
The cruel truth of the entertainment industry is vividly displayed in the 36-year-old girl

author:Mu Mu said entertainment

On an ordinary night in 2019, a familiar and unfamiliar face appeared in the webcast room. The 36-year-old girl is working hard to perform a duo turn, and the fine lines at the corners of her eyes are looming in front of the camera.

There are few barrages and few audiences, and she is like the brilliant woman on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala ten years ago. Who would have thought that this new comedy star, who once made the national audience laugh, is now struggling to support himself in the live broadcast room, just to get a little attention? From a popular artist with a monthly income of one million to an online anchor who few people care about, what ups and downs has Yadan's life experienced? Let's step into her story and unveil the cruel truth of the entertainment industry.

On the Chinese New Year's Eve of the Year of the Ox in the lunar calendar in 2009, a playful and cute "granddaughter" image on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala instantly caught the attention of the national audience. In Zhao Benshan's "Not Bad Money" sketch, Yadan successfully captured the hearts of hundreds of millions of viewers with its unique performance style and smart stage performance.

Overnight, this unknown young actor was transformed into a household name in comedy. Zhao Benshan appreciated this proud protégé. Under his careful cultivation, Yadan's career is like a rocket, rising rapidly.

The cruel truth of the entertainment industry is vividly displayed in the 36-year-old girl

From the initial salary of a few hundred yuan a game in a small troupe, to a six-figure salary at every turn, Yadan's life has undergone earth-shaking changes. Endorsements followed, and commercial activities were endless, and she became a hot upstart in the entertainment industry.

However, the gears of fate are always elusive. In 2013, Yadan made a decision that changed the trajectory of her life - a secret divorce from her husband Wang Jinlong. This move seriously violated Zhao Jiaban's unwritten rule that "you must not abandon your wife or divorce".

When the news reached Zhao Benshan's ears, the comedy titan was furious. "As long as you dare to divorce, don't go on stage again in the future." Zhao Benshan's words were like a hammer, instantly knocking Yadan into the bottom of her career.

lost the protection of the big tree of Zhao Benshan, and the development of Yadan in the entertainment industry was difficult. Resources and opportunities that were once at your fingertips are slipping away like grains of sand.

The cruel truth of the entertainment industry is vividly displayed in the 36-year-old girl

Yadan tried to regain its strength through other channels. She participated in "Happy Comedian", and also collaborated with her old partner Xiao Shenyang in "Not Bad Money 2", hoping to regain the glory of the past.

However, none of these attempts allowed her to get back to the top of her career. Without Zhao Benshan's support, the audience seems to have gradually forgotten this former comedy star.

The commercial endorsements that were once popular are now snatched away by those new students with more traffic. What happened to Yadan is undoubtedly a microcosm of the cruel reality of the entertainment industry.

It's gratifying to be an overnight hit, but it takes more effort and luck to gain a long-term foothold in this fast-changing circle. And sometimes, just one decision is enough to make a star fall from the clouds to the dust.

The cruel truth of the entertainment industry is vividly displayed in the 36-year-old girl

Yadan's experience makes us reflect: in this Vanity Fair, how should artists weigh personal choices and career development? And how to maintain your heart while not being eliminated by the ruthless rules of the entertainment industry? This may be a problem that everyone who breaks into the entertainment industry needs to face.

To truly understand Yadan's life trajectory, we need to go back to her childhood. In 1987, Yadan was born in an ordinary family in Heilongjiang. However, fate seems to have played a cruel joke on her from the start.

Less than a month after she was born, Yadan experienced the first abandonment in her life. Due to a disagreement with her father's personality, the biological mother chose to divorce and left the baby in her infancy to her father.

Fortunately, soon after, the father remarried, and the stepmother treated the girl like her own daughter. Under the careful care of her stepmother, the frail and sickly girl gradually grew up and slowly became interested in the two.

The cruel truth of the entertainment industry is vividly displayed in the 36-year-old girl

However, the peaceful life was broken again when Yadan was 10 years old. His father was in debt due to poor management, and his stepmother chose to leave. The girl who was "abandoned" for the second time had to take on the responsibilities of adulthood prematurely.

Faced with her father, who grew old overnight, the young girl said distressing words: "Dad, let me make money to support you, believe me." The strength and sensibility revealed in this sentence make people feel sorry for what happened to this little girl.

In this way, the girl who was only in the fourth grade of primary school dropped out of school to work and began the arduous road of paying off her father's debts. She joined a small local theater troupe and officially embarked on the road of two-person performance.

From the initial stage fright on the stage, to the confident blooming later, Yadan has won more and more applause from the audience with his efforts and talents. This difficult childhood experience may be the root of Yadan's decisive decisions in career and relationship in the future.

The cruel truth of the entertainment industry is vividly displayed in the 36-year-old girl

She has long learned to survive adversity, and she knows the value of opportunity. Every performance, every applause, is her hope to get out of the predicament. However, the trick of fate is far from over.

This girl, who grew up in hardship, has to face more ups and downs. The experience of childhood made Yadan strong, but it also planted the seeds of insecurity in her heart.

This may explain some of her later decisions in her relationship and career. Yadan's story tells us that a person's growth trajectory is often foreshadowed in childhood.

The hardships and struggles of those early years were both a constraint and a driving force that shaped her unique life path. In Zhao's class, Yadan not only found the starting point of her career, but also met her first marriage - Wang Jinlong.

The cruel truth of the entertainment industry is vividly displayed in the 36-year-old girl

The two have similar personalities, both are hearty and straightforward, and soon sparked a spark of love. With the support of Zhao Benshan, they formed a tacit partner, and they cooperated seamlessly both on stage and in life.

However, the success of the 2009 Spring Festival Gala made Yadan's career flourish, but Wang Jinlong was always tepid. This huge gap inevitably brings contradictions.

