
Find out now: At 19:00 on June 28, 2024, 7 social incidents occurred in China

author:The story of the wise man sesame sauce
Find out now: At 19:00 on June 28, 2024, 7 social incidents occurred in China

Heytea's new product "Little Milk Gardenia" was renamed after being questioned, which caused heated discussions on the Internet

Recently, Heytea's new light milk tea drink "Little Milk Gardenia" has caused widespread controversy on the Internet, and has been criticized by some netizens for being suspected of "rubbing the edges". Initially, the name of the product caused discomfort in certain regions and populations, leading to Heytea's decision to change its name based on feedback from consumers.

Find out now: At 19:00 on June 28, 2024, 7 social incidents occurred in China

On June 28, Heytea announced through the WeChat mini-program that it would rename "Little Milk Gardenia" to "Little White Gardenia", and at the same time renamed "+ Skim Milk Gardenia" to "+ Skim Milk Little White Gardenia". Heytea customer service explained that the name change was to avoid unnecessary misunderstandings, and emphasized that the original meaning of the product name was to express its natural aroma.

Find out now: At 19:00 on June 28, 2024, 7 social incidents occurred in China

Although some consumers felt that the name did not need to be overly sensitive, the incident still caused heated discussions and spread rapidly on major social platforms. #喜茶新品名小奶栀被指擦边#一度成为新浪微博热搜榜第五位, tens of millions of readers.

Find out now: At 19:00 on June 28, 2024, 7 social incidents occurred in China

This is not the first time Heytea has faced criticism of "rubbing the edge". In 2019, Heytea sparked controversy over its copywriting interaction with Durex, which eventually led to an apology from both companies. In 2023, Heytea was interviewed by relevant management and religious groups for a new product with a Buddhist theme, "Buddha Xi Latte", and the product was forced to be removed from the shelves.

Find out now: At 19:00 on June 28, 2024, 7 social incidents occurred in China

Industry analysts believe that the frequent occurrence of "edge ball" marketing methods reflects that brands are driven by the pursuit of traffic and hype, and do not hesitate to use vulgar marketing methods in order to stand out in the fierce competition. However, this strategy is often counterproductive, and can not only cause consumer resentment, but also damage the brand image. So far, Heytea has not made an official response to the name change.

The man was sprayed with iron filings on his thighs to imitate the movie, and the hospital operated to remove 4 metal fragments

On June 23, Mr. Jiang (pseudonym), a man in Wuhan City, was sprayed with iron filings when a mechanical bearing suddenly burst, resulting in multiple injuries to his inner right thigh. However, instead of seeking medical attention immediately, he imitated the plot of the movie and used a strong magnet to try to suck out the iron filings on his own, which led to the aggravation of his injuries.

Find out now: At 19:00 on June 28, 2024, 7 social incidents occurred in China

After discovering multiple wounds of different sizes on his inner thigh, Mr. Kong rushed to find a strong magnet from a colleague for treatment, but the iron filings could not be successfully sucked out, which only exacerbated the pain. Subsequently, he went to Wuhan Puren Hospital for treatment, and the doctor found four metal fragments in his body after a CT scan. After being treated by the hand and foot microsurgery team, the doctors were able to remove the iron filings and repair their muscles, ligaments and nerves.

Find out now: At 19:00 on June 28, 2024, 7 social incidents occurred in China

After the surgery, Mr. Kong is recovering well. Peng Hanshu, an attending physician in the microsurgery department of the hand and foot, warns that it is not advisable to try to use a strong magnet to suck out a foreign body from the body, which can lead to secondary injuries and even aggravate the patient's injury.

Find out now: At 19:00 on June 28, 2024, 7 social incidents occurred in China

This incident is a reminder of the importance of having protective gear and equipment in good condition when working with workplaces where foreign objects may be generated. In the event of such an unexpected situation, timely medical attention and professional treatment are the keys to ensuring your health.

Zhangzhou Fire Rescue successfully rescued the installation master who fell from the building

At 14:03 on June 25, the Zhangzhou Fire and Rescue Detachment received a report that a man had fallen from the building in Lianfeng Haoyuan, Longwen District. Six fire and rescue personnel from a station of the special service brigade quickly drove to the scene.

Find out now: At 19:00 on June 28, 2024, 7 social incidents occurred in China

At 14:10, rescuers arrived and found that the man had fallen to the extension of the platform on the second floor of the residential building, slumped on the ground, and groaned in pain. The fire commander quickly organized a rescue operation, erected two ladders and used ropes to secure the stretcher to ensure safe rescue.

Find out now: At 19:00 on June 28, 2024, 7 social incidents occurred in China

With the assistance of the public security police, the trapped man was successfully transferred to a safe place on the ground, and then sent to a nearby hospital for treatment. It is understood that the cause of the accident was that when an air-conditioning installer installed an air-conditioning outdoor unit on the 5th floor, the anchor point of the rope protection system erected by himself fell off, causing him to fall down. Thanks to the timely fire rescue, the installer only suffered a fracture, which was not life-threatening.

Find out now: At 19:00 on June 28, 2024, 7 social incidents occurred in China

The fire department reminds that, especially during the high temperature period in summer, it is important to strictly follow the safety instructions when working at height to ensure that the protective equipment is in good condition and worn correctly. During the operation, water should be replenished in time to avoid heat stroke and fatigue.

Find out now: At 19:00 on June 28, 2024, 7 social incidents occurred in China

Mother and son's perseverance and hope: the touching story of a truck driver

In Taoyuan Town, Heshan City, Jiangmen, Guangdong Province, a special truck shuttles on the road every day, attracting a lot of attention. On this 4.2-meter medium-sized truck, there is a petite female driver with sharp glasses, she is 35-year-old Tian Xiu. And in the co-pilot's seat, there is always a 14-year-old boy with a stocky body and innocent eyes, Tian Xiu's son Wenwen.

Find out now: At 19:00 on June 28, 2024, 7 social incidents occurred in China

Wenwen suffers from ADHD, autism and epilepsy, and his mind is only 3 years old. Despite this, Tian Xiu took him to run orders almost every day. For Tian Xiu, becoming a truck driver is not only a means of making a living, but also a responsibility and hope that cannot be separated - she hopes that Wenwen can live as normal a life as possible by her company.

Find out now: At 19:00 on June 28, 2024, 7 social incidents occurred in China

Tian Xiu and Wenwen's lives have already lasted like this for 4 years. Tian Xiu recalls that from the time Wenwen was diagnosed with autism, she began to explore how to find a balance between work and care. From a stall to a truck driver, and now to a career with a monthly income of 20,000 yuan, Tian Xiu uses his tenacity and hard work to constