
Is kiwi an "accelerator" for high blood sugar? If you don't want diabetes to come quickly, don't touch any of the 3 things

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"Have you heard? Kiwifruit is now an 'accelerator' for high blood sugar! In the morning exercise in the community, Uncle Zhang couldn't help but share a "new discovery" he heard yesterday.

This topic quickly caused a sensation among the ranks of the morning exercises. After all, kiwifruit has always been known as a treasure trove of vitamin C, how did it become a booster of high blood sugar overnight?

Is kiwi an "accelerator" for high blood sugar? If you don't want diabetes to come quickly, don't touch any of the 3 things

In fact, Uncle Zhang's message comes from a half-explained TV clip that only mentions the fructose component in kiwifruit, but does not elaborate on its specific effects on blood sugar. These one-sided news was spread by Uncle Zhang, and everyone knew about it.

After learning about this situation, Xiao Li, a dietitian in the community, decided to clarify this misunderstanding during a health lecture on the weekend. She explained that although kiwifruit contains fructose, due to its high-fiber properties, it actually does not have a direct effect on blood sugar as everyone thinks. Fiber can help slow down the rate at which blood sugar rises and reduce sharp fluctuations in blood sugar.

Is kiwi an "accelerator" for high blood sugar? If you don't want diabetes to come quickly, don't touch any of the 3 things

At the lecture, Xiao Li also explained the scientific mechanism of the effect of food on blood sugar and how to control blood sugar through reasonable dietary management. She points out that single foods rarely cause blood sugar problems directly, and more importantly, the overall diet and lifestyle.

Xiao Li explained the importance of blood sugar management with vivid examples and easy-to-understand language, and also specifically mentioned the need to avoid unnecessary panic due to half-information. She encourages everyone to consult a professional for complete and scientific advice before making dietary changes.

Is kiwi an "accelerator" for high blood sugar? If you don't want diabetes to come quickly, don't touch any of the 3 things

Through this lecture, Uncle Zhang and other residents of the community have a more comprehensive understanding of the relationship between kiwifruit and blood sugar. Everyone realizes that dietary decisions cannot be made based on just one or two pieces of news, and it is more important to understand the science behind them and make reasonable dietary choices with professional guidance.

Uncle Zhang also learned a valuable lesson: when disseminating health information, we must be cautious to ensure the accuracy of the information and avoid unnecessary misleading.

Is kiwi an "accelerator" for high blood sugar? If you don't want diabetes to come quickly, don't touch any of the 3 things

Kiwifruit, this juicy and nutritious fruit, although it is a symbol of health in the impression of many people, we need to analyze it more carefully and scientifically when discussing the relationship between kiwifruit and high blood sugar. Compared to common belief, kiwifruit actually has some positive effects on controlling blood sugar levels, especially for diabetics who are struggling to manage their blood sugar.

Is kiwi an "accelerator" for high blood sugar? If you don't want diabetes to come quickly, don't touch any of the 3 things

What we need to understand is that although the fructose content in kiwifruit is present, the proportion of cellulose contained in it is quite high. This natural fiber is essential for blood sugar control because it can help slow the rate of sugar absorption and prevent blood sugar levels from fluctuating wildly.

Kiwifruit is not only rich in fiber, but also rich in vitamins C and K, as well as minerals such as potassium, which are all essential nutrients for maintaining normal blood sugar levels. Potassium, in particular, plays a key role in regulating the body's water balance and ensuring proper nerve and muscle function. Moderate potassium intake can help people with diabetes better manage their blood sugar.

Is kiwi an "accelerator" for high blood sugar? If you don't want diabetes to come quickly, don't touch any of the 3 things

Kiwifruit has strong antioxidant properties, and its natural antioxidants can help defend against cell damage caused by free radicals, which has a potential positive effect on slowing down long-term complications of diabetes, such as retinopathy. Therefore, kiwi is not just a delicious fruit, but also a wholesome choice.

