
The Chinese women's volleyball team announced the Olympic list, led by Zhu Ting, and the poor performance of the 3-member World League caused controversy

author:There is a tiger in the heart

On June 29, the Volleyball Sports Management Center of the General Administration of Sports of China announced the 12+1 list of athletes participating in the Paris Olympic Games.

The Chinese women's volleyball team announced the Olympic list, led by Zhu Ting, and the poor performance of the 3-member World League caused controversy

Main attack: Zhu Ting, Zhang Changning, Li Yingying, Wu Mengjie.

Zhu Ting: 30 years old this year, alias MVP harvester, personal honors do not need to be introduced, technical characteristics: offensive and defensive integration, especially smashing, great strength, high height, flexible and diverse techniques, currently competing in the Italian Women's Volleyball League.

The Chinese women's volleyball team announced the Olympic list, led by Zhu Ting, and the poor performance of the 3-member World League caused controversy

Zhang Changning: 29 years old this year, a combination of beauty and technology, comprehensive skills, you are good at passing, blocking the net, has helped the Chinese women's volleyball team win the world championship three times, and is currently playing in the Jiangsu women's volleyball team.

The Chinese women's volleyball team announced the Olympic list, led by Zhu Ting, and the poor performance of the 3-member World League caused controversy

Li Yingying: 24 years old this year, playing for the Tianjin women's volleyball team, is a left-handed player, with a long arm span, accurate smash landing point, but slow movement.

The Chinese women's volleyball team announced the Olympic list, led by Zhu Ting, and the poor performance of the 3-member World League caused controversy

Wu Mengjie: 22 years old this year, nicknamed "Little Zhu Ting", with first-class speed, bounce, and reaction, a slightly inferior pass, and currently plays for the Jiangsu women's volleyball team.

The Chinese women's volleyball team announced the Olympic list, led by Zhu Ting, and the poor performance of the 3-member World League caused controversy

Secondary attack: Yuan Xinyue, Gao Yi, Wang Yuanyuan.

Yuan Xinyue: 28 years old this year, strong ability to block the net at fixed points, fast moving speed, medium strength, disadvantage is poor prediction ability, the current captain of the women's volleyball team, playing for the Tianjin women's volleyball team.

The Chinese women's volleyball team announced the Olympic list, led by Zhu Ting, and the poor performance of the 3-member World League caused controversy

II-VI: 26 years old this year, with a good height and arm span, delicate blocking skills, shortcomings are insufficient smashing power, poor serving quality, slow movement, playing for the Shanghai women's volleyball team.

The Chinese women's volleyball team announced the Olympic list, led by Zhu Ting, and the poor performance of the 3-member World League caused controversy

Wang Yuanyuan: 27 years old this year, strong ability to block the net, average service quality, insufficient smashing power, playing for Tianjin women's volleyball team.

The Chinese women's volleyball team announced the Olympic list, led by Zhu Ting, and the poor performance of the 3-member World League caused controversy

Second setter: Diao Linyu, Ding Xia.

Diao Linyu: 30 years old this year, the advantage is that the serve and defense are good, and the passing speed is fast. The disadvantage is the lack of passing stability and the single passing route. Played for Jiangsu women's volleyball team.

The Chinese women's volleyball team announced the Olympic list, led by Zhu Ting, and the poor performance of the 3-member World League caused controversy

Ding Xia: 34 years old, experienced, left-handed athlete, high quality serve, great threat, and active defense. As the oldest athlete in the women's volleyball team's big singles list, her physical fitness is poor.

The Chinese women's volleyball team announced the Olympic list, led by Zhu Ting, and the poor performance of the 3-member World League caused controversy

Answer: Gong Xiangyu, Zheng Yixin.

Gong Xiangyu: 27 years old this year, a pass and defense are good, lack of height, not enough smash height, play for Jiangsu women's volleyball team.

The Chinese women's volleyball team announced the Olympic list, led by Zhu Ting, and the poor performance of the 3-member World League caused controversy

Zheng Yixin: 29 years old this year, flexible running, good passing, lack of physical fitness, playing for the Fujian women's volleyball team.

The Chinese women's volleyball team announced the Olympic list, led by Zhu Ting, and the poor performance of the 3-member World League caused controversy

Free man Wang Mengjie: 29 years old this year, stable passing, poor defense, playing for Shandong women's volleyball team.

The Chinese women's volleyball team announced the Olympic list, led by Zhu Ting, and the poor performance of the 3-member World League caused controversy

Substitute Zhuang Yushan: 21 years old this year, the serve is okay, the pass is poor, the defense is poor, and he plays for the Fujian women's volleyball team.

The Chinese women's volleyball team announced the Olympic list, led by Zhu Ting, and the poor performance of the 3-member World League caused controversy

It can be seen that the list is mainly based on veterans, Zhu Ting, Zhang Changning, Yuan Xinyue, Ding Xia, and Gong Xiangyu are veterans of the Three Dynasties. Li Yingying, Wang Mengjie, and Wang Yuanyuan are veterans of the two dynasties who participated in the Tokyo Olympics, and Diao Linyu and Zheng Yixin are also veterans among the remaining ones.

It can be seen that the experienced veteran players brought to the Paris Olympics this time are mainly supplemented by the cultivation of young people.

However, because in the 1/4 finals of the World League on June 20, the Chinese women's volleyball team was swept out of the game by the Japanese team 0-3 and lost two consecutive defeats against Japan, many netizens blamed some players or head coaches for the failure.

The Chinese women's volleyball team announced the Olympic list, led by Zhu Ting, and the poor performance of the 3-member World League caused controversy

At that time, Ding Xia, Zheng Yixin, and II-VI were three players who went out with the team, but they did not perform well and were selected for the Olympic squad, which attracted controversy from many netizens.

The Chinese women's volleyball team announced the Olympic list, led by Zhu Ting, and the poor performance of the 3-member World League caused controversy
The Chinese women's volleyball team announced the Olympic list, led by Zhu Ting, and the poor performance of the 3-member World League caused controversy

Some netizens think that Wang Yunrui and Xu Xiaoting were not selected, which is a pity, especially Wang Yunrui has paid a lot in the past three years.

The Chinese women's volleyball team announced the Olympic list, led by Zhu Ting, and the poor performance of the 3-member World League caused controversy

It can be seen that everyone has different opinions, of course, the list is still in the publicity period, and if you have any opinions, you can put forward them, and you can stamp the list in writing.

The Chinese women's volleyball team announced the Olympic list, led by Zhu Ting, and the poor performance of the 3-member World League caused controversy

Finally, less than a month before the start of the Olympic Games, the first opponent of the Chinese team is the United States women's volleyball team, I wish the Chinese women's volleyball team a victory!

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