In November 2011, after Yadan gave birth to a son, family conflicts intensified. Busy with work and taking care of children, she often feels powerless. One day, she finally couldn't help but say to Wang Jinlong: "Can't you help me at home?" However, Wang Jinlong's answer was full of helplessness and anger: "I am a big man, who takes care of children at home every day."

"The huge contrast in career and the uneven distribution of family responsibilities have gradually brought this marriage to an end. In 2013, Yadan made a difficult decision - a secret divorce.

The cruel truth of the entertainment industry is vividly displayed in the 36-year-old girl

This decision not only affected her marriage, but also completely changed the trajectory of her career. However, Yadan's emotional life did not stop there. In 2019, a romantic scene was staged on the yacht: Xiao Pengfei, Yadan's junior brother, knelt down on one knee and proposed to her.

The girl in the photo is full of happy smiles, as if she has been reborn. But this happiness has attracted criticism from public opinion. Xiao Pengfei is not only Yadan's junior brother, but also her and her ex-husband Wang Jinlong's common junior brother.

This complex relationship has caused a lot of shock inside and outside the entertainment industry. In the face of doubts, Yadan chose to follow her heart bravely. She firmly believes that love is the most important thing in life, and she must move forward even in the face of obstacles.

However, this decision also cost her, Zhao Benshan's attitude towards her became even colder, and her situation in the entertainment industry became more and more difficult. Yadan's emotional experience reflects the dilemma faced by artists in the entertainment industry.

The cruel truth of the entertainment industry is vividly displayed in the 36-year-old girl

The scales of career and love are always difficult to balance, and every choice can have unintended consequences. In this circle full of temptations and pitfalls, it is not easy to find true love, and it takes great courage to protect this love.

Today's Yadan has formed a new family with Xiao Pengfei and also gave birth to her second child. However, the trough of his career and the pressure of public opinion have made this new family face a lot of challenges.

Yadan had to stand in front of the stage again and make ends meet through live broadcasts and other means. Yadan's story tells us that in the vanity fair of the entertainment industry, love is often a double-edged sword.

It can be empowering, or it can be a stumbling block to a career. How to maintain one's heart and pursue true love while not being eliminated by the ruthless rules of the entertainment industry is a difficult problem that everyone who works hard in this circle needs to face.

The cruel truth of the entertainment industry is vividly displayed in the 36-year-old girl

Yadan's acting career is like a legendary story of ups and downs. The stunning appearance of the Spring Festival Gala in 2009 pushed her to the peak of her career in one fell swoop. The vivid image of the "granddaughter" in "Not Bad Money" made the national audience remember this smart and lovely newcomer.

Overnight, Yadan went from an unknown actor to a hot comedy star. After becoming famous, the girl seems to have embarked on a broad road covered with flowers.

Endorsements followed, and commercial activities were endless. Her salary has jumped from the initial few hundred yuan a game to a sky-high price of six figures. A monthly income of one million is a common thing for her, and the prosperity of the entertainment industry is in full view.

However, the changes in the entertainment industry always come unexpectedly. After losing Zhao Benshan's support, Yadan's development is like driving into a fog. She tried to return to the top by participating in "Happy Comedian" and cooperating with Xiao Shenyang in "Not Bad Money 2", but the effect was not as expected.

The cruel truth of the entertainment industry is vividly displayed in the 36-year-old girl

The former glory is gradually obscured by the dust of time, and the enthusiasm of the audience also fades. In this era of the continuous emergence of a new generation of artists, Yadan seems to have become a forgotten corner.

The commercial endorsements that were once popular now favor those new students with more traffic. Without the protection of the big tree of Zhao Benshan, Yadan's development in the entertainment industry is difficult.

Faced with the trough of her career, Yadan did not choose to give up. Together with her newlywed husband Xiao Pengfei, she tried to regain the audience's affection through live webcasts. However, the road to reinvention has not been smooth.

The girls in the live broadcast room, although they still perform hard, it is difficult to find the style of the year. The audience is small and the interaction is deserted, which is in stark contrast to the scene of the 10,000-eyed scene on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala in the past.

The cruel truth of the entertainment industry is vividly displayed in the 36-year-old girl

Yadan's experience is undoubtedly the epitome of the cruel reality of the entertainment industry. Overnight success is a joy of course, but it takes more effort and luck to gain a long-term foothold in this fast-changing circle.

And sometimes, just one decision is enough to make a star fall from the clouds to the dust. From a celebrity in the Spring Festival Gala to an online anchor, Yadan's career trajectory is like a roller coaster with ups and downs.

Her story reminds us that in the vanity fair of the entertainment industry, glory and loneliness are often only in a single thought. How to maintain one's heart while not being eliminated by the ruthless wave, and how to regain self-worth during the trough of his career, these are all questions that everyone who works hard in the entertainment industry needs to think about.

Standing at the crossroads of life, the 36-year-old girl is facing unprecedented challenges. The glory of the past has become a memory, but the road ahead is full of unknowns. Her experience is like a mirror, reflecting the cruel reality of the entertainment industry.

The cruel truth of the entertainment industry is vividly displayed in the 36-year-old girl

In this fast-changing industry, how can artists maintain their intentions while not being eliminated? How do you balance your career and personal life? The story of Yadan left us with deep thoughts.

Despite the current difficulties, we still hope that Yadan can be reborn. After all, the little girl who bravely stepped onto the stage of the two-person in order to support her family, the comedy star who shined on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala, has never really disappeared.

Perhaps, in the near future, we can also see a brand new girl, with her talent and tenacity, to win the love of the audience again. The future of Yadan may be just like the entertainment industry itself - full of unknowns, but also contains infinite possibilities.

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