The bioactives in kiwifruit, such as kiwi pine, have been shown to be helpful in improving insulin sensitivity, meaning it can help regulate sugar use in the body and help with blood sugar control. This is important for people with diabetes, as improving insulin sensitivity is a core way to control diabetes.

Is kiwi an "accelerator" for high blood sugar? If you don't want diabetes to come quickly, don't touch any of the 3 things

Despite the many potential benefits of kiwifruit for diabetics, a reasonable consumption is still key. Excessive consumption of any sugary fruit can lead to blood sugar problems, so diabetics are advised to consume kiwifruit as part of a balanced diet under the guidance of a dietitian rather than unrestricted consumption.

Kiwifruit is not an "accelerator" for blood sugar, on the contrary, it contains a variety of nutrients that are beneficial for blood sugar management. With a reasonable diet plan, kiwi can be a valuable star in the diet of diabetics. Understanding and applying this information can help us make better use of this delicious and healthy fruit to help people with diabetes manage their blood sugar.

Is kiwi an "accelerator" for high blood sugar? If you don't want diabetes to come quickly, don't touch any of the 3 things

In the process of managing blood sugar, many people know to reduce sugar intake and avoid high-sugar foods, but some seemingly harmless or even healthy vegetables and fruits may actually hide the risk of elevated blood sugar.

Here are three foods that diabetics should best eat less: corn, sweet potatoes and lychees. While these foods are highly nutritious, their sugar and carbohydrate content may cause blood sugar fluctuations in some cases.

Is kiwi an "accelerator" for high blood sugar? If you don't want diabetes to come quickly, don't touch any of the 3 things

Corn is very important in China's food culture, especially in the northern region, and it is a common food on the table of many families. Corn is rich in dietary fiber, vitamins and minerals, and its nutritional value is very high, and despite its health benefits, diabetics should control the amount they consume and avoid eating too much at once.

Sweet potatoes are a health food that many people like, which contains vitamins A, C and fiber, and can also help with antioxidants. However, for diabetics, be especially careful about the high sugar and carbohydrates in sweet potatoes.

Is kiwi an "accelerator" for high blood sugar? If you don't want diabetes to come quickly, don't touch any of the 3 things

The natural sugars and starches in sweet potatoes quickly turn into glucose when eaten in the stomach, which may cause blood sugar to spike very quickly. Although sweet potatoes are highly nutritious, diabetics should consume them in moderation and avoid excessive intake.

Lychee is a delicious fruit full of tropical flavor, it is rich in vitamin C and a variety of minerals, which has a good tonic effect on the body. However, lychee is high in sugar, especially fructose and glucose, which can easily cause blood sugar to rise rapidly after eating.

Is kiwi an "accelerator" for high blood sugar? If you don't want diabetes to come quickly, don't touch any of the 3 things

Eating lychee on an empty stomach may cause blood sugar to be more unstable. Therefore, it is important for diabetics to be extra careful when eating lychees, preferably in small amounts, and try to eat them with other low-sugar fruits to help balance sugar intake.

Although corn, sweet potatoes, and lychees all have their own unique nutritional value, these foods must be consumed in moderation for diabetics who need to keep their blood sugar under tight control. Proper dietary planning and a scientific understanding of the sugar content of foods are the keys to managing blood sugar.

Is kiwi an "accelerator" for high blood sugar? If you don't want diabetes to come quickly, don't touch any of the 3 things

By understanding the effects of these foods on blood sugar, people with diabetes can take more control of what they eat, so they can effectively manage their blood sugar levels and maintain good health. While enjoying the food, you can really satisfy your taste buds and maintain your health.

(All names have been changed)


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Is kiwi an "accelerator" for high blood sugar? If you don't want diabetes to come quickly, don't touch any of the 3 things


[1] Dong Gaoqiu, Research Progress on Blood Glucose Fluctuations Caused by Anti-infective Drugs, Department of Pharmacy, Zhongda Hospital, Southeast University, 2024-06

Is kiwi an "accelerator" for high blood sugar? If you don't want diabetes to come quickly, don't touch any of the 3 things

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