
High Responsibility: Passing the First Hurdle (Medium)

author:Looking at history and cherishing the present

Beat the first level (medium)

High increase in responsibility

High Responsibility: Passing the First Hurdle (Medium)

This year, the year in Shenmu and Fugu was very bad. Coupled with the extortion of the Kuomintang, the people were very poor, and it was not easy to get some food to eat. In order to satisfy our hunger, we also bought a few packs of red dates in that village in Jia County, and ate red dates while marching to satisfy our hunger. After eating for two days, some comrades began to have diarrhea, although my diarrhea was not serious, but I always had hiccups, could not eat, and for a few days because of hiccups affected my sleep.

There was no way, so I went to consult a farmer old man, and he said: "You have indigestion and indigestion of the upper and lower stomachs." There is no doctor here who looks at you and says to give you a home remedy and you try it. "He told me to find a way to get some salt, drink two bowls of salted salt, have diarrhea, and wait for a few times to stop hiccups. He also said: "In the future, you should pay attention to eating less and deal with the stomach." "I did as he was told, so I didn't fall behind and was able to continue on the march.

After more than twenty days of marching, we arrived at a small village north of the Jungger Banner of the Yikezhao League, which was close to the Yellow River, and everything was chaotic and tense. On the south bank of the Yellow River was Ma Zhanshan's troops, and on the north bank of the river was the Japanese-occupied area. Ma Zhanshan's team was nominally an anti-Japanese war, but in fact since they arrived on the south bank of the Yellow River, they had never fought a battle with the Japanese. But they are very powerful to the common people, they want grain today, and they want food tomorrow, and it is better to rob in secret than to seize in the open. Therefore, wherever they were stationed, there were ten rooms and nine emptiness.

In order to survive, the majority of people had to leave their homeland and flee to foreign lands, and some of the lonely old widows who stayed behind were also afraid to walk around the village all day long. It would have been a joy if we had been able to find a village with a few families. The situation on the north bank of the Yellow River is even more conceivable. Witnessing this miserable scene has strengthened our determination and courage to cross the river as soon as possible to eliminate the Japanese devils.

On the dangerous pass of the Yellow River, the ferry on the south bank was guarded by the Kuomintang troops, and the ferry on the north side was blocked by the Japanese puppet army. In order to get through this hurdle safely, Comrade Han Feng convened several meetings with us, and he briefed us on the situation of the Japanese puppet army checking passers-by, as well as the situation of the previous group of comrades who had gone to work in the Suimeng area to pass through the Japanese puppet blockade line. The plan to cross the river was discussed. Because the situation was constantly changing, our plan was revised several times, and finally the river crossing was carried out under the title of the Kuomintang Suicha Guerrilla Army.

On the north bank of the Yellow River is guarded by the troops of the puppet Mongolian army Qi Zixiang, who were originally the Kuomintang Mongolian troops of the Yikezhao League, and after surrendering to Japan, they have been stationed along the Yellow River, serving as a guard for the Japanese devils and guarding the Yellow River. These puppet soldiers had to carry out extremely strict search and interrogation of pedestrians crossing the Yellow River, and they had to search and interrogate anyone who crossed the Yellow River to enemy-occupied areas, and all the money and property of those who crossed the river were robbed.

According to the situation at that time, in order not to attract the attention of the enemy, we decided to cross the river in two batches. Yuan Ligang, Li Yunlong, Zhu Qihua, and Zhang Zijun and I, because we were all from northern Shaanxi and our accents were similar to those in Suimeng, decided to disguise ourselves as ordinary people, cross the river first during the day, and stipulate that we would meet in Heijiertu Village after crossing the river. In order that the enemy would not find anything suspicious about us, we left all the books, clothing, bedding, and daily necessities brought from the border area on the south bank and handed them over to a peasant for safekeeping.

At the same time, we were further dressed in make-up with the clothes we wore and those worn by the peasants. Comrade Li Yunlong and Comrade Zhu Qihua disguised themselves as people who went out to make a living, Comrade Zhang Zijun disguised himself as a pocket weaver, and Comrade Yuan Ligang and I disguised themselves as brothers. Each comrade prepared a false confession in case he was discovered and blocked by the puppet army, and Comrade Yuan Ligang and I made up a false confession: Because of the bad year, we crossed the river to my aunt's house to borrow food, and our aunt's family lived in Hei Giltu Village. In addition, arrangements have been made for some of the specific issues that are anticipated.

The crossing of the river was carried out after breakfast. After we landed on the north bank of the Yellow River, we divided into three groups, about 200 paces away from each other, and after walking about 4 or 500 paces, the puppet Mongolian army fired at us frantically, and the bullets fell at our feet with a puff, and the situation was very dangerous. But we ignored it and still walked along the main road. When the enemy saw that we ignored him, they howled and pounced on us like hungry wolves, intercepted the five of us, and took them to an earthen weir, where they first conducted a comprehensive search, and as a result of the search, a fountain pen and a roll of Kuomintang-printed banknotes were found from the corner of Comrade Li Yunlong's quilt. This was a problem, and although we all insisted on the pre-arranged confessions, the enemy did not believe us in any way, and tied up all five of us and took us to the village where the puppet army lived. They lived in a courtyard that looked like a small earthen enclosure, the walls of the courtyard were higher than the roof, and there were battlements on all sides of the courtyard walls, and the sentinels of the puppet army kept watch on it day and night.

