
Lin Gengxin never dreamed that he would be publicized like this on major official websites, and he has broken into the latest school enrollment track

author:Glad to hear

The drama is hot, and people can also be dragged hard and turned! This kind of traffic stalk, major official cultural tourism schools, and famous schools have also joined the meme!

It's a cow indeed! All of them are hot searches

Lin Gengxin never dreamed that he would be publicized like this on major official websites, and he has broken into the latest school enrollment track

Maybe Lin Gengxin didn't expect it himself

played a line from Fang Wenxie in "The Story of Rose" "You want to go to Beijing, who is there in Beijing"

It's been on fire for more than half a month, just like my son's composition. No matter what proposition you have, you can turn to the lyrical essay that he is best at

All kinds of formulas are hard and hard transitions, and they are all over the place [covering their faces]

Lin Gengxin never dreamed that he would be publicized like this on major official websites, and he has broken into the latest school enrollment track
Lin Gengxin never dreamed that he would be publicized like this on major official websites, and he has broken into the latest school enrollment track
Lin Gengxin never dreamed that he would be publicized like this on major official websites, and he has broken into the latest school enrollment track

Lin Gengxin: Came scolding, kicked and walked away

Lin Gengxin never dreamed that he would be publicized like this on major official websites, and he has broken into the latest school enrollment track
Lin Gengxin never dreamed that he would be publicized like this on major official websites, and he has broken into the latest school enrollment track

Lin update: It's all official, and I can't take any of the good spirits, so I have to be honest this time

What's new

Lin update: I have entered the admissions channel, please see Tsinghua University for details


Netizens have broken their defenses

Tsinghua, you don't need to publicize, I will naturally report if the score is enough

Please don't advertise, ok? If I could, I would go

Let's make an installment and have the ability to make up +1 points

Can you open a branch? The kind that is available in all provinces of the country, like Honey Snow Ice City

Subsequently, Fudan University and the Central Academy of Fine Arts commented on the interaction at the bottom

Lin Gengxin never dreamed that he would be publicized like this on major official websites, and he has broken into the latest school enrollment track

Fudan University also came to recruit students in a fancy way, which opened up Huang Yimei's strict selection track

Lin Gengxin never dreamed that he would be publicized like this on major official websites, and he has broken into the latest school enrollment track

Fang Wenxie is Huang Yimei's senior brother, so both of them are from Fudan, hahaha

Lin Gengxin never dreamed that he would be publicized like this on major official websites, and he has broken into the latest school enrollment track

Huang Yimei graduated from CAFA, went to graduate school in Fudan University, and lived in Tsinghua University, only the injured world of Peking University was achieved

Lin Gengxin never dreamed that he would be publicized like this on major official websites, and he has broken into the latest school enrollment track
Lin Gengxin never dreamed that he would be publicized like this on major official websites, and he has broken into the latest school enrollment track

In fact, everyone knows that choosing a school is not just about looking at the publicity, but the appearance of Lin Gengxin has indeed made the admissions publicity more interesting.

Lin Gengxin himself knows this stalk, and he also interacts with netizens on the Internet.

It may not be convenient to say that you have been lately.

Lin Gengxin never dreamed that he would be publicized like this on major official websites, and he has broken into the latest school enrollment track

Everyone felt that he was really humble this time, and he was not proud because of his popularity.

Lin Gengxin has become the "spokesperson" of major universities and tourism this time, and it is really popular!

He used his influence to bring joy to everyone, and also proved the power of star effect.

However, choosing a school still depends on strength, not just stars!

Lin Gengxin never dreamed that he would be publicized like this on major official websites, and he has broken into the latest school enrollment track

Do you want to go to Tsinghua or Fudan

It's really not good, it's okay to go to the cafeteria to have a meal, haha

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