
was a smash hit, but his girlfriend intervened in his marriage and died at the age of 43, leaving his last words, but the cause of death is a mystery

author:Chattering reading circles
was a smash hit, but his girlfriend intervened in his marriage and died at the age of 43, leaving his last words, but the cause of death is a mystery
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was a smash hit, but his girlfriend intervened in his marriage and died at the age of 43, leaving his last words, but the cause of death is a mystery

In 2014, the Taiwan police received an emergency call. When they broke down the door and entered a silent home, everyone was shocked by what they saw.

Yu Jiahui, a once brilliant female artist, has now closed her eyes forever. Beside her, a cooled charcoal-burning utensil silently told the story of the tragedy.

What's even more puzzling is that in Yu Jiahui's last words, just seven words sparked endless speculation and controversy: "They told me to do this." This short and enigmatic message is like opening a Pandora's box, revealing a past full of betrayal, heartbreak and despair.

For a while, rumors spread in the market, and the spearhead was directed at Yu Jiahui's best friend Jiang Qinqin. What kind of ups and downs has this 43-year-old former idol star experienced? What kind of pain drove her to a dead end? As the investigation deepens, a story of friendship, betrayal, and redemption emerges.

was a smash hit, but his girlfriend intervened in his marriage and died at the age of 43, leaving his last words, but the cause of death is a mystery

Yu Jiahui's life was as colorful as a fairy tale. In 1987, with her dreams, she stepped into the entertainment industry full of opportunities and challenges. Under the recommendation of the talent scout, the young and beautiful Yu Jiahui signed a contract with Jerry Artist Economy Studio and started her acting career.

The studio has created a joyful stage name for her, "Huanhuan", which embodies her vision of a carefree life in the future.

Soon, Yu Jiahui and another girl, Cai Yulun, formed a women's singing group called "Joy Party". This group, known as the originator of the girl idol group, not only soared in popularity, but also successfully became popular in Asia by chance.

In 1988, "Joy Party" performed on the same stage with three young teenagers in a Taiwanese variety show, making the "Little Tigers" famous in one fell swoop. Since then, the album "Happy New Year" jointly released by the two groups has become an instant hit, making the "Little Tigers" quickly become the hottest idol group in Taiwan's music scene, and even surpassing their predecessor "Joy Party" in popularity.

was a smash hit, but his girlfriend intervened in his marriage and died at the age of 43, leaving his last words, but the cause of death is a mystery

After marriage, Yu Jiahui wholeheartedly supported her husband's career. Although the two were still unknown in the entertainment industry at that time, Yu Jiahui spared no effort to pave the way for her husband's career with her superior family background.

With her great help, Zhang Xiaozheng finally ushered in a turning point in his career. In 1995, he became famous with his first masterpiece "The Heroes of Lingshan" and officially became a well-known director.

However, success did not make the marriage stronger. Instead, it becomes a double-edged sword, planting a hidden danger for the relationship. When preparing for the second work "The White-Haired Witch", Yu Jiahui took the initiative to invite Ying to participate in the filming, hoping to share the joy of her career with her husband.

It was during the filming of this drama that she met actress Jiang Qinqin, and the two soon became best friends who talked about everything.

was a smash hit, but his girlfriend intervened in his marriage and died at the age of 43, leaving his last words, but the cause of death is a mystery

At first, Yu Jiahui was ecstatic about the newfound friendship. She often mentioned Jiang Qinqin's various advantages in front of her husband, and even invited the other party to go out with her and her husband many times.

However, she never imagined that this woman, whom she regarded as her confidant, would eventually become a third party who destroyed her marriage.

When Yu Jiahui discovers her husband's betrayal, her world collapses. What was once sweet love turned into bitter poison, and trust was ruthlessly crushed. In a public setting, she denounced the betrayers and exposed their misdeeds.

