
The EU leadership has been decided, the new foreign minister has taken a tough stance on China, and the "president" is friendly to China

author:Shihana Shikan

At present, it seems that the EU has entered a fork in the road, because in recent years, the economic development within the EU is not clear, but the problems of high inflation and immigration problems have been difficult to solve, causing most people in Europe to lose confidence in their left-wing ruling party.

The decline of the left wing means the rise of the right wing, and in this EU election, the right wing can be described as a big victory, occupying many seats in the EU Parliament, which means that their future governing policy will definitely change significantly, and may prioritize the interests of all countries rather than the interests of the EU as a whole.

The EU leadership has been decided, the new foreign minister has taken a tough stance on China, and the "president" is friendly to China

The consequence of this is that the EU may become less united, and the differences between them will become more serious, and typical European left-wing leaders such as Macron and Scholz will have no choice but to change their previous course after this painful defeat.

After the deliberations of the EU countries, the new leaders of the EU high-level have basically been determined, and some right-wing politicians are not satisfied with the candidates this time, which shows that Macron and others have made a choice between this, limiting the rapid expansion of the right-wing group, and in the new term, the right-wing will continue to increase their influence in the EU for the next EU election.

Among the new leaders of the European Union, von der Leyen is still the president of the European Commission, which is obviously the result of weighing the pros and cons, Macron, Scholz and others once publicly announced their opposition to von der Leyen's re-election, but now they have changed the direction of the wind, which shows that the European election has brought them a lot of pressure.

Under the trend of the gradual weakening of the left, Macron and others can only pick a candidate who is more acceptable to the right and the left, although von der Leyen is called "American von der Leyen", but she is a centrist herself, and she also has a certain reputation and appeal, and if you think about it, there is no one more suitable than von der Leyen.

The EU leadership has been decided, the new foreign minister has taken a tough stance on China, and the "president" is friendly to China

Von der Leyen's re-election in the past five years means that the EU must make choices and changes in these five years, and if the left takes the lead in the next five years and reverses the impression of the European public, then the EU's next policy may tend to ease and unite, which is what Macron wants to see.

But if the opposite is true, then what Macron once said may be true: Europe may be on its way to extinction. Once the right wing comes to power, its approach will certainly take precedence over the EU countries themselves, and in this case, Macron's idea of using the EU to pursue independence may be completely bankrupt.

In addition to von der Leyen's re-election, EU foreign ministers and European Council presidents have been replaced, with the European foreign minister being finalized as Khaya Kallas from Estonia.

Speaking of this person, I have to mention her previous attitude towards Russia, Kalas made a few laughable remarks about the Russia-Ukraine conflict a few days ago. She claims that it is not a bad thing for a large country to become smaller, and that if Russia is defeated, Russia should be turned into several small countries so as not to eliminate the threat to Europe.

The EU leadership has been decided, the new foreign minister has taken a tough stance on China, and the "president" is friendly to China

Estonia, as a Baltic country, can be said to be a very typical "anti-Russian vanguard", her coming to power may make the situation of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict worse, and now she has been included in Russia's wanted list.

In addition to being anti-Russian, her attitude towards China is also very tough, as an extremely pro-American country, the three Baltic countries have made unfavorable remarks against China, not only withdrawing from cooperation with China, but also opposing China's "One Belt, One Road" agreement, so after she came to power, don't think that there can be a breakthrough in Sino-European relations.

The president of the European Council, also known as the president of the European Union, is held by former Portuguese Prime Minister Jocosta, and his attitude towards China is obviously very moderate compared to von der Leyen and Callas. He has responded to China's "One Belt, One Road" call and believes that China is a trustworthy trading partner.

However, in many cases, the president of the European Council is basically a "mascot", and he is most likely present to maintain a balance with Callas so that he does not do anything outrageous.

The EU leadership has been decided, the new foreign minister has taken a tough stance on China, and the "president" is friendly to China

Von der Leyen's attitude towards China can only be said to be one thing on the surface, one thing behind the other, Kalas is a typical anti-China faction, and Costa is a more pro-China party, which means that the EU's attitude towards China may still maintain a balance.

But don't expect too much, the EU is not essentially the EU of Europe, but the EU of the United States, and in many things, the EU will certainly follow the steps of the United States in changing its policy toward China.

Reference: The new leadership of the European Union was unveiled, and the two visited China - Shangguan News

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