
Zhibai Dihuang skillfully matched, frequent urination, pharyngitis, insomnia, night sweats, 5 kinds of collocations to eliminate small troubles!

author:Director Wang of the family of traditional Chinese medicine

Today, I would like to introduce to you a Chinese patent medicine that may be inconspicuous in pharmacies, but in fact has extraordinary efficacy - Zhibai Dihuang Pill. On the basis of Liuwei Dihuang Pill, this medicine adds two flavors of herbs, Zhimu and Phellodendron chinensis, which can not only nourish the kidney yin, but also clear the deficiency of fire, and has a good conditioning effect on a series of symptoms caused by deficiency of kidney yin and inflammation of deficiency fire. Today, I will talk to you about how to deal with the 5 common diseases in our lives.

Zhibai Dihuang skillfully matched, frequent urination, pharyngitis, insomnia, night sweats, 5 kinds of collocations to eliminate small troubles!

First, let's talk about prostatitis. Many men have experienced such experiences, such as frequent urination, urgency, incomplete urination, and burning sensation when urinating. These symptoms are often due to the lack of kidney yin, which burns the bladder and causes the bladder to malfunction. In addition, it is easy to feel hot and dry mouth. If you sweat a lot when you sleep at night, it is more likely that your kidneys are deficient. At this time, you can refer to the use of Zhibai Dihuang pills, which can nourish yin and reduce fire, regulate kidney yin, and restore your prostate to health.

Zhibai Dihuang skillfully matched, frequent urination, pharyngitis, insomnia, night sweats, 5 kinds of collocations to eliminate small troubles!

Next, let's talk about chronic pharyngitis. Some people always feel that their mouth is dry, no matter how much water they drink, it doesn't work, and their throat is uncomfortable and dull painful. When I put out my tongue and look at it, I found that my tongue was very red, with little or no tongue coating. This is actually a manifestation of kidney yin deficiency and inflammation on the fire. The kidneys are water organs, and kidney yin can moisturize the whole body's internal organs and pores. Once the kidney yin is deficient, the deficiency fire will become inflamed, leading to these symptoms. And Zhibodihuang pills can nourish yin and reduce fire, helping you relieve the trouble of chronic pharyngitis.

Zhibai Dihuang skillfully matched, frequent urination, pharyngitis, insomnia, night sweats, 5 kinds of collocations to eliminate small troubles!

Let's talk about insomnia. You know? Sleep is actually a process of yang energy entering yin. If the kidney yin is insufficient and the yang energy cannot be restricted, it will lead to the outward crossing of the void yang, disturbing the mind, making you uneasy and not sleeping well. And Zhibodihuang Pill can nourish yin and reduce fire, clear away deficiency and heat, calm the mind, and make your sleep more stable.

Zhibai Dihuang skillfully matched, frequent urination, pharyngitis, insomnia, night sweats, 5 kinds of collocations to eliminate small troubles!

In addition, night sweats are also a headache. If you always like to sweat when you sleep at night, it may be caused by a lack of kidney yin. If the yin fluid is insufficient, the void fire will grow inside, and the fluid will be decocted and forced to sweat out. At the same time, you may also have symptoms such as flushing of the cheeks and irritability. At this time, Zhibai Dihuang Pill can help you nourish yin and reduce fire and solve the problem of night sweats.

Zhibai Dihuang skillfully matched, frequent urination, pharyngitis, insomnia, night sweats, 5 kinds of collocations to eliminate small troubles!

Finally, let's talk about the problem of men's sperm loss and premature ejaculation. If the kidney yin is deficient and the phase fire moves recklessly, it will disturb the sperm chamber and cause the kidney essence to be sealed and ignored. You may feel that you have a strong desire, but you are prone to losing your spirit, the time is short, and it is accompanied by symptoms such as soreness in the waist and knees, dizziness and tinnitus. At this time, we can refer to the use of Zhibai Dihuang pills, which can nourish yin and reduce fire, solidify essence and stop retention, and help you restore a healthy sex life.

Zhibai Dihuang skillfully matched, frequent urination, pharyngitis, insomnia, night sweats, 5 kinds of collocations to eliminate small troubles!

However, I would like to remind everyone here that everyone's physique and condition are different, so it is best to consult a professional doctor before using Zhibodihuang pills to ensure that the medication is safe and effective. At the same time, it is also necessary to pay attention to maintaining good living habits and eating habits, so as to better maintain physical health. I hope that through the above introduction, you can have a deeper understanding of Zhibodihuang Pills.