
A 48-year-old single female doctor who takes a pet as a son has a weird personality and is called "Exterminator Tai" by the nurse!

author:Forsythia fragrance

There is a female doctor in this hospital who is called "Exterminator" by all the nurses, and she is a proper cat lover, but her perverse and weird personality is really not flattering.

Speaking of which, "Extinction Master" is actually not very old, she is only 48 years old this year, but she has not been married so far, and it can be said that she is an old girl who has been single for many years. It is not clear whether she fell in love when she was young, after all, it is people's privacy, anyway, she is now alone. Oh no, she's not completely alone, she has a cat.

How perverse and weird is this single female doctor's personality? She would scream at people for no reason, so that the medical staff of our hospital were often confused when she screamed: what did they offend her? Let me give you an example here to show how eccentric her personality is.

That incident was like this, because the "exterminator" was the head of the equipment department, and the head nurse of the internal medicine department took two nurses to the equipment department to collect things that day. After arriving at the equipment department, the head of the nurse told the "extermination master" about his intentions, because the collection of equipment was handled in accordance with the proper procedures, so the "exterminator master" checked the receipt list handed in by the chief of care one by one.

One of the two nurses who went together had just been married for a few months, and the other nurse asked her how she felt after getting married, and the newlywed nurse talked about the sweet life after marriage with a happy face: after returning from work, her husband was waiting to cook at home, and her husband would buy her anything delicious, and her husband on night duty sent her supper, and her husband came to the hospital in person to pick her up in the dead of night.

What the newlywed nurse said was an ordinary thing in her own family, and she didn't exaggerate it at all, but the husband on the left and the husband on the right in her mouth felt very harsh in the ears of the "exterminator". Her expression instantly darkened, and her face darkened. When the newlywed nurse said that her husband once put hot water to bathe herself, because the temperature was too hot and she croaked, the other nurse suddenly laughed and said with emotion: "Your husband is so good to you, a woman with a husband is called life." ”

Unexpectedly, this sentence angered the exterminator, and she yelled at the two nurses with a black face: "Is it great to have a husband?" Do you need to be so proud? ”

A 48-year-old single female doctor who takes a pet as a son has a weird personality and is called "Exterminator Tai" by the nurse!

When the two nurses saw that the exterminator was suddenly angry with her, they immediately stayed on the ground and looked at each other, and did not dare to say a word again. The chief nurse saw everything in his eyes and tried his best not to let himself laugh. On the way back after receiving the equipment, the two nurses asked the head nurse, "Why was the exterminator angry just now?" ”

The nurse smiled: "She is 48 years old this year and still alone, but you have a husband on the left and a husband on the right in front of her, doesn't it sound like you are deliberately stimulating her?" ”

The two nurses suddenly realized, and the newlywed nurse stuck out her tongue: "So that's it!" Another nurse said, "It's none of her business for the two of us to talk, so she will lose her temper, and this character is too weird, isn't it?" ”

The chief nurse smiled, "Otherwise, how could she be called an exterminator by the nurses of this hospital?" ”

This is how that happened, everyone has seen the weird side of the "Exterminator Master", right? The medical staff at our hospital are always chatting about various topics in life, but "Exterminator" is different, as long as she opens her mouth, it is her precious cat. When talking about that cat, she always says "my son" and "my son", and if outsiders hear it, they really think she is talking about her own son.

A 48-year-old single female doctor who takes a pet as a son has a weird personality and is called "Exterminator Tai" by the nurse!

As long as the nurses mentioned the cat raised by the "exterminator", none of them smiled secretly without covering their mouths: "How can anyone treat a cat as a son, then what is herself?" ”

"Fortunately, the exterminator has no children, and if her children hear her, they will be angry! Invisibly, he was treated as an animal by his mother! ”

Before she became the head of the equipment department, she was actually the attending doctor of the internal medicine department, but her strange personality made her unable to stay in the internal medicine department in the end. Because she always has conflicts with patients, as a doctor in the front-line work and quarrels with patients at every turn, she not only can't get used to those little couple patients in the ward with intimate words, showing care and thoughtfulness in action, but also can't get used to the scene of elderly patients who have been in love with each other for decades and love in the ward.

She often threw her face at the patient for no reason because she couldn't get used to the patient's various behaviors, and even quarreled with the patient, and later the patient complained too much, and the hospital had to transfer her from the front-line job to the equipment department as the section chief.

It can be said that the reason why "Exterminator Shitai" has developed such a perverse and weird personality is entirely because she is single and has never married. Not only is her relationship with patients not good, but the relationship with colleagues is not good to handle, after she was transferred to the equipment department as the section chief, the opportunity to contact people is limited to the nurses who go to get the equipment, but because of her strange personality is still repeatedly conflicted with the nurses, the nurses are annoyed and afraid of her and helpless, so someone gave her the nickname of "Extermination Master", so this nickname became her exclusive, and almost everyone in this hospital knows it.

Because she is too sensitive and suspicious, she always thinks that what others say is reflecting her, and she can't listen to those nurses talk about her family affairs, especially when others mention things with her husband, as long as the word "husband" is mentioned in front of her, it is likely to be blackened by her.

However, such a perverse and eccentric single old girl, but she regards her cat as a baby, as long as she will mention her cat in front of her colleagues: "How well-behaved, how cute, how comforting my heart, is really my good companion" Yunyun, anyway, the cat in her heart is her partner, is her dearest son.

Now you get the idea, right? Those who regard cats and dogs as sons and companions are nothing more than this kind of lonely, unmarried, or childless lonely people, because they are lonely and lonely, so their personalities are tricky and eccentric, perverse and irritable, and there is no spiritual sustenance, so they can only raise cats and dogs to fill the emptiness and sustenance emotions.

A 48-year-old single female doctor who takes a pet as a son has a weird personality and is called "Exterminator Tai" by the nurse!

In my opinion, the behavior of treating pets as one's own children and companions is very problematic, and no one in normal people will do this, and this kind of behavior is actually a manifestation of psychological abnormality!

As the saying goes, people gather by like, people by groups, normal people will only take their lovers as partners, who will take cats and dogs as companions and children? So I think those who treat cats and dogs as their female companions are most likely psychologically problematic, do you think I'm right?

(Personal opinion is for reference only)


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