
It was found that most of the long-lived elderly began to pay attention to eating more than 3 types of food after the age of 65

author:Lao Xu's medical science

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"According to the latest research, people who pay attention to eating more of these three types of foods after the age of 65 can mostly live longer." The doctor said earnestly on a TV health program.

This sentence happened to reach Aunt Zhang's ears, and she was watching the show while folding her clothes.

Aunt Zhang is a retired middle school Chinese teacher, and in the early years, because of her long-term teaching career, she accumulated a lot of problems, especially recently, she always felt that her health was not as good as before.

Aunt Zhang has a son named Xiao Li, who is a busy white-collar worker. Despite the stress of work, he has always been concerned about his mother's health and always reminds her to pay attention to her diet and exercise.

But Aunt Zhang is always hard-mouthed, feeling that she is "old and strong", and she is always suspicious of health problems. Today, she overheard the doctor's words, which piqued her interest.

It was found that most of the long-lived elderly began to pay attention to eating more than 3 types of food after the age of 65

On the show, the doctor explained in detail what these three types of food are and their benefits.

The first category is legumes. "Legumes are rich in plant protein, dietary fiber and a variety of trace elements.

Long-term consumption of legumes helps lower cholesterol, stabilize blood sugar, and enhance cardiovascular health. Aunt Zhang nodded while listening, thinking, no wonder her old classmate Uncle Li is always in good spirits, it turns out that he drinks soy milk every day.

The second group of foods is nuts. The doctor continued: "Nuts are rich in unsaturated fatty acids, vitamin E and a variety of minerals, which can resist oxidation and prevent cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. ”

Aunt Zhang remembered that Aunt Wang next door ate a handful of walnuts and almonds every morning, and her spirit was full of red light, which seemed to confirm the doctor's statement.

The last category is dark green vegetables. "Dark green vegetables are rich in folic acid, vitamin K, calcium, and a variety of antioxidants, which help boost immunity and prevent osteoporosis," the doctor notes. ”

Aunt Zhang's mind came up with green spinach and cabbage, and she couldn't help but think that she didn't seem to eat these dishes many times.

It was found that most of the long-lived elderly began to pay attention to eating more than 3 types of food after the age of 65

After the show, Aunt Zhang put down the clothes in her hand and decided to try these foods recommended by the doctor.

So she walked into the kitchen, picked up the phone and called Xiao Li: "Xiao Li, help me buy some beans, nuts and spinach tomorrow, I plan to change my eating habits." ”

When Xiao Li heard his mother's request, he was naturally overjoyed and hurriedly agreed. The next day, he returned with a bag full of beans, nuts and all sorts of dark green vegetables. Aunt Zhang looked at these "treasures" and muttered a little in her heart: "Can these things really make me feel better?" ”

Soon after, Aunt Zhang started a cup of soy milk every morning, a handful of nuts for lunch, and a serving of dark green vegetables for dinner. When her friends saw her change, they all laughed at her and called her "following the trend".

However, Aunt Zhang didn't care and silently adhered to her new eating habits.

A month later, Aunt Zhang was pleasantly surprised to find that her physical condition had really improved. She no longer feels sore when she wakes up in the morning, and she walks much easier than before.

So, she persevered more firmly and began to promote her "longevity secret" to her old friends.

It was found that most of the long-lived elderly began to pay attention to eating more than 3 types of food after the age of 65

One day, Aunt Zhang met Uncle Li in a community park. Uncle Li is also a retired teacher and has always been in good health. The two sat on a bench and chatted about health.

Uncle Li heard that Aunt Zhang's health had improved recently, so he was very curious and asked her what the secret was.

Aunt Zhang said with a smile: "Uncle Li, I recently listened to the advice of a TV health program and ate more beans, nuts and dark green vegetables, and I feel much better." ”

Uncle Li nodded and agreed: "I'm like this too, every morning with a cup of soy milk, a handful of walnuts, and scrambled eggs with spinach, my spirit is good." ”

After hearing this, Aunt Zhang was even more confident and decided to promote this "secret recipe for longevity" to more people.

So, she organized a "healthy eating group" in the community, inviting her neighbors to share their tips on healthy eating.

The Healthy Eating Group holds weekly networking sessions to share their eating habits and health experiences.

Some people originally didn't pay much attention to healthy eating, but after seeing the examples of Aunt Zhang and Uncle Li, they also began to try to change their eating habits.

It was found that most of the long-lived elderly began to pay attention to eating more than 3 types of food after the age of 65

A month later, one of the members of the group, Aunt Zhang, also had a noticeable change.

She was troubled by long-term constipation and high blood pressure, but since she started eating more beans, nuts and dark green vegetables, her constipation has eased and her blood pressure has stabilized.

Aunt Zhang said to Aunt Zhang gratefully: "Aunt Zhang, thank you for sharing this secret recipe, I am much better now and feel much happier." ”

Aunt Zhang was very relieved to hear this, she said: "Healthy eating is really important, everyone must stick to it." ”

Gradually, the healthy eating group grew in popularity, and residents of the community joined in to learn about health and discuss how to stay healthy.

Aunt Zhang has also become a "health ambassador" in the community, and is often invited to share her health experience at various community events.

Over time, more and more seniors are improving their health by changing their eating habits.

Doctors have also found that the proportion of older people in the community suffering from chronic diseases has decreased significantly, and the average life expectancy has increased.

It was found that most of the long-lived elderly began to pay attention to eating more than 3 types of food after the age of 65

One day, Aunt Zhang shared a statistic at a health exchange meeting: "According to statistics, people who adhere to a healthy diet for a long time have a 40% lower incidence of cardiovascular disease and a 30% lower incidence of diabetes, and their average life expectancy is 5 to 10 years longer than that of ordinary people." ”

Hearing these data, everyone said that they should continue to adhere to a healthy diet and take responsibility for their own health.

At these sessions, doctors often share specific case stories to illustrate the importance of a healthy diet.

For example, there was a case of an elderly man named Uncle Liu, who had severe high blood pressure and diabetes, but since he started eating more beans, nuts and dark green vegetables, his blood pressure and blood sugar levels have improved significantly, and his physical condition has improved greatly.

Doctors stress that a healthy diet is a concern not only for the elderly, but also for the young. They point out that developing good eating habits at a young age can prevent the occurrence of many chronic diseases and prolong healthy lifespans.

These ideas and figures give rise to food for thought. Aunt Zhang and her friends realized that healthy eating is not an overnight thing, but a way of life that needs to be adhered to over the long term. Only in this way can we truly achieve the effect of prolonging life.

What are your thoughts on this? Welcome to discuss in the comment area!


[1] Cheng Hongxin. Healthy Lifestyle, Longevity Genes and Life Expectancy in Later Life, China Rehabilitation, 2024-05-25

It was found that most of the long-lived elderly began to pay attention to eating more than 3 types of food after the age of 65

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