diet is too important for our body." Aunt Li smiled, "However, in addition to these vegetables, we also have to pay attention to the overall dietary structure." ”

Is cowpea a "gospel" for patients with high uric acid? Doctor: If you want to stabilize uric acid, you can eat 3 kinds of vegetables often

"Yes, yes, I have to eat less meat and more vegetables." Uncle Zhang said.

"Yes, meat has a high purine content, which can easily lead to an increase in uric acid." Aunt Li added.

At this moment, the neighbor Sister Zhang also came over from the yard.

"Yo, what are you talking about?" Sister Zhang asked curiously.

"Let's talk about how to control uric acid." Uncle Zhang replied, "Aunt Li said that cowpeas, zucchini and cucumbers can help lower uric acid. ”

"Yes, Sister Zhang, you can also listen to it." Aunt Li said, "Let's pay more attention to these small details, which is good for uric acid control." ”

Sister Zhang listened carefully and nodded from time to time.

"Aunt Li, you are really a health expert." Sister Zhang said with a smile.

Is cowpea a "gospel" for patients with high uric acid? Doctor: If you want to stabilize uric acid, you can eat 3 kinds of vegetables often

"Where, where, just read more health books on weekdays." Aunt Li said with a smile, "Actually, if we want to be in good health, we usually have to pay more attention to these small details." ”

"Then I have to pay attention, I usually have a little high uric acid." Sister Zhang said.

"Then you should pay more attention, go to the hospital regularly for check-ups, and follow the doctor's advice." Aunt Li reminded.

The three of you said a word to me, and they chatted passionately. As the sun set and the yard gradually quieted down, Aunt Li collected the dried bamboo mats and prepared dinner.

At the dinner table, Aunt Li told her family about today's chat with Uncle Zhang and Sister Zhang, and everyone listened with relish.

"Mom, in that case, I have to pay attention to my diet." The son laughed.

"Yes, healthy lifestyle habits are important for everyone." Aunt Li responded with a smile.

The story doesn't end here. Aunt Li suddenly remembered a question: "Since these vegetables are helpful for uric acid, are they also of the same importance for other chronic diseases?" ”

Is cowpea a "gospel" for patients with high uric acid? Doctor: If you want to stabilize uric acid, you can eat 3 kinds of vegetables often

Then, Aunt Li launched a detailed analysis.

Many studies have shown that a healthy diet is not only helpful for controlling uric acid, but is also important for preventing and managing other chronic diseases. For example, people with high blood pressure need to eat foods low in sodium and high in potassium to help lower blood pressure. A study published in the Journal of Hypertension Research showed that a low-sodium diet significantly lowered blood pressure levels and reduced the risk of cardiovascular events.

Diabetics need to control their carbohydrate intake and choose foods with a low glycemic index to help control blood sugar levels. A study published in the journal Diabetes Care showed that a low glycemic index diet could significantly improve blood sugar control and reduce complications in people with diabetes.

In addition, moderate intake of foods rich in dietary fiber, such as whole grains, fruits, and vegetables, can help prevent constipation, control weight, and reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. A study published in the Journal of Nutrition pointed out that dietary fiber can promote intestinal health and improve metabolic function, which is especially important for the elderly.

Is cowpea a "gospel" for patients with high uric acid? Doctor: If you want to stabilize uric acid, you can eat 3 kinds of vegetables often

Therefore, for people with chronic diseases, a reasonable diet is an important guarantee for maintaining health. Following your doctor's advice, eating a reasonable diet, and regularly monitoring your physical condition are all effective ways to protect your health.

"So, regardless of whether there is high uric acid or not, everyone should pay attention to their dietary choices." "A healthy diet is the key to preventing and managing disease. ”

The family members agreed and decided to pay more attention to a healthy diet and maintain a healthy lifestyle from now on.

Throughout the summer, Aunt Li, her family, and neighbors worked hard to adjust their eating habits and improve their health, and everyone's physical condition has improved significantly. This small yard bears witness to their unremitting pursuit and efforts for health.

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[1] HE Zhe. Research Progress on Hyperuricemia and Cardiovascular Diseases, Journal of Cardiovascular Rehabilitation Medicine, 2024-06-24

Is cowpea a "gospel" for patients with high uric acid? Doctor: If you want to stabilize uric acid, you can eat 3 kinds of vegetables often

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