
I can't laugh anymore, the Serie A women's volleyball team officially announced that Zhu Ting had joined, but I died laughing in the comment area of netizens

author:Yang Hua fell to the end of the child's entertainment
I can't laugh anymore, the Serie A women's volleyball team officially announced that Zhu Ting had joined, but I died laughing in the comment area of netizens

On June 27, the Serie A women's volleyball giant Conegliano Club officially announced the joining of Zhu Ting, the main attacker of the Chinese women's volleyball team, and she will wear the No. 4 jersey to play in the 2024-2025 season.

This time, the online comments were enthusiastic, and some self-media said that its 1.45 million euro franchise showed that it was still in the first echelon.

Netizens think that Zhu Ting's trip to Koné is a club game, and there are top players such as Gabi in the team, and it is possible to achieve a Grand Slam, I wonder if the old club Scandic regrets it.

Zhu Ting, a shining name in the field of volleyball, once again officially announced that she will join the Serie A giants and attack the championship next season.

I can't laugh anymore, the Serie A women's volleyball team officially announced that Zhu Ting had joined, but I died laughing in the comment area of netizens

As soon as this news came out, most of the industry insiders and fans sent sincere wishes.

They are well aware of Zhu Ting's strength and fighting spirit, and believe that she can show her style again in a foreign country and fight for honor.

The 198cm-tall 29-year-old legend will be wearing the number 4 shirt for the 2024-2025 season.

Zhu Ting, she is a bright star in the world volleyball world, and has performed extremely well in the domestic and international arenas.

I can't laugh anymore, the Serie A women's volleyball team officially announced that Zhu Ting had joined, but I died laughing in the comment area of netizens

In 2016, she won the Olympic gold medal with the Chinese team, and at that moment, the eyes of the world were on her.

Now, Zhu Ting has started the sixth season of her overseas career.

From Vakifer Bank in Turkey to Conegliano, she has challenged herself along the way.

You know, the Conegliano club is not ordinary, it won the championship in many competitions last season, and its strength is called a strong one.

I can't laugh anymore, the Serie A women's volleyball team officially announced that Zhu Ting had joined, but I died laughing in the comment area of netizens

Zhu Ting's joining is undoubtedly a tiger with wings.

Looking at the positive statements of netizens, some people say that her 1.45 million euros is enough to show that she is still in the first echelon, and this strength is beyond doubt.

Some people also said that no matter where Zhu Ting goes, she will firmly support it, and the deep friendship of this fan is really touching.

Some people even analyzed that Zhu Ting's teammates in Koné include Gabby, Warvosh, Harker and other top players, and it seems that there is no higher salary than Zhu Ting.

I can't laugh anymore, the Serie A women's volleyball team officially announced that Zhu Ting had joined, but I died laughing in the comment area of netizens

Some people even speculate that Zhu Ting can achieve a grand slam and win the Serie A Women's Volleyball League championship by going to Koné this time.

This also makes people wonder if his old club Scandic will regret his decision.

Sadly, there are always a handful of extreme black fans making waves on the Internet.

They questioned and attacked Zhu Ting without any basis, casting a shadow on the originally positive sports atmosphere and causing a lot of controversy.

I can't laugh anymore, the Serie A women's volleyball team officially announced that Zhu Ting had joined, but I died laughing in the comment area of netizens

These black fans opened their eyes and told nonsense, and unreasonably accused Zhu Ting of only playing a few sporadic games for the Chinese women's volleyball team after returning to China, and asserted that she did not actively win glory for the country.

What's more, he even said that Zhu Ting's substitute appearance was a personal request and had nothing to do with the head coach.

Such baseless remarks are really infuriating and chilling.

They also maliciously speculated about Zhu Ting's motives for playing abroad, slandered her just to earn euros and pension money, and even clamored for her not to come back and not to drag the Chinese women's volleyball team back.

I can't laugh anymore, the Serie A women's volleyball team officially announced that Zhu Ting had joined, but I died laughing in the comment area of netizens

But what is the truth, in fact, Zhu Ting is recuperating from her injuries while competing abroad, how difficult it is!

