
How to calculate how many WeChat can be logged in to a computer?

author:Novice computer technology


Many of today's computer software is based on the Electron framework, which has the following advantages:

Key advantages of developing with Electron: Cross-platform compatibility: Electron allows developers to create desktop applications for Windows, macOS, and Linux using the same codebase. (one of the points)

AI intelligence

However, it also has some minor drawbacks, such as taking up a lot of local running memory.

How big is it? Basically, a piece of software takes up 300-600MB.

I remember that in 2015, the first laptop I bought was 4GB of RAM (at that time, it was generally 4GB, and even some were 2GB), which I thought was big enough at the time (because the desktop computer in my hometown had only 2GB of memory). Now that it's 2024, friends will find that the starting running memory of the notebook is basically 16GB.

I believe that my friends have experienced that on a highway, if there are too many cars, it will be congested, and everyone can only drive slowly step by step. The same applies to computers:

If running memory is like a road, then the vehicle driving on that road is the software. But the cars driving on this highway are not of a fixed size, and if the road is crowded with cars, there will be congestion.

The same goes for your computer's memory: if you open too much software, your memory usage will become high, and if you exceed the pre-installed memory capacity, a memory overflow will occur.

Out Of Memory (OOM) is when there is too much memory in the application system that cannot be reclaimed or is used, and eventually the memory used to run the program is greater than the maximum memory that can be provided. At this time, the program will not run, the system will prompt memory overflow, sometimes the software will be automatically closed, restart the computer or the software after releasing a part of the memory and can run the software normally.

Baidu Encyclopedia

So how much software can be opened on a computer basically depends on the amount of memory installed on the computer. Today, let's take a look, how many WeChat can be opened on a Windows computer at the same time?

The body begins

First of all, the situation of the computer testing machine here is:

  • Windows11
  • CPU:i7-10700KF
  • Running memory: 32GB

After the computer is turned on normally, the memory usage of the computer is: 5.4GB/32GB (17%)

How to calculate how many WeChat can be logged in to a computer?

Let's open a WeChat first to see the occupancy:

Before logging in, the running memory is 26MB

How to calculate how many WeChat can be logged in to a computer?

After logging in to WeChat, it occupies 106MB of running memory (not commonly used WeChat)

How to calculate how many WeChat can be logged in to a computer?

The running memory usage for logging in to commonly used WeChat is 170MB (because Xiaobai does not use WeChat frequently on this computer, so the usage rate is low)

How to calculate how many WeChat can be logged in to a computer?

If you log in to a frequently used WeChat, what is the running memory usage? For this reason, Xiaobai borrowed a computer from a friend and looked at the data: incredible, 91.8MB.

How to calculate how many WeChat can be logged in to a computer?

If calculated in this way, a 32GB computer, after booting the remaining 26.6GB, without considering other factors, a WeChat average of 100-150MB, then the computer can open nearly 181-272 WeChat software.

How to calculate how many WeChat can be logged in to a computer?

Oh, it turns out that the computer can log in to so many WeChat, but ...... Is it normal for a person to have so many WeChats?


Software developed using the Electron framework may occupy too much running memory due to excessive cache, such as common e-commerce seller version software. If you feel that the computer is starting to lag a little, open the task manager as soon as possible, and if the running memory is more than 80% under normal use, then you have to consider adding more running memory.

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