What's even more heartbreaking is that Yu Jiahui revealed that during her second pregnancy, her husband had already begun to betray her, and in the entire ten years of married life, there were eight cheating.

was a smash hit, but his girlfriend intervened in his marriage and died at the age of 43, leaving his last words, but the cause of death is a mystery

Despite suffering such a heavy blow, Yu Jiahui still chose to face it strongly. She bravely stood up to clarify her innocence, but in the end, she was unable to salvage the broken marriage.

The failure of her first marriage brought her great psychological trauma and laid the groundwork for her future tragedy.

However, life always gives hope in the midst of despair. After a difficult period of single parenting, Yu Jiahui met the second spring of her life - Jiang Guobin during the filming process.

Under the enthusiastic pursuit of the other party, Yu Jiahui, who was deeply hurt, once again ignited her hope for love. With her two children, she bravely stepped into her second marriage.

was a smash hit, but his girlfriend intervened in his marriage and died at the age of 43, leaving his last words, but the cause of death is a mystery

At first, this marriage seemed to make up for the trauma in Yu Jiahui's heart. The two are very affectionate, and they also gave birth to a lovely daughter together. In order to take better care of the family, Yu Jiahui chose to leave the screen for the time being and concentrate on her husband and children.

Beneath the calm surface, however, lies an undercurrent. Differences in family trivialities and values gradually emerged, and the contradictions between husband and wife deepened. In the end, this marriage, which was supposed to be a salvation, also ended in failure.

The failure of the two marriages was like two hammers, which not only shattered Yu Jiahui's longing for love, but also deeply shook her self-confidence and life value. The once radiant and hopeful female star is now left with a scarred soul struggling under the weight of life.

After two failed marriages, Yu Jiahui was traumatized but still unwilling to give up. She is determined to return to showbiz and hopes to regain her self-worth through work. However, the cruel reality of the entertainment industry is far beyond her imagination.

was a smash hit, but his girlfriend intervened in his marriage and died at the age of 43, leaving his last words, but the cause of death is a mystery

The popular idol of the past has now been replaced by a new generation of stars, and the fans who were once familiar with her have long forgotten her. Every attempt to make a comeback was like hitting a hard barrier again and again, making her feel more and more frustrated and powerless.

As time passed, a sense of loss and powerlessness followed, and the haze of depression gradually enveloped Yu Jiahui's life. What was once a sunny and energetic girl is now taciturn and often alone in a daze.

She began to question the value of her life, believing that she was neither a good wife, nor a good mother, nor able to achieve success in her career.

This intense self-denial continued to erode her heart and plunged her into an emotional trough from which she could not extricate herself.

was a smash hit, but his girlfriend intervened in his marriage and died at the age of 43, leaving his last words, but the cause of death is a mystery

When Jiahui was at the lowest ebb of her life, fate ruthlessly gave her the final blow. Her father, who had regarded her as the jewel of his palm since she was a child and gave her infinite love, died suddenly.

This bad news was like a hammer, completely crushing her only remaining spiritual support. Faced with the departure of her loved ones, Yu Jiahui showed unusual calmness, and only said lightly that she wanted to rest alone for a while.

However, no one knew that under that calm exterior, her heart was already a mess. Losing her last support, Yu Jiahui completely fell into the abyss of despair.

The death of her father was not only an emotional blow, but also a turning point in Yu Jiahui's life. It became the last straw that crushed her and pushed her to the end of her life.

was a smash hit, but his girlfriend intervened in his marriage and died at the age of 43, leaving his last words, but the cause of death is a mystery

At this moment, the once beloved and promising girl is now left with an exhausted shell, carrying too much unspeakable pain and despair.

Looking back on Yu Jiahui's life, we can't help but sigh at the impermanence of fate. She once had an enviable family background, a dazzling acting career and a happy marriage, but she suffered blows again and again on the road of life.

Every time she fell, she tried to get back up, but in the end she was crushed by the weight of life. Her story is not only a tragedy of one person, but also reflects the cruelty of the entertainment industry and the complexity of human nature.