As soon as her wrist recovered, she returned to China to participate in the training camp without hesitation, this patriotism, this love for volleyball, and responsibility for the national team, isn't it enough to explain everything.

We can't forget that although Zhu Ting has not played many games for the Chinese women's volleyball team in the past two years, she has won countless honors for the women's volleyball team in the days when she played with Coach Lang Ping.

I can't laugh anymore, the Serie A women's volleyball team officially announced that Zhu Ting had joined, but I died laughing in the comment area of netizens

It was she who worked hard with her teammates to bring the Chinese women's volleyball team back to the top.

Those glorious moments and exciting victories are inseparable from Zhu Ting's dedication and efforts.

At this moment, Zhu Ting is preparing for the Paris Olympics with the Chinese women's volleyball team and is the absolute core force of the team.

She is not only an outstanding individual, but also a powerful symbol of the strength of Chinese volleyball.

I can't laugh anymore, the Serie A women's volleyball team officially announced that Zhu Ting had joined, but I died laughing in the comment area of netizens

Every time she transfers and decides, she touches the hearts of countless fans.

Zhu Ting has proved the value of top athletes with her practical actions.

Every smash she makes, every time she scores, she embodies countless sweat and hard work.

I believe that in the future Serie A arena, she will create more brilliance and win glory for the Chinese women's volleyball team.

I can't laugh anymore, the Serie A women's volleyball team officially announced that Zhu Ting had joined, but I died laughing in the comment area of netizens

Let's look forward to this volleyball superstar shining brighter in the new journey.

Zhu Ting's joining is another improvement in strength for the Conegliano club.

Conegliano already has a strong lineup and excellent tactical system, and the addition of Zhu Ting has undoubtedly injected new vitality and competitiveness into it.

On the training ground, Zhu Ting and her teammates actively ran in, learned from each other, and made progress together.

I can't laugh anymore, the Serie A women's volleyball team officially announced that Zhu Ting had joined, but I died laughing in the comment area of netizens

Her professionalism and hard-working attitude also infect everyone around her.

For the Chinese women's volleyball team, Zhu Ting's overseas experience is also a valuable asset.

She was able to get in touch with different tactical concepts and training methods, and brought these experiences back to China to promote the improvement of the overall level of the Chinese women's volleyball team.

Moreover, Zhu Ting's outstanding performance in the international arena has also won more respect and attention for Chinese volleyball.

I can't laugh anymore, the Serie A women's volleyball team officially announced that Zhu Ting had joined, but I died laughing in the comment area of netizens

We should look at athletes' performance and choices in an objective and impartial manner.

They are also ordinary people, with their own career plans and physical conditions to consider.

Zhu Ting plays abroad, not only for personal development, but also to accumulate experience and influence for Chinese volleyball.

Her efforts and contributions should not be easily denied and discredited.

I can't laugh anymore, the Serie A women's volleyball team officially announced that Zhu Ting had joined, but I died laughing in the comment area of netizens

Let us give Zhu Ting more understanding and support, and look forward to her achieving better results in the new season and continuing to add glory to Chinese volleyball.

At the same time, I also hope that those black fans can stop the unprovoked attacks, and give sports a pure space, so that positive energy will always shine on the stage of sports.

In the world of sports, what is needed is encouragement, respect, and understanding, not malicious slander and slander.

Let's protect this purity together and cheer for the dreams of every athlete.

I can't laugh anymore, the Serie A women's volleyball team officially announced that Zhu Ting had joined, but I died laughing in the comment area of netizens

In life, Zhu Ting has always maintained a low profile and humility.

Instead of being complacent about her achievements, she worked harder to improve herself.

She knows that honor is only a testimony of the past, and she needs to work harder in the future.

This down-to-earth style is worth learning from each of us.

I can't laugh anymore, the Serie A women's volleyball team officially announced that Zhu Ting had joined, but I died laughing in the comment area of netizens

In the future competition, Zhu Ting will face new challenges and opportunities.

However, we believe that with her perseverance and excellent skills, she will be able to overcome many difficulties and achieve even better results.

Let's cheer for Zhu Ting and cheer for the Chinese women's volleyball team!

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