
After Sister Lang, He Jie's state seems to be getting better and better, and she works hard to run her own business

author:Small entertainment circle
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After Sister Lang, He Jie's state seems to be getting better and better, and she works hard to run her own business


Who would have thought that the golden boy and girl who was recognized by the public in the entertainment industry would divorce once and make a lot of trouble.

The man even went anonymously to the emotional radio station, complaining about the revelations and suspecting the woman of being unfaithful to him.

After Sister Lang, He Jie's state seems to be getting better and better, and she works hard to run her own business

After the two parted ways, the woman worked hard to prove herself with her actions, and it was really good and evil that would be rewarded in the end.

The divorce between He Jie and her ex-husband He Ziming was really troublesome on the Internet.

After Sister Lang, He Jie's state seems to be getting better and better, and she works hard to run her own business

I personally broke the news, which made the incident more eye-catching, which can really be said to have made netizens eat a melon.

He Jie and He Ziming met at a gathering of friends, and the two chatted on the beach.

After Sister Lang, He Jie's state seems to be getting better and better, and she works hard to run her own business

At that time, He Jie was still in the grief of her last relationship.

And He Ziming was impressed by He Jie's unique charm at the party.

After Sister Lang, He Jie's state seems to be getting better and better, and she works hard to run her own business

He Ziming immediately launched a passionate pursuit of her, and under He Ziming's fierce pursuit, the two fell in love.

It didn't take long for He Jie, who was in sweet love, to announce their relationship at a press conference.

After Sister Lang, He Jie's state seems to be getting better and better, and she works hard to run her own business

As soon as the relationship was released, it was blessed by fans on both sides, and the two were therefore considered a combination of golden boys and girls.

At that time, He Ziming debuted as a talent show and a singer.

But because of his handsome and resolute appearance, he also developed in the entertainment industry later.

After Sister Lang, He Jie's state seems to be getting better and better, and she works hard to run her own business

In the same year that the relationship was officially announced, He Ziming also became popular with his wonderful performance in the film and television drama "Fire Blue Blade".

His popularity skyrocketed, and as a result, he ushered in the peak of his career.

After Sister Lang, He Jie's state seems to be getting better and better, and she works hard to run her own business

And He Ziming, who was in the period of double harvest of love and career, also chose to propose to He Jie.

Before the wedding, He Jie also released the single "Let's Get Married" and posted a long article on social platforms to confess her love.

After Sister Lang, He Jie's state seems to be getting better and better, and she works hard to run her own business

In the early days of marriage, the two were still in a state of honey blending, and in their careers, they were also developing better and better.

They were carefree in the beginning, and together they devoted all their time outside of work to the family business.

After Sister Lang, He Jie's state seems to be getting better and better, and she works hard to run her own business

Two years after the two got married, He Jie gave birth to two children for He Ziming, and the happy life of a family of four is enviable.

However, due to the arrival of the two children, He Jie has been in pregnancy and health care for a long time, which has reduced the exposure rate.

As a result, her career gradually declined.

After Sister Lang, He Jie's state seems to be getting better and better, and she works hard to run her own business

But after all, He Jie is the one who won the fourth place in the country of "Super Girl" with her strength.

She still loves singing and longs for the stage.

After Sister Lang, He Jie's state seems to be getting better and better, and she works hard to run her own business

In order to continue chasing her dreams, she has set her sights on her career.

This left her with less and less time to go home.

After Sister Lang, He Jie's state seems to be getting better and better, and she works hard to run her own business

This also became the beginning of the conflict between He Jie and He Ziming, and it was also a turning point in their love lives.

He Jie has been away for a long time and has gone home less often, which has become the "evidence" that He Ziming suspects her of cheating.

After Sister Lang, He Jie's state seems to be getting better and better, and she works hard to run her own business

In the third year of their marriage, an anonymous recording of a relationship talk show was suddenly leaked on the Internet.

Most of the content in this voice is a man who suspects his wife of cheating.

After Sister Lang, He Jie's state seems to be getting better and better, and she works hard to run her own business


CCTV: 2016-12-19 - Expose He Jie He Ziming's divorce The two of them reviewed the divorce and said that it was true or false

After Sister Lang, He Jie's state seems to be getting better and better, and she works hard to run her own business

even broke the news that he had installed the location in his wife's mobile phone.

Once, when I was locating my wife's mobile phone at night, I found that the location was in the hotel.

After Sister Lang, He Jie's state seems to be getting better and better, and she works hard to run her own business

In the interview, the man also revealed a lot of information about the identity of the two, their age and the woman's personality traits.

As soon as the recording appeared on the Internet, it immediately caused an uproar.

Many netizens turned into Sherlock Holmes, locking the identities of both parties with their voices and feature information.

After Sister Lang, He Jie's state seems to be getting better and better, and she works hard to run her own business

The man is He Ziming, and the woman must be his wife at the time, He Jie.

This recording gradually intensified the conflict between the two, and after the recording broke out, He Ziming was also exposed to cheating in marriage.

After Sister Lang, He Jie's state seems to be getting better and better, and she works hard to run her own business

Both parties blamed each other for their faults, and after many contradictions and disputes, the two officially announced the divorce.

During this period, the divorce lawsuit between the two continued, and the "inside story" about the divorce of the two continued to ferment on the Internet.

After Sister Lang, He Jie's state seems to be getting better and better, and she works hard to run her own business

He Jie also said in an interview that she yearns for pure love and cried that she will not get married again.

It seems to be really heartbroken.

The divorce lawsuit between the two lasted for more than 1 year and officially ended in August 2018.

After Sister Lang, He Jie's state seems to be getting better and better, and she works hard to run her own business

The two divorced, the man left the house, and their two children were awarded to He Jie.

On the day the divorce lawsuit ended, He Jie posted a long article denying the rumors of cheating in marriage.

and said that both of them found a new partner during the divorce lawsuit, and there was no cheating in marriage.

After Sister Lang, He Jie's state seems to be getting better and better, and she works hard to run her own business

With the incident and insider story of the divorce of the two, it has been constantly exposed on the Internet, and their careers have also been affected.

Although there is a lot of evidence and friends who can testify against He Jie.

She is innocent, she did not cheat, but the rumors and rumors on the Internet still don't stop.

After Sister Lang, He Jie's state seems to be getting better and better, and she works hard to run her own business

After the divorce, He Jie silently supported her chaotic career.

But she is not alone, and she has some fans and friends around her who are constantly encouraging her.

After Sister Lang, He Jie's state seems to be getting better and better, and she works hard to run her own business

With the encouragement and companionship of a group of close friends, she gradually walked out of the haze.

Their relationship really corresponds to the words that Wang Baoqiang wrote to Bole's best friend.

After Sister Lang, He Jie's state seems to be getting better and better, and she works hard to run her own business

"Just tell me when you need me, don't worry"

Without the encouragement of those friends and fans, He Jie might not really be able to survive that dark period.

After Sister Lang, He Jie's state seems to be getting better and better, and she works hard to run her own business

And He Ziming was silent for a long time after the two divorced, and then started working normally.

And during this year's New Year, he also announced the good news of his remarriage.

After Sister Lang, He Jie's state seems to be getting better and better, and she works hard to run her own business

And in the video, he expressed his love and gratitude to his wife.

After Sister Lang, He Jie's state seems to be getting better and better, and she works hard to run her own business

He said that during the time of his divorce, he suffered from severe depression.

When his wife learned about it, she quit her job and stayed at home with him.

After Sister Lang, He Jie's state seems to be getting better and better, and she works hard to run her own business

With the company of his gentle and sweet wife, he gradually got out of depression and returned to a normal life.

And He Jie has also found a new partner, and the two have also conceived their own children.

And the man also treats He Jie and He Ziming's children as his own.

After Sister Lang, He Jie's state seems to be getting better and better, and she works hard to run her own business

Although He Jie experienced a trough after the divorce.

But she never gave up, and with the encouragement of her family and friends, her career gradually returned to a good state.

After Sister Lang, He Jie's state seems to be getting better and better, and she works hard to run her own business

This year, she also participated in the fifth season of the variety show "Sister Riding the Wind and Waves".

In the show, she once again showed her love for music and her desire for the stage.

After Sister Lang, He Jie's state seems to be getting better and better, and she works hard to run her own business

The biggest reason she participated in the show was to fulfill the last wish of one of her fans.

Her fan stayed with her for 17 years before she died of illness.

And the last circle of friends before his death is to hope that He Jie can stand on this stage.

After Sister Lang, He Jie's state seems to be getting better and better, and she works hard to run her own business

In the show, He Jie relied on her professionalism and professionalism to do her best to treat every stage.

Although she also encountered many difficulties in the selection of songs and grouping.

After Sister Lang, He Jie's state seems to be getting better and better, and she works hard to run her own business

But her performance in the show still won the recognition and support of the audience.

After Sister Lang, He Jie's state seems to be getting better and better, and she works hard to run her own business

At the same time, she has also achieved a lot of outstanding results, and she is on the first stage.

With his singing and dancing ability, he won the fifth place in the audience.

After Sister Lang, He Jie's state seems to be getting better and better, and she works hard to run her own business

On the stage of the fourth performance, it won the favor of most of the audience and won the first place in the audience.

With her straightforward personality and professional singing and dancing ability, she has entered the field of vision of more audiences and let more people know her.

After Sister Lang, He Jie's state seems to be getting better and better, and she works hard to run her own business

I wish her career will continue to grow and better, and I look forward to her continuing to bring us more excellent works in the future!


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