
Actor's full stop: Remarry and marry a girl who is 11 years younger as his wife, so that the parents-in-law who lost their son will not be sad in their old age

author:Leave no trace in the Hall of Knowledge
Actor's full stop: Remarry and marry a girl who is 11 years younger as his wife, so that the parents-in-law who lost their son will not be sad in their old age
Please use your golden finger to make a fortune, like and take a walk, get rich forever, pay attention to the like, it is difficult to get rich if you don't want to
Actor's full stop: Remarry and marry a girl who is 11 years younger as his wife, so that the parents-in-law who lost their son will not be sad in their old age

In the Chinese entertainment industry, there is a couple whose story is fascinating. His name is full stop, and he is a comedian who has experienced a failed marriage and raised his daughter alone.

Her name is Yadan, she is 11 years younger than her husband, and she is young and beautiful. At the beginning, when the lovers with a huge age difference decided to enter the marriage hall, Yadan's parents were deeply worried.

They feared that their daughter would be wronged by marrying a divorced man with a child, and they strongly opposed the marriage.

In 1962, Dandong City, Liaoning Province ushered in an ordinary but extraordinary life, that is, the famous comedian full stop. Born into an ordinary family, he has had a strong interest in performing arts since he was a child.

Actor's full stop: Remarry and marry a girl who is 11 years younger as his wife, so that the parents-in-law who lost their son will not be sad in their old age

During his childhood, the occasional Chaplin silent film shown in the village became the food for the whole life. He obsessively watched those exaggerated and infectious body movements, and began to imitate them in his daily life, often making those around him laugh.

In addition to comedy, full stop also has a soft spot for traditional forms of music such as cross talk and sketches. He studied hard, especially in the Allegro performance. At school, he often organized small performances to showcase his talents, and these experiences laid a solid foundation for his later stage career.

By chance, the young full stop participated in a provincial art performance competition. He chose an allegro program called "Batch of Eggs", and with his exquisite skills and unique performance style, he won bursts of applause from the audience, and finally won the Outstanding Performance Award.

This experience not only strengthened his determination to pursue his artistic dream, but also opened the door to his acting career.

Actor's full stop: Remarry and marry a girl who is 11 years younger as his wife, so that the parents-in-law who lost their son will not be sad in their old age

Although he joined the army after that, his love for acting remained undiminished. In the army's art show, the talent of the full stop was recognized by the art master Ye Jinglin.

Ye Jinglin believes that the full stop is a hidden pearl and strongly recommends him to enter the repertory troupe for further study. Here, full stop received systematic professional training, which laid a solid foundation for his future acting career.

With the increasing sophistication of his acting skills, the reputation of the full stop gradually rose. But his real name "Ju Zhaojie" is not catchy enough. At Ye Jinglin's suggestion, he resolutely decided to change the name to "Full Stop".

This concise and bright stage name makes it easier for the audience to remember this actor full of joy.

Actor's full stop: Remarry and marry a girl who is 11 years younger as his wife, so that the parents-in-law who lost their son will not be sad in their old age

The theatrical stage has accumulated a wealth of acting experience for the full stop, and the acquaintance with comedy master Zhao Benshan has taken his career to the next level. Full stop was fortunate to be Zhao Benshan's assistant, and under the guidance of this comedy master, his acting skills have been further improved and refined.

After years of hard work and training, full stop finally relied on his talent and persistence to successfully be promoted to a national first-class actor. From an unknown military literary soldier to an excellent screen actor loved by audiences across the country, the success of the full stop is inseparable from his own hard work, and also thanks to the careful cultivation of Ye Jinglin and Zhao Benshan, two mentors.

Today's full stop has become a banner in the Chinese comedy industry. He used his own experience to prove that as long as you have a dream and keep your love, even ordinary people can shine on the road of art.

The story of the full stop is not only the growth history of an actor, but also an inspirational legend about perseverance and pursuit.

Actor's full stop: Remarry and marry a girl who is 11 years younger as his wife, so that the parents-in-law who lost their son will not be sad in their old age

The emotional life of the full stop is like a drama of ups and downs. His first marriage ended in failure, leaving behind a daughter to raise. This experience brought a huge blow to the period, not only was it emotionally traumatic, but also put his career at a low point for a while.

However, as with the characters he plays on stage, life is always full of unexpected twists.

The gears of fate quietly turned, and in Ye Jinglin's art team, he met Guo Yadan, who was 11 years younger than him. The two met because of their common artistic pursuits, and gradually fell in love with each other day and night.

Full stop used his unique sense of humor to make Guo Yadan happy, and his careful and considerate actions also made Guo Yadan feel warm. He affectionately called Guo Yadan "Yadan", and this cute nickname also became her stage name.

Actor's full stop: Remarry and marry a girl who is 11 years younger as his wife, so that the parents-in-law who lost their son will not be sad in their old age

However, when the feelings gradually heat up, the full stop begins to sink into deep self-doubt. He worries that his age and past experiences will become obstacles to the relationship between the two.

After some inner struggle, Full Stop decided to confess his situation to Yadan. Surprisingly, Yadan already knew everything and expressed his willingness to face the challenges of the future with him.

Yadan's tolerance and understanding made full stop regain his confidence in love.

However, the test of love does not end there. When the two decided to make their relationship public, Yadan's parents showed strong opposition. They could not accept their daughter marrying a divorced man with children, fearing that her daughter would be wronged by it.

Actor's full stop: Remarry and marry a girl who is 11 years younger as his wife, so that the parents-in-law who lost their son will not be sad in their old age

Especially Yadan's father, he can't understand why his daughter chose such a "complicated" man as her lifelong partner.