When we got to this earthen enclosure, the enemy first locked the five of us in a house. We held a meeting with the Japanese puppet army during dinner before the interrogation, and on the one hand, we severely criticized Comrade Li Yunlong's mistake of not listening to the organization's instructions and not completely disguising himself; On the other hand, he said that he would never expose his comrades under any circumstances, would not confide in the enemy the slightest bit of truth, and had made full ideological preparations and waited for a hand-to-hand struggle.

After a while, a puppet soldier who looked like a small leader kicked open the door of our room, crossed the door with a horsewhip in his hand, bared a mouth of gold teeth, and said to us with a murderous face: "What are you doing? Tell the truth, or you're welcome! "We have long anticipated this, and now it is a question of how to fight the enemy. Since we had already made more specific preparations, all five of us were calm, and we replied to him with silence. Seeing that we didn't speak, this puppet soldier waved in a few soldiers and dragged Comrade Li Yunlong and Comrade Zhu Qihua to another room for interrogation. There were only three of us left in the room, and none of us spoke except for the occasional glance at each other.

Immediately after that, from another room came the shouting of the enemy and the whipping of leather whips, the sounds of whipping and scolding were mixed, and sometimes several whips were heard at the same time. In the midst of this beastly scolding and savage beating, Comrade Zhu Qihua was vaguely heard saying: "I'm telling the truth...... oops! ...... "We can't listen to this anymore, I really want to fight with them." However, when we thought of the tasks assigned to us by the party and the instructions given to us, we still suppressed the anger in our hearts, gritted our teeth and waited for the enemy to torture and interrogate us.

After a while, the enemy came to our room again, showed a sly smile, and said to us with a smug look, "Don't give us a little bit of power, you don't know how many eyes the horse prince has." They've confessed, you don't talk about it, don't fucking find trouble! "Although the enemy thinks this is a clever method, we can see at a glance that it is a trick of deception. Whether it's deception or not, it won't reveal any truth from our mouths anyway. When the enemy interrogated us separately, we still said what we had said, and we said to them: "We are ordinary people, and what we say is the truth, and we can't help it if you don't believe us." "When the enemy saw that the method of using deception did not work, he became even more annoyed and angry, and stretched out his hand to pull Comrade Zhang Zijun over and beat him, and after a while there was no result, the enemy planned to fight on me and Comrade Yuan Zigang.

A puppet soldier kicked me off the kang and threw me to the ground, twisted my hands behind my back and tied them up with ropes, ready to hang me from the beams. At this point, I felt as if a group of hungry wolves were about to tear me apart. "What the hell is it for? To say or not to say? The enemy roared. I replied, "My brothers and I really went to our relatives' house to borrow some food, and if you don't believe it, you must be hanged, and I can't help it, and I can't say anything else if I am killed." Then I said, "My aunt is not far from here, and it will take a moment to find her, and it will be clear if we are good or bad...... and the enemy asked my uncle's name, and what village he lived in. I also answered according to the confession I had prepared in advance.

At this time, the enemy began to hesitate, and since he could not ask any flaws, nor could he grasp any handles, he looked helpless, so I took the offensive and said, "If you don't believe me, we two brothers can go out and find a guarantor first." ”

"Can you find a guarantor today?" The enemy stared at me with suspicion. "I'm sure I'll find a guarantor." I say for sure. "Which of you two is going?"

At that time, I thought that Comrade Yuan Ligang was younger than me, and it was estimated that he did not have much social experience, so I said: "My younger brother is young and has never been out, and I am afraid that I will not be able to explain things clearly when I go out. If you ask my brother to go, you will give him a certificate, so that you don't have to talk on the road and go on a business trip. ”

The enemy fixed his mind and said, "Stay in the enclosure and wait for the guarantor, and let your brother go." "There was no proof either. When Comrade Yuan Ligang was about to leave, he glanced at me, and I deliberately said to Comrade Yuan Ligang in front of the puppet army: "My aunt's family lives in Hei Jiertu Village, find my aunt and ask them to come and protect me, and ask my aunt to buy a few cigarettes and ......." Comrade Yuan Ligang said: "Remember. ”

Comrade Yuan Ligang got out of the fire pit, although I was very happy in my heart, but I still have no bottom, where to find a guarantor? Who is our guarantor? Did Han Feng and other comrades cross the Yellow River safely? Will something happen to them? I feel that the problem is serious. But I also thought that as long as there were people outside, there was always hope. When I think of this, the pressure seems to be relieved.

In the evening, the enemy called me from the house where I was locked up at the beginning to a room where the puppet army was cooking, and then I saw two comrades, Li Yunlong and Zhu Qihua, also sitting on the kang in the room, and the puppet army asked me to eat the remaining bowl of pots in the pot, and in the process of eating this bowl of pots, Comrade Li Yunlong deliberately said a few words to the puppet army: "Alas! In the past few years, I have been a soldier on the other side of the Yellow River, and to be honest, I didn't want to do it for a long time, I deserted last night, and I crossed the ......river today." From the conversation between Li Yunlong and the puppet army, I learned that when Comrade Li Yunlong beat Comrade Zhu Qihua in the puppet army, it was he who took the initiative to tell the puppet army that they were deserted soldiers in the Kuomintang army on the south bank of the river.

Since Li Yunlong and Zhu Qihua admitted that they were deserters from the Kuomintang, Zhang Zijun was not found to be suspicious, so the enemy let Comrade Zhang Zijun go first, and after lighting up the lights at night, confiscated all the belongings of Li Yunlong and Zhu Qihua, and let them go.