
Is coconut oil a "blood pressure master"? Doctor's reminder: can't lower blood pressure? 3 kinds of oils are helpers

author:Dr. Liang popularized science

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"Uncle Zhang, you should pay attention to your blood pressure, coconut oil is a good helper." The doctor's voice echoed in Uncle Zhang's ears.

The summer solstice has passed, and the weather is getting hotter, Aunt Li took out the bamboo mat from the utility room and took it to the yard to rinse and dry. At this time, she ran into Uncle Zhang, a neighbor who had just returned from the hospital for a physical examination, and the two chatted.

Aunt Li is a retired teacher who likes to study all kinds of health knowledge. Uncle Zhang is a retired worker who usually loves fishing, but recently he has had a hard time because of blood pressure problems.

Is coconut oil a "blood pressure master"? Doctor's reminder: can't lower blood pressure? 3 kinds of oils are helpers

"Aunt Li, the doctor said that my blood pressure is high, and coconut oil can help me lower my blood pressure, is this true?" Uncle Zhang asked while sighing.

"Coconut oil does have a certain blood pressure lowering effect." Aunt Li put down the bamboo mat and began to talk to Uncle Zhang about the benefits of coconut oil.

First of all, coconut oil is rich in medium-chain fatty acids, which are quickly absorbed and utilized by the body, increasing metabolic rate, which can help lower blood pressure. A study published in the Journal of Nutrition showed that the medium-chain fatty acids in coconut oil can improve blood lipid levels, lower LDL cholesterol, and help prevent high blood pressure and cardiovascular disease.

"You see, coconut oil not only cooks, but it also helps lower blood pressure, which is a good thing." Aunt Li said, "However, we can't just rely on coconut oil, we also need to eat other healthy oils." ”

Uncle Zhang nodded, but he was still a little confused.

Is coconut oil a "blood pressure master"? Doctor's reminder: can't lower blood pressure? 3 kinds of oils are helpers

"Then Aunt Li, besides coconut oil, what other oil is good for blood pressure?" Uncle Zhang continued to ask.

"That's a lot." Aunt Li said, "First of all, let's eat more olive oil. ”

Known as the centerpiece of the Mediterranean diet, olive oil is rich in monounsaturated fatty acids and polyphenolic compounds, all of which help lower blood pressure. A study published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology showed that the polyphenols in olive oil were able to improve blood vessel function and reduce arteriosclerosis, thereby helping to control blood pressure.

"Olive oil can be used not only for cold dressing, but also for stir-frying, which is delicious and healthy." Aunt Li said, "We usually use olive oil more, which is good for the body. ”

Uncle Zhang listened carefully and nodded again and again.

"Then Aunt Li, are there any other oils?" Uncle Zhang continued to ask.

"Of course there is." Aunt Li said, "Then there is flaxseed oil. ”

Is coconut oil a "blood pressure master"? Doctor's reminder: can't lower blood pressure? 3 kinds of oils are helpers

Flaxseed oil is rich in Omega-3 fatty acids, which can help lower blood pressure and reduce inflammation. A study published in the Journal of Hypertension showed that omega-3 fatty acids could lower blood pressure levels by reducing vascular resistance and reducing inflammation. Flaxseed oil is a great source of omega-3 fatty acids, especially for people with high blood pressure.

"You see, flaxseed oil can be used in salads and added to yogurt, which is delicious and healthy." Aunt Li said, "We usually eat more of these healthy oils, and our blood pressure will naturally go down." ”

Uncle Zhang nodded frequently when he heard this, and felt that he had benefited a lot.

"Then Aunt Li, what you said is really reasonable, I have to go back and adjust my diet." Uncle Zhang said with a smile.

"Yes, uncle, eating a healthy diet is too important for our body." Aunt Li smiled, "However, in addition to these oils, we also have to pay attention to the overall dietary structure." ”

"Yes, yes, I have to eat less salt and more vegetables." Uncle Zhang said.

