
How can allergy symptoms be relieved? Experts reveal the secret method and say goodbye to allergies

author:The MD focuses on the gastrointestinal tract

On a spring morning, Mr. Li opened the door of his house and was greeted not by the long-awaited warm sunshine, but by a flurry of pollen that made him sneeze. Mr. Li, a retired teacher in his seventies, has been suffering from allergies every time spring comes. Although this is nothing new, he always endures the pain of nasal congestion, runny nose and itchy eyes during pollen season every year. For Mr. Li, this is not just a seasonal annoyance, but a real problem that affects the quality of his daily life.

Allergies are a common health problem among middle-aged and elderly people, and many people like Ms. Li are retired, but they are unable to enjoy their due old age because of allergy symptoms.

How can allergy symptoms be relieved? Experts reveal the secret method and say goodbye to allergies

Understand the basics of allergies

Allergies, also known as allergies, are physiological phenomena in which the immune system reacts abnormally to substances (allergens) that don't normally react to most people. In the case of a normal immune system, it protects us from germs and viruses, but in the case of allergens, the immune system mistakenly recognizes them as a threat and initiates an excessive immune response.

Mechanism of allergic reactions

The mechanism of allergic reactions mainly involves two main types of cells of the immune system: B cells and T cells. When the body is first exposed to an allergen, B cells release specific antibodies, called IgE antibodies. These antibodies bind to the allergen to form an allergen-antibody complex, which then binds to IgE receptors on the surface of tissue cells.

On re-exposure to the allergen, the allergen binds to the tissue cells that have already bound to the IgE antibody, causing the tissue cells to release various active substances such as histamine and interleukin. These substances cause allergic symptoms such as vasodilation, increased mucosal secretion, smooth muscle contraction, etc., resulting in reactions such as nasal congestion, coughing, itchy skin, etc.

Common allergens

Allergens can be pollen, dust mites, molds in the air, or certain ingredients in food such as eggs, milk, nuts, etc. In addition, medications, insect bites, animal dander, etc., can also be allergens.

Types of allergies

Allergies can be divided into different types, mainly including:

Food allergies: allergic reactions to certain foods or their components, such as peanut allergies, egg allergies, etc.

Respiratory allergies: mainly react to allergens such as pollen and dust mites in the air, manifesting as symptoms such as nasal congestion, sneezing, and asthma.

Contact allergies: caused by exposure to certain substances or materials, such as certain cosmetics, metals, etc.

Understanding the basics of allergies helps us better understand the causes of allergy symptoms and the options for relieving them.

How can allergy symptoms be relieved? Experts reveal the secret method and say goodbye to allergies

Effective allergy relief

Allergies are a common health problem in middle-aged and elderly people, which seriously affects their quality of life and health status. Effective allergy relief can not only reduce symptoms, but also improve well-being and overall well-being. Here are a few widely recognized allergy relief methods that are based on scientific evidence and can help patients with allergy symptoms.

1. Medication

Medication is one of the main means of controlling and relieving allergy symptoms. Commonly used medications include antihistamines and hormonal drugs:

Antihistamine drugs, such as loratadine, chlorpheniramine, etc., can effectively inhibit the release of histamine, reduce nasal symptoms such as nasal congestion and runny nose, and also have a certain alleviating effect on skin allergic reactions.

Hormonal drugs, such as dexamethasone, hydrocortisone, etc., are used to treat severe allergic reactions, such as asthma attacks and severe skin allergies. Hormone drugs should be used under the guidance of a doctor to avoid side effects caused by long-term high-dose use.

Medication needs to be chosen on an individual basis and the type of allergy, and care should be taken to avoid substance abuse and dependence.

2. Immunotherapy

For people with recurrent episodes of severe allergies, immunotherapy is a long-term treatment option. Immunotherapy reduces the severity and frequency of allergic reactions by gradually introducing allergens and increasing their tolerance to them. Although immunotherapy requires patience and a long-term course of treatment, it has significant effects on improving patients' quality of life.

3. Topical treatments

For allergic skin reactions or local allergic symptoms, topical treatments are an effective way to relieve. For example:

Allergic skin reactions: Topical allergy creams or lotions, such as fluocinolone propionate cream, can be used to help reduce rashes and itching.

Eye allergy symptoms: Ophthalmic antihistamine eye drops can quickly reduce eye congestion, itching and other discomfort.

Topical treatments can be targeted to alleviate allergy symptoms and avoid the side effects of systemic medications.

4. Complementary treatments

In addition to mainstream medications, some complementary treatments are also thought to help relieve allergy symptoms, such as:

Traditional Chinese medicine treatment: Some traditional Chinese medicines have anti-allergic and immune function regulating effects, such as Pueraria lobata, Astragalus membranaceus, etc.

Probiotic supplementation: Regulates intestinal flora and may help improve allergic reactions.

These complementary treatments vary in individual differences and treatment effectiveness, and are recommended to be used under the guidance of a physician.

How can allergy symptoms be relieved? Experts reveal the secret method and say goodbye to allergies

Lifestyle and environmental control

Lifestyle and environmental control play an important role in allergy relief, helping patients reduce the frequency and severity of allergy attacks and improve their quality of life.

1. Dietary modifications

Diet is especially important for people with allergies, and some dietary strategies include:

Avoid allergens: Avoid or reduce the intake of foods that trigger allergies, such as seafood, peanuts, etc., as much as possible.

Increase allergic foods: Foods rich in vitamins C, E, β-carotene, etc., can help boost immune system function.

2. Environmental control

Controlling exposure to allergens at home and at work can significantly reduce the occurrence of allergic reactions:

Indoor air purification: Use an air purifier to remove allergens in the air, such as dust mites, pollen, etc.

Bedding management: Change bedding regularly to keep it dry and clean to reduce dust mite breeding.

3. Exercise and rest

Moderate exercise and adequate rest are beneficial for regulating the immune system and reducing allergic reactions:

Moderate exercise: Enhance the body's resistance and improve immune function, but avoid intense exercise during the allergy season.

Good sleep: Maintaining a regular sleep schedule can help regulate the body's immune function and reduce the onset of allergy symptoms.

In summary, through effective drug therapy, immunotherapy, lifestyle modification and environmental control, middle-aged and elderly patients with allergies can significantly reduce allergy symptoms and improve their quality of life. Each patient should choose the appropriate relief method according to the individual situation and type of allergy, and treat and manage it under the guidance of a doctor.