
After many years, looking at the current situation of Qiao Renliang's parents, I understand why he chose to commit suicide

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After many years, looking at the current situation of Qiao Renliang's parents, I understand why he chose to commit suicide
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After many years, looking at the current situation of Qiao Renliang's parents, I understand why he chose to commit suicide

In September 2016, a shocking news suddenly came from the entertainment industry: 29-year-old young actor Qiao Renliang ended his life at his home in Shanghai.

Just the night before, he had spent a warm birthday dinner with his family, with a happy smile on his face. However, no one could have imagined that this would be the last smile he left for the world.

Seven years have passed, and when we set our eyes on Qiao Renliang's parents again, it suddenly dawned on us: it turned out that for this once sunny and cheerful young man, choosing to leave may be his last relief.

What kind of haze is hidden behind this seemingly glamorous entertainment industry, which makes a vibrant life wither so easily? Let's walk into Qiao Renliang's life together and uncover those untold stories.

After many years, looking at the current situation of Qiao Renliang's parents, I understand why he chose to commit suicide

In October 1987, Qiao Renliang was born in an ordinary family in Shanghai. His father was a brave seafarer and his mother was a hard-working housewife.

As the only child in the family, Qiao Renliang has been loved by his parents since he was a child. However, this favor did not make him arrogant and willful, on the contrary, he behaved well-behaved and sensible since he was a child, and his personality was sunny and cheerful.

As a teenager, Qiao Renliang showed extraordinary athletic talent. With his tall and straight stature and indomitable will, he became an excellent national high jumper.

At that time, he probably never imagined that the trajectory of his life would change so dramatically.

After many years, looking at the current situation of Qiao Renliang's parents, I understand why he chose to commit suicide

Two years later, 20-year-old Qiao Renliang challenged himself again and signed up for Dragon TV's talent show "Come on Good Boy". With his superb acting skills, he won the crown again.

This time, Qiao Renliang made up his mind to show his strength in the entertainment industry. In July 2007, he signed a contract with Orange Sky Entertainment Group and officially entered the entertainment industry as a singer.

In September of the same year, the talented Qiao Renliang released his first solo album. A busy signing session and rising sales followed, which made the young Qiao Renliang extremely excited.

However, he soon realized that the competition in the entertainment industry is extremely fierce, and every step needs to be taken with care. If you are not careful, you may be eliminated from the competition.

After many years, looking at the current situation of Qiao Renliang's parents, I understand why he chose to commit suicide

Faced with an unknown future, Qiao Renliang began to examine his career development direction. He noticed that many of his peers had turned to film and television for various reasons, so he also came up with the idea of transformation.

In 2009, 22-year-old Qiao Renliang ushered in his film debut "Nightclub". Although it was only one of many small roles, this valuable experience gave him a deep appreciation of the charm of acting.

The film was unveiled at the Japan and Shanghai International Film Festivals and was well received by the audience.

From a sportsman to a rising entertainment star, Qiao Renliang's life trajectory has undergone a huge change. He is passionate about this new field and looks forward to the future of the stars.

After many years, looking at the current situation of Qiao Renliang's parents, I understand why he chose to commit suicide

However, he would not have imagined what kind of challenges and tribulations this seemingly glamorous world would bring to him.

When Qiao Renliang first entered the entertainment industry, everything seemed so beautiful. The release of his first solo album gave him a taste of success. The enthusiasm of the fans at the signing and the rise in album sales made the young Qiao Renliang feel extremely excited.

However, he soon realizes that music alone is not enough. The competition in the entertainment industry is extremely fierce, and every step needs to be careful.

In 2009, 22-year-old Qiao Renliang ushered in his film debut "Nightclub". Although he was only one of the many supporting roles, this valuable experience made him deeply appreciate the charm of acting.

After many years, looking at the current situation of Qiao Renliang's parents, I understand why he chose to commit suicide

The film was unveiled at the Japan and Shanghai International Film Festivals and was well received by the audience. Qiao Renliang's eyes flashed with hope, and he was eager to go further in his acting career.

However, in the next few years, Qiao Renliang's development was not satisfactory. He tried his best to play a variety of different roles, but he always seemed to be a little bit off the hook.

In the highly competitive entertainment industry, his star career seems a little bleak. Every failed audition, every good role that passed by him, cast a shadow on his heart.

He began to question his choice and doubt whether he was really suitable for this entertainment industry full of uncertainties.

After many years, looking at the current situation of Qiao Renliang's parents, I understand why he chose to commit suicide

In 2011, fate seemed to smile at Qiao Renliang. During the filming of the costume mythological drama "Spring Splendid Pig Nine Sisters", he met Chen Qiaoen, who is also an actor.

The two hit it off at first sight and quickly developed a deep friendship. Subsequently, they collaborated again in "Splendid Adventure", and this rare fate made Qiao Renliang cherish it very much.

Chen Qiaoen's friendship has become a warmth for him in this competitive circle.

However, the ups and downs of his career made Qiao Renliang feel pressured. He is eager to break through and be recognized by more audiences. Whenever he sees an actor of the same age with a bright star journey, he will feel a sense of loss.

