
Is winter melon an "accelerator" for kidney disease? The doctor admonished: I don't want the kidneys to be "wasted", so eat less of 3 kinds of vegetables

author:Dr. Huang talks about health

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On a weekend afternoon, Li Na, a designer in her 30s, was about to come out of the gym and suddenly felt a wave of weakness.

She has always felt that she is in good health, and occasional fatigue is a normal reaction to busy work. But this time, Li Na felt something abnormal, her chest ached faintly, and she was weak, so she decided to go to the hospital for a check-up.

Is winter melon an "accelerator" for kidney disease? The doctor admonished: I don't want the kidneys to be "wasted", so eat less of 3 kinds of vegetables

Li Na came to the hospital, hung up an internal medicine number, and after listening to the description of her symptoms, the doctor decided to give her a comprehensive examination.

After a series of items such as blood tests, urine tests, and kidney function tests, Li Na breathed a sigh of relief.

While waiting for the results, Li Na recalled her recent eating habits and wondered if something was wrong.

Is winter melon an "accelerator" for kidney disease? The doctor admonished: I don't want the kidneys to be "wasted", so eat less of 3 kinds of vegetables

After the test results came out, the doctor frowned, "Your kidney function indicators are a little abnormal, especially the creatinine and urea nitrogen are high. Have you eaten anything special lately? ”

Li Na recalled: "Recently, the weather has been hot, and I have been eating winter melon, thinking that it clears away heat and relieves heat, which is good for the body. ”

Is winter melon an "accelerator" for kidney disease? The doctor admonished: I don't want the kidneys to be "wasted", so eat less of 3 kinds of vegetables

After listening to this, the doctor fell into deep thought: "Winter melon itself is a good ingredient, but for people who already have problems with kidney function, excessive intake may increase the burden on the kidneys. ”

Li Na asked in surprise, "Isn't winter melon very healthy?" How could there be a problem? ”

Is winter melon an "accelerator" for kidney disease? The doctor admonished: I don't want the kidneys to be "wasted", so eat less of 3 kinds of vegetables

The doctor explained: "Winter melon contains a lot of potassium, and for people with renal insufficiency, excessive potassium intake can lead to an electrolyte imbalance in the body and increase the burden on the kidneys.

Especially in patients with kidney disease, the kidneys' ability to excrete potassium is reduced, and hyperkalemia can lead to serious heart problems. ”

Li Na was a little nervous after hearing this: "Then what should I do?" Is it not possible to eat winter melon in the future? ”

Is winter melon an "accelerator" for kidney disease? The doctor admonished: I don't want the kidneys to be "wasted", so eat less of 3 kinds of vegetables

The doctor smiled: "It's not that you can't eat it at all, it's just that you have to control it in moderation." More importantly, pay attention to the overall diet and lifestyle habits.

In addition to winter melon, there are several other dishes to be aware of, such as spinach, potatoes, and bananas. These foods are also high in potassium, and consuming too much of them can also affect kidney function. ”

Is winter melon an "accelerator" for kidney disease? The doctor admonished: I don't want the kidneys to be "wasted", so eat less of 3 kinds of vegetables

Li Na nodded, but there were some doubts in her heart: "Then what else can I eat?" ”

The doctor patiently explained: "For patients with kidney disease, the diet should be low in potassium and phosphorus.

For example, fruits and vegetables such as zucchini, pumpkin, apples, strawberries, etc., at the same time, reduce the intake of high-protein foods, because too much protein will increase the metabolic burden on the kidneys. ”

Is winter melon an "accelerator" for kidney disease? The doctor admonished: I don't want the kidneys to be "wasted", so eat less of 3 kinds of vegetables

In the following days, Li Na adjusted her diet and lifestyle habits according to the doctor's advice, gradually reducing her intake of winter melon, spinach, potatoes and bananas, and began to choose some foods that are low in potassium and phosphorus.

At the same time, she also increased the amount of exercise, kept her mood happy, and regularly reviewed her kidney function indicators. After a few months, Li Na's physical condition has improved significantly, and her kidney function indicators have gradually returned to normal.

Is winter melon an "accelerator" for kidney disease? The doctor admonished: I don't want the kidneys to be "wasted", so eat less of 3 kinds of vegetables

Li Na said with emotion: "It turns out that some small habits in life have such a great impact on the body. In the future, I will definitely pay more attention to my diet and lifestyle to maintain a healthy body. ”

"Yes, a healthy lifestyle is the key to good health," the doctor encourages.

Is winter melon an "accelerator" for kidney disease? The doctor admonished: I don't want the kidneys to be "wasted", so eat less of 3 kinds of vegetables

Not only you, but many patients with kidney disease need to pay attention to their diet, have regular check-ups, and make timely adjustments. Kidney disease is a long-term process that requires constant attention and management. ”

Through this experience, Li Na not only learned about kidney disease, but also learned how to manage her health scientifically.

She began to actively participate in some health lectures to learn more about medicine and help herself and her friends prevent and manage diseases.

Is winter melon an "accelerator" for kidney disease? The doctor admonished: I don't want the kidneys to be "wasted", so eat less of 3 kinds of vegetables

In summary, although winter melon is a good ingredient, it needs to be consumed in moderation for patients with kidney disease to avoid excessive potassium intake that will increase the burden on the kidneys.

Similarly, spinach, potatoes, and bananas also require a mindful intake.

Is winter melon an "accelerator" for kidney disease? The doctor admonished: I don't want the kidneys to be "wasted", so eat less of 3 kinds of vegetables

These foods have good nutritional value in healthy people, but for people with impaired kidney function, it is necessary to control the diet scientifically and reasonably, and choose foods low in potassium and phosphorus.

In the end, Li Na learned a truth through this experience: a healthy lifestyle is the foundation of maintaining good health.

Is winter melon an "accelerator" for kidney disease? The doctor admonished: I don't want the kidneys to be "wasted", so eat less of 3 kinds of vegetables

A reasonable diet, moderate exercise, a good attitude, and regular physical examinations are all important means of maintaining good health.

Doctor's advice is important, but more important is our own health priorities and actions. Only in this way can we truly prevent diseases and enjoy a healthy life.

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[This content is a fictional short story, and any name, place name, or other aspects involved in the text have nothing to do with reality (without any implications). If there is any similarity, it is purely a coincidence, please read it rationally. 】

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