
Wang Yunrui was not convinced: There are many people in the national team who don't like Zhu Ting! I'm not the only one!

author:A great player in the sports world

On July 1, the Chinese women's volleyball national team has officially announced the 12-member squad for the Paris Olympics in August 2024.

There are Zhu Ting, Zhang Changning, as well as Ding Xia and Zheng Yixin, but there is no Wang Yunrui, the confidant of Coach Cai Bin.

Wang Yunrui was very uncomfortable and said frankly:

I've been the main force for the past 3 years, so it's so uncomfortable that I can't even get into the squad now. There are still many people in the national team who don't like Zhu Ting, not just me, why just say me?
Wang Yunrui was not convinced: There are many people in the national team who don't like Zhu Ting! I'm not the only one!
Wang Yunrui was not convinced: There are many people in the national team who don't like Zhu Ting! I'm not the only one!

Fans have said:

Wang Yunrui is telling the truth, Yuan Xinyue and others do not really welcome Zhu Ting.

Only Wang Mengjie applauded Zhu Ting.

The Chinese women's volleyball team needs Zhu Ting and won against Turkey and Poland, that is, when they have already obtained the Olympic ticket to the finals, they will play the finals immediately, they didn't play seriously, did they watch the Polish women's volleyball team in the finals? That's the real level of the Polish women's volleyball team.

If Zhu Ting can't integrate into the whole team as soon as possible, if the injury can't recover in time, if she still disrupts the manager's tactical arrangement like that, Zhu Ting at the Paris Olympics is likely to be a pit, and it's not about who is a superstar, but more importantly, who is more suitable.

With Zhu Ting here, Zhu Ting is the first credit for the women's volleyball team to achieve good results, even if she doesn't play or doesn't play well on the court (it's all caused by the coach's improper command and the setter won't feed the ball).
Wang Yunrui was not convinced: There are many people in the national team who don't like Zhu Ting! I'm not the only one!
Wang Yunrui was not convinced: There are many people in the national team who don't like Zhu Ting! I'm not the only one!

If the women's volleyball team does not perform well, it must be Cai Bin who is behind it, and Zhu Ting is unscathed and is still the god of the women's volleyball team. Abandoning Zhu Ting, who would dare to make this decision?

Wang Yunrui's offense and defense are not as good as Zhu Ting, Zhu Ting is a women's volleyball player who is optimistic about the world, and she is the Dinghai Shenshen needle of the Chinese women's volleyball team, and she must pay attention to reuse.

Let's take a look back at the Rio Olympics and Brazil and other games, the experience of the competition is lacking in young players, Zhu Ting only has a wrist injury, she is not very old, and she is still a year to fight!

The editor thinks:

On July 1st, is Wang Yunrui really just the one behind the blame?

Wang Yunrui was not convinced: There are many people in the national team who don't like Zhu Ting! I'm not the only one!
Wang Yunrui was not convinced: There are many people in the national team who don't like Zhu Ting! I'm not the only one!

Zhu Ting is stronger than Wang Yunrui even if she attacks while lying down.


Cai Bin's confidant Wang Yunrui will file a complaint, and the 12-member Chinese women's volleyball team will cause a storm.

Do you mean that?

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