After many years, looking at the current situation of Qiao Renliang's parents, I understand why he chose to commit suicide

He began to hone his acting skills harder, hoping to make a breakthrough in his next role.

In 2012, 25-year-old Qiao Renliang received a role that changed his life. In the movie "No Such Person", he needs to play a character with a complex heart.

This is undoubtedly a huge challenge for Qiao Renliang, who has always been sunny and cheerful. In order to better interpret the character, he even took some extreme ways to inspire himself.

While this approach helped him successfully play the role, it also planted the seeds of unease in him.

After many years, looking at the current situation of Qiao Renliang's parents, I understand why he chose to commit suicide

As time passed, Qiao Renliang's career development became more and more difficult. His exposure gradually decreased, and it was difficult for his fan base to expand. Faced with this situation, Qiao Renliang felt very frustrated.

He began to doubt his choice, and even had the idea of quitting the entertainment industry.

Qiao Renliang's struggle is like an endless marathon. He didn't know where the end would be, and he didn't know if he would make it to the end. But he is still running, because he knows that only by not giving up can he usher in a turnaround.

What he didn't know, however, was that the real test was yet to come.

After many years, looking at the current situation of Qiao Renliang's parents, I understand why he chose to commit suicide

2012 was a turning point for the 25-year-old Qiao Renliang. He received an invitation from the movie "No Such Person" and needed to play a role with an extremely complex heart.

This is undoubtedly a huge challenge for Qiao Renliang, who has always been sunny and cheerful.

In order to better interpret this role, Qiao Renliang asked the director for advice. The director advised: "If you really can't find the feeling, you might as well whip yourself a few times in the middle of the night, maybe it will inspire your 'pervert'."

This half-joking sentence planted a seed of uneasiness in Qiao Renliang's heart.

After many years, looking at the current situation of Qiao Renliang's parents, I understand why he chose to commit suicide

What is surprising is that Qiao Renliang actually implemented the director's suggestion seriously. He began punishing himself in front of the mirror in the middle of the night, which continued for several days.

While this extreme approach helped him successfully play the role, it also cast an indelible shadow on his psyche.

After the movie was completed, the other actors were able to quickly withdraw from their roles, but Qiao Renliang was always immersed in the emotions in the play and couldn't extricate himself. He began to feel depressed and lost interest in the things around him.

These symptoms were the precursors of depression, but Qiao Renliang did not realize this at that time.

After many years, looking at the current situation of Qiao Renliang's parents, I understand why he chose to commit suicide

In order to get out of this sluggish state, Qiao Renliang tried to find his old friends to confide in. However, Li Yifeng, who was once close, ignored his love. Qiao Renliang said in frustration: "Brother Feng is very busy now, I can't move."

This seemingly ordinary exclamation caused an unexpected Internet storm.

Li Yifeng's fans flocked to Qiao Renliang and verbally attacked him, calling him an "incompetent", emphasizing that the reason why he was so dismal was all self-inflicted.

This is the first time Qiao Renliang has encountered such violent online violence, but it is far from the last.

After many years, looking at the current situation of Qiao Renliang's parents, I understand why he chose to commit suicide

In 2015, the Tianjin explosion touched the hearts of the whole country. Qiao Renliang posted a Weibo to express his respect for the firefighters. However, due to the misuse of words, he was once again the target of online violence.

Some netizens pointed out sharply: "Embroidered pillows with empty minds."

In the face of overwhelming abuse, Qiao Renliang's emotions were even more out of control. Instead of apologizing in a timely manner, he posted a Weibo post rebutting the remarks, insisting that he would not delete the original Weibo.

This move further angered netizens, and all kinds of unbearable words poured into Qiao Renliang's comment area like a tide.

After many years, looking at the current situation of Qiao Renliang's parents, I understand why he chose to commit suicide

In this series of events, Qiao Renliang's heart was severely traumatized. He began to doubt his worth and lost faith in life. The originally sunny and cheerful personality was gradually shrouded in haze, and the symptoms of depression became more and more obvious.

However, in front of the camera, Qiao Renliang still tried to keep a smile. He didn't want to be seen as vulnerable, and he didn't want to admit that he was experiencing psychological distress.

He hopes that through his unremitting efforts, he can change the impression of others on him, and at least get some tenderness.

However, when he is alone, there is nowhere to release the loneliness and anguish in his heart. He began to suffer from insomnia and became more and more emotionally unstable. Sometimes he would stare at the ceiling all night long, thinking about his life.

After many years, looking at the current situation of Qiao Renliang's parents, I understand why he chose to commit suicide

He didn't understand why he had put in so much effort and never been recognized and understood.

This period became a turning point in Qiao Renliang's life. The once sunny boy began to step into a dark whirlpool. He struggled to get out of this state, but found himself sinking deeper and deeper.

The pain in his heart hit him like a tidal wave, making him feel suffocated.

Qiao Renliang didn't know that this was just the beginning of his life's predicament. Greater challenges await him, and his heart has become more and more fragile, more and more difficult to withstand the pressure of the outside world.