In the face of many obstacles, full stop and Yadan did not choose to retreat. They slowly moved Yadan's parents with sincere feelings and firm attitudes. The full stop promised his parents-in-law that he would treat Ya Dan well, and Ya Dan said that he would do his best to take care of the family.

In the end, with the blessings of relatives and friends, they held a grand wedding and officially stepped into the palace of marriage.

This marriage is not only the union of two people, but also the integration of two families. It proves that genuine affection can bridge the gap of age and heal the wounds of the past.

Actor's full stop: Remarry and marry a girl who is 11 years younger as his wife, so that the parents-in-law who lost their son will not be sad in their old age

The story of the full stop and the girl seems to be a moving music of life, composing a beautiful chapter of courage, understanding and love.

Before the joy of the newlywed has completely faded, the family of Full Stop and Yadan has suffered a huge blow. Yadan's brother died unexpectedly, and this sudden bad news plunged the whole family into grief.

The blow of losing her beloved son almost broke down Yadan's parents, and the whole family was shrouded in a gloomy fog.

In this difficult time, the full stop showed extraordinary responsibility and maturity. He endured the grief in his heart and stood strong in front of his parents-in-law. He affectionately and firmly said to his parents-in-law: "Mom and Dad, I know you are in pain, but please be strong.

Actor's full stop: Remarry and marry a girl who is 11 years younger as his wife, so that the parents-in-law who lost their son will not be sad in their old age

Although the eldest brother has left us, he must not want to see you so emaciated. From today, let me fill this gap. I will take care of you like a big brother and support you until you are old.

These heartfelt words not only comforted the grief-stricken parents-in-law, but also gave them a full stop of responsibility and responsibility. In order to allow the parents-in-law to retire with peace of mind and get rid of the pain of losing their child, full stop and Yadan made a major decision: to take their parents-in-law to live in Beijing.

In addition to his busy work, he took care of his parents-in-law and did his best to make up for the loss of their son.

At the same time, Yadan also devoted herself to the family. Not only does she take care of her parents, but she also wholeheartedly raises her full stop daughter as her own. In order not to make her stepdaughter feel different, Yadan even decided not to have children again.

Actor's full stop: Remarry and marry a girl who is 11 years younger as his wife, so that the parents-in-law who lost their son will not be sad in their old age

However, life is always full of surprises, and they eventually usher in the crystallization of their love and form a more complete family.

With the joint efforts of full stop and Yadan, this family that has undergone great changes has gradually regained its vitality. The parents-in-law's heart knot slowly untied, they saw the sincerity and dedication of the full stop, and they were also relieved that their daughter had found a good home.

The full stop proves with practical actions that he is not only an excellent actor, but also a responsible husband and filial son.

This reorganized family has become more harmonious and happy under the power of love. The ordeal they went through together not only did not destroy the family, but made it stronger.

Actor's full stop: Remarry and marry a girl who is 11 years younger as his wife, so that the parents-in-law who lost their son will not be sad in their old age

The story of the full stop and the girl shows how love and family shine in the face of adversity, and also explains what true family responsibility and responsibility are.

On the scales of acting career and family responsibilities, the full stop shows an admirable art of balance. As a comedian loved by the audience, he continues to shine on the stage, participating in many important performances such as the Spring Festival Gala, and using his talent to bring joy and emotion to the audience.

However, full stop knows that a successful career does not mean that family can be neglected. He always finds time to spend with his family as much as possible, taking care of his parents-in-law, wife and children.

In his view, family support is a solid backing for his career development, and the success of his career is a guarantee for his family to provide a better life.

Actor's full stop: Remarry and marry a girl who is 11 years younger as his wife, so that the parents-in-law who lost their son will not be sad in their old age

In this process, Yadan played a crucial role. She is not only the love of the full stop, but also his right-hand man in his career. The two often perform on stage together, have a tacit understanding on the stage, and get along with each other in life.

Yadan's understanding and support allowed full stop to better balance career and family.

The full stop's success is not only reflected in his acting career, but also in how he balances career and family. He proved with practical actions that a successful man should not only achieve something in his career, but also be a good husband, father and son-in-law.

This balance has won not only the support of the family, but also the respect of the public.

Actor's full stop: Remarry and marry a girl who is 11 years younger as his wife, so that the parents-in-law who lost their son will not be sad in their old age

In traditional Chinese culture, "self-cultivation and family governance" has always been regarded as the highest state of life. Although the full stop does not have the grand ambition of governing the country and leveling the world, his perfect balance of personal cultivation, family harmony, and career achievements undoubtedly interprets the modern significance of this ancient precept.

His story has become a role model in the eyes of many, proving that career and family can be juggled together, and this balance is an art worth learning in itself.

Looking back on the life trajectory of the full stop, we can clearly see a transformation process from being questioned to being recognized. Initially, when he decided to marry Yadan, who was 11 years younger, his parents-in-law's disapproval and social doubts were endless.

However, time has passed, and the doubts of the past have now been transformed into universal praise, and the full stop has explained what true success is with his own actions.

Actor's full stop: Remarry and marry a girl who is 11 years younger as his wife, so that the parents-in-law who lost their son will not be sad in their old age

Today's full stop, although his presence on the stage is not as frequent as before, he is still the comedy giant who can bring laughter and emotion in people's hearts. More importantly, he became an admirable husband, father, and son-in-law.

The story of the full stop tells us that true success is not only about the glory of your career, but also about playing every role in life.

He used his own experience to prove that as long as he manages carefully, the doubts of the past will eventually turn into praise, and the once unfavored will eventually become an enviable model. The full stop life transformation is not only a personal success, but also a role model for many people, showing how to realize self-worth and earn the respect and recognition of others in the complex journey of life.

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