Is coconut oil a "blood pressure master"? Doctor's reminder: can't lower blood pressure? 3 kinds of oils are helpers

"Yes, eating too much salt is not good for blood pressure, and vegetables and fruits help lower blood pressure." Aunt Li added.

At this moment, the neighbor Sister Zhang also came over from the yard.

"Yo, what are you talking about?" Sister Zhang asked curiously.

"Let's talk about how to control blood pressure." Uncle Zhang replied, "Aunt Li said that coconut oil, olive oil and flaxseed oil can all help lower blood pressure. ”

"Yes, Sister Zhang, you can also listen to it." Aunt Li said, "Let's pay more attention to these small details, which is good for blood pressure control." ”

Sister Zhang listened carefully and nodded from time to time.

"Aunt Li, you are really a health expert." Sister Zhang said with a smile.

"Where, where, just read more health books on weekdays." Aunt Li said with a smile, "Actually, if we want to be in good health, we usually have to pay more attention to these small details." ”

"Then I have to pay attention, my blood pressure is usually a little high." Sister Zhang said.

Is coconut oil a "blood pressure master"? Doctor's reminder: can't lower blood pressure? 3 kinds of oils are helpers

"Then you should pay more attention, go to the hospital regularly for check-ups, and follow the doctor's advice." Aunt Li reminded.

The three of you said a word to me, and they chatted passionately. As the sun set and the yard gradually quieted down, Aunt Li collected the dried bamboo mats and prepared dinner.

At the dinner table, Aunt Li told her family about today's chat with Uncle Zhang and Sister Zhang, and everyone listened with relish.

"Mom, in that case, I have to pay attention to my diet." The son laughed.

"Yes, healthy lifestyle habits are important for everyone." Aunt Li responded with a smile.

The story doesn't end here. Aunt Li suddenly remembered a question: "Since these oils are helpful for blood pressure, are they also of the same importance for other cardiovascular diseases?" ”

Then, Aunt Li launched a detailed analysis.

Many studies have shown that healthy fat intake is not only helpful for controlling blood pressure, but is also important for preventing and managing other cardiovascular diseases. For example, the monounsaturated fatty acids in olive oil can help lower LDL cholesterol (bad cholesterol), which can reduce the risk of atherosclerosis. A study published in the Journal of Clinical Nutrition showed that people who consumed olive oil for a long time had a significantly lower incidence of cardiovascular disease.

Is coconut oil a "blood pressure master"? Doctor's reminder: can't lower blood pressure? 3 kinds of oils are helpers

The Omega-3 fatty acids in flaxseed oil not only lower blood pressure, but also reduce blood triglyceride levels, improve blood flow, and prevent the formation of blood clots. A study published in the journal Cardiology Research noted that omega-3 fatty acids were able to reduce cardiovascular events through a variety of mechanisms, including lowering blood pressure, reducing inflammation, and improving blood vessel function.

The medium-chain fatty acids in coconut oil are thought to have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects, helping to protect heart health. A study published in the journal Nutrition and Metabolism showed that coconut oil could help prevent cardiovascular disease by reducing oxidative stress and inflammation in the body.

Therefore, for people at risk of cardiovascular disease, choosing the right fat intake is an important measure to maintain good health. Following your doctor's advice, regularly monitoring your physical condition, and eating a reasonable diet are all effective ways to protect the health of your heart and blood vessels.

"So, whether you have high blood pressure or not, you should pay attention to your dietary choices." "A healthy diet is the key to preventing and managing disease. ”

The family members agreed and decided to pay more attention to a healthy diet and maintain a healthy lifestyle from now on.

Throughout the summer, Aunt Li, her family, and neighbors worked hard to adjust their eating habits and improve their health, and everyone's physical condition has improved significantly. This small yard bears witness to their unremitting pursuit and efforts for health.

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[1] Zou Wenbing. Polymorphisms of genes related to the efficacy of antihypertensive drugs in patients with essential hypertension in Guiyang area, Basic Medicine and Clinical Medicine, 2024-06-28

Is coconut oil a "blood pressure master"? Doctor's reminder: can't lower blood pressure? 3 kinds of oils are helpers

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