After many years, looking at the current situation of Qiao Renliang's parents, I understand why he chose to commit suicide

As depression worsened, Qiao Renliang's work status deteriorated. The sunny boy who was once passionate about his acting career is now plagued by insomnia.

He often couldn't sleep all night, and the next day he appeared on the set with dark circles under his eyes. This directly affected his work performance, being late became a common thing, and he was often absent-minded on the shooting set, and even forgot his words.

The crew and director became more and more dissatisfied with Qiao Renliang's performance. Famous directors Yang Wenjun and Che Jingxing publicly accused him of not taking his work seriously enough. Che Jingxing even proposed to block Qiao Renliang.

These criticisms were like a thunderbolt from the blue, making Qiao Renliang feel embarrassed.

After many years, looking at the current situation of Qiao Renliang's parents, I understand why he chose to commit suicide

In the face of these accusations, Qiao Renliang apologized as soon as possible and tried to save the situation. However, instead of calming the turmoil, his apology plunged him into the whirlpool of public opinion again.

Many netizens scoffed at his apology, believing that doing their job well is the basic quality of an actor, and there is no need for special credit. Some people even questioned him for "having empty character but no professionalism" and "excellent acting skills but no professional ethics".

These criticisms were like a sharp blade, deeply piercing Qiao Renliang's fragile heart. He began to wonder if he was really suitable to continue his career in the entertainment industry. Facing the mirror every day, what he sees is no longer the high-spirited teenager, but a loser who is crushed by public opinion.

During this period, Qiao Renliang's heart was full of contradictions. He longs for understanding and support, but he has to face the cruelty of reality. He tries to change the impression that others have of him, but finds that no matter what he does, he doesn't seem to be satisfied.

After many years, looking at the current situation of Qiao Renliang's parents, I understand why he chose to commit suicide

This deep sense of powerlessness became the last straw that crushed him.

The career development is so difficult, fans have never been able to reach resonance, the exposure rate is extremely low, and they have even been abused and ridiculed by passers-by... Many complex pressures are intertwined, which makes Qiao Renliang bear a huge burden.

Perhaps it was at that moment that he often fell into despair, thoughts of liberation flashed through his mind, and his desire for life gradually extinguished.

However, even in such a predicament, Qiao Renliang still tried to face everyone, hoping to change the status quo through his own efforts. In front of the camera, he still keeps smiling and tries his best to show his sunny and cheerful side.

After many years, looking at the current situation of Qiao Renliang's parents, I understand why he chose to commit suicide

But only he knows how much pain and struggle lies behind that smile.

Qiao Renliang's road to collapse is a heart-wrenching process. It reveals the harsh reality of the entertainment industry and also reflects the immense harm that online violence can do to a person.

On this thorny road, Qiao Renliang finally lost the courage to move on.

In September 2016, a news that shocked the entertainment industry spread: 29-year-old Qiao Renliang ended his life at his home in Shanghai. Just the day before, he had also spent a warm birthday dinner with his family.

After many years, looking at the current situation of Qiao Renliang's parents, I understand why he chose to commit suicide

This once sunny and handsome big boy finally chose to say goodbye to this world in such a decisive way.

Qiao Renliang's departure made countless people feel heartache and regret. People are beginning to reflect on what makes a vibrant life wither so easily. The cruel reality of the entertainment industry, the ravages of online violence, and the pressure of public opinion are intertwined, which became the last straw that crushed Qiao Renliang.

Seven years have passed, and Qiao Renliang's parents have finally gradually come out of the pain of losing their son. However, they are still plagued by online violence from time to time. Some people seem to have forgotten that behind that glamorous star, there is also a pair of ordinary parents, who have lost not only a public figure, but also their son who gets along day and night.

Qiao Renliang's tragedy is not an isolated case. In recent years, more and more celebrities have died of depression in the entertainment industry. Behind this seemingly glamorous profession, there is actually a huge mental pressure hidden.

After many years, looking at the current situation of Qiao Renliang's parents, I understand why he chose to commit suicide

Public expectations, media attention, and online violence can all be overwhelming.

Qiao Renliang's story is a wake-up call for us. We need to pay more attention to the mental health of celebrities and give them more understanding and tolerance. At the same time, as ordinary netizens, we should also be cautious about our words and deeds to avoid becoming accomplices in online violence.

Every malicious comment, every inadvertent ridicule, can be the last straw that crushes a fragile heart.

In addition, we should also reflect on the ecological environment of the entertainment industry. Excessive competition, unreasonable work intensity, and one-sided success standards may cause harm to the physical and mental health of artists.

After many years, looking at the current situation of Qiao Renliang's parents, I understand why he chose to commit suicide

We need to build a healthier and more humane environment for the entertainment industry.

In this era of information explosion, we must learn to slow down, be more concerned and be more considerate. Because you never know, a simple act of kindness might save a life, and a warm word might light up a person's hope.

Let's work together to create a world of love and understanding, where every life can shine in its own way.

The purpose of this article is to advocate positive social energy, without vulgarity and other bad guidance. If you are involved in copyright or character infringement, please contact us in time

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