
Feature Engineering - The Real Unsung Heroes Behind Artificial Intelligence (part 2 of 6)

author:Product Workshops

Unleash the power of AI through feature engineering

Feature Engineering - The Real Unsung Heroes Behind Artificial Intelligence (part 2 of 6)

In the rapidly evolving world of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning, the quality and relevance of input features is critical to the success of a model. Feature engineering, the art and science of transforming raw data into meaningful and information-rich inputs, is a crucial but often overlooked aspect of building effective AI systems.

Whether you're predicting retail sales, classifying text, or detecting objects in an image, the feature engineering process can affect or disrupt your model's performance. By carefully selecting, creating, and optimizing the right features, you can unlock the full potential of your AI applications, delivering more accurate predictions, faster convergence, and more valuable insights.

Feature engineering is both an art and a science, and it requires a combination of domain expertise, creative thinking, and a deep understanding of data and problems. This is a critical step in the AI modeling process and can significantly improve the performance and real-world applicability of AI solutions.

But where to start? How do you leverage domain knowledge, automate feature engineering, and assess the impact of your work? In this article, we'll take a look at feature engineering and some of its key aspects with concrete examples.

Feature Engineering - The Real Unsung Heroes Behind Artificial Intelligence (part 2 of 6)


What is feature engineering?

Why do you need feature engineering?

What are the common types of features?

Methods and procedures for feature engineering

How do I choose the right feature engineering method?

Common tools and libraries in feature engineering

Some key aspects of feature engineering

  • Leverage domain knowledge in feature engineering
  • Automated feature engineering
  • Feature transformation
  • Feature selection
  • Feature engineering for specific AI tasks
  • Iterative refinement in feature engineering

How to evaluate the effectiveness of feature engineering

Conclusion: Feature Engineering - The Unsung Hero of Artificial Intelligence

Feature Engineering - The Real Unsung Heroes Behind Artificial Intelligence (part 2 of 6)

[Continued from previous article]

Methods and procedures for feature engineering

Next, let's explore the methods and steps involved in the process of AI model feature engineering. Here are the key steps:

1. Data Exploration and Understanding:

  • Start with a thorough understanding of the data set, the problem you're trying to solve, and the domain-specific knowledge.
  • Analyze the statistical properties of features, such as distributions, correlations, and missing values.
  • Identify target variables and understand how those characteristics relate to them.

2. Feature Generation:

  • Based on your understanding of the data and the problem, start generating new features that inform your AI model.
  • This may involve converting existing features, creating feature combinations or ratios, or engineering features based on domain knowledge.
  • Common techniques include polynomial and logarithmic transformations, aggregations (e.g., mean, median, sum), and interaction terms between time series features (e.g., lag, rolling window).

3. Feature Selection:

  • Because of the large number of features that can be generated, it's important to choose the most relevant and informative features for your AI model.
  • Feature selection techniques can include:
  1. Correlation analysis
  2. Recursive de-de-featured
  3. Mutual information
  4. Embedded methods (e.g. regularized regression)

4. Feature Encoding:

  • Many AI models require numeric input features, so they need to encode categorical features.
  • Common coding techniques include:
  1. One-hot encoding
  2. Ordinal encoding
  3. Target encoding
  4. Label encoding
Feature Engineering - The Real Unsung Heroes Behind Artificial Intelligence (part 2 of 6)

5. Feature scaling and standardization:

  • Make sure that features have similar scales, as some AI models are sensitive to the range of input features.
  • Techniques include: Normalized (z-score normalized) Min-Max Scaling Robust Scaling (using Median and IQR)

6. Feature Engineering for Specific AI Tasks:

- Depending on the AI task, you may need to design features that are tailored to the problem domain. For example:

  1. In natural language processing, features may include word embeddings, part-of-speech labels, or sentiment scores.
  2. In computer vision, features can be edge detection, texture analysis, or object recognition.

7. Iterative refinement and evaluation:

  • Feature engineering is an iterative process where you keep experimenting with different sets of features, evaluate the performance of your model, and improve features accordingly.
  • Techniques such as cross-validation, feature importance analysis, and model interpretability are used to guide the process of feature engineering.

By following these steps, you can systematically design the most relevant and information-rich features for your AI model, leading to improved performance, faster convergence, and more reliable predictions.

Feature Engineering - The Real Unsung Heroes Behind Artificial Intelligence (part 2 of 6)

How do I choose the right feature engineering method?

Choosing the right feature engineering method is a critical step in the AI modeling process, as it can significantly impact the performance of the model. Here are some of the key factors to consider when choosing the right feature engineering technique:

1. Nature of the data:

  • Know the type of data you're working with, is it numeric, categorical, textual, or combined? This will help determine the most appropriate encoding and conversion technology to apply. For example, if you use a mix of numeric and categorical features, you might want to use a combination of scaling, normalization, and one-hot encoding.

2. Problem Area and Business Background:

  • Use your domain knowledge and understanding of business problems to identify the most relevant characteristics.
  • Collaborate with domain experts to gain insight into key drivers and relationships in your data.

This can help you design features that are closely related to the problem at hand.

3. Model Requirements:

  • Consider the specific requirements and limitations of the AI model you're using.
  • Some models may be more sensitive to feature scaling, while others may perform better with sparse, high-dimensional inputs.
  • Tailor the feature engineering approach to the needs of the model.

4. Feature Importance and Relevance:

  • Evaluate the importance and relevance of generated features using techniques such as correlation analysis, feature importance scoring, or recursive feature elimination.
  • This can help you identify the most informative features and discard the less relevant ones.
Feature Engineering - The Real Unsung Heroes Behind Artificial Intelligence (part 2 of 6)

5. Computing Efficiency:

  • If you're working with large amounts of features or high-dimensional data, consider techniques that can reduce the dimensionality or sparsity of the input features. This improves the computational efficiency of the AI model and makes the training process faster.

6. Explainability and Explainability:

  • For some applications, it's important to have illustrated, explainable features that can provide insight into the model's decision-making process.
  • Feature engineering techniques that preserve or enhance interpretability, such as creating meaningful derived features, can be particularly useful.

7. Iterative Experimentation and Evaluation:

  • Feature engineering is an iterative process, so be prepared to try different techniques, evaluate the performance of your model, and refine features accordingly.
  • Use techniques such as cross-validation, feature importance analysis, and model interpretability to guide your feature engineering efforts.

By considering these factors, you can choose the most appropriate feature engineering approach for your specific AI problem and dataset, resulting in improved model performance, faster training, and more meaningful insights.

Keep in mind that there is no one-size-fits-all solution, and the best approach to feature engineering will depend on the unique characteristics of the problem and the data. The key is to stay flexible, experiment, and constantly refine your feature engineering process.

[To be continued]

Feature Engineering - The Real Unsung Heroes Behind Artificial Intelligence (part 2 of 6)

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Feature Engineering - The Real Unsung Heroes Behind Artificial Intelligence (part 2 of 6)


[Some pictures are from the Internet, invaded and deleted]

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