It reminds us that behind this glamorous world, there may be a lot of untold pain and struggle.

was a smash hit, but his girlfriend intervened in his marriage and died at the age of 43, leaving his last words, but the cause of death is a mystery

On June 1, 2014, the Taiwan police received an emergency call. When they broke down the door, the sight before them shocked and heartbroken everyone.

Yu Jiahui, who was once radiant, has now closed her eyes forever. Beside her, a cooled charcoal-burning utensil silently told the story of the tragedy.

What's even more puzzling is that in Yu Jiahui's last words, just seven words sparked endless speculation and controversy: "They told me to do this." This short and enigmatic message is like a key that opens a Pandora's box, revealing a past full of betrayal, heartbreak, and despair.

Who are "they"? This issue has sparked widespread discussion and speculation in society. Some people believe that "they" refer to her ex-husband Zhang Xiaozheng who betrayed her and her best friend Jiang Qinqin, who intervened in her marriage.

was a smash hit, but his girlfriend intervened in his marriage and died at the age of 43, leaving his last words, but the cause of death is a mystery

This betrayer's behavior undoubtedly caused an inhealing wound to Yu Jiahui's soul. Others speculate that "they" may include her second husband Jiang Guobin, who disappointed her, and those who are indifferent and ruthless in the entertainment industry.

However, a deeper interpretation suggests that "they" may represent all the people who have hurt her, all the experiences that have disappointed her, all the realities that have crushed her.

These seven words, which condense all her pain, despair and accusation, are the last cry for this cruel world.

Yu Jiahui's departure is not only a tragedy of one person, but also a microcosm of an era. It reveals the cruelty of the entertainment industry, the fragility of marriage, and the complexity of human nature.

was a smash hit, but his girlfriend intervened in his marriage and died at the age of 43, leaving his last words, but the cause of death is a mystery

Those who had hurt too much of Jiahui may still be enjoying life at this time, but she chose to leave forever. This strong contrast highlights the injustice of life and the complexity of human nature.

Her departure is like a mirror, reflecting the dark side of society and the fragility of everyone's heart.

Yu Jiahui's story is like a sad and moving elegy, which not only brings an end to her short but glorious life, but also brings the curtain down on that era full of dreams and frustrations.

Her seven-character last words will forever remain unsolved, an unsolvable mystery, a reminder of the fragility of human life and the complexity of human nature.

was a smash hit, but his girlfriend intervened in his marriage and died at the age of 43, leaving his last words, but the cause of death is a mystery

In this era of information explosion, Yu Jiahui's story will soon be replaced by a new hot spot. However, the eternal themes of friendship, love, betrayal, and redemption revealed by her experience will remain in people's hearts for a long time, becoming the collective memory and emotional imprint of an era.

Yu Jiahui's tragedy has made the warning of "fire prevention, theft prevention and girlfriend prevention" the most profound interpretation. Her experience ruthlessly reveals a harsh reality: even glamorous stars cannot escape the pain of emotional betrayal.

This story is like a mirror, reflecting the hidden crisis in interpersonal relationships, and also reflecting the deep fragility of everyone's heart.

Yu Jiahui's experience has triggered society's deep thinking about marriage, friendship and human nature. It reminds us of the importance of being vigilant in our interpersonal interactions, but at the same time, we should not lose our basic trust in others.

was a smash hit, but his girlfriend intervened in his marriage and died at the age of 43, leaving his last words, but the cause of death is a mystery

This balance may be a topic that we need to continue to explore in complex social relations.

In the end, we can't help but feel deeply sorry for Yu Jiahui's departure. Those who hurt her may still be enjoying life, but she is out of this world forever.

Her story will become a painful memory of an era, and a warning to all people: cherish life and be kind to others, because we never know what kind of storm a small act may set off in the lives of others.

Yu Jiahui's tragedy will eventually become an unhealable wound, reminding us of the fragility of life and the complexity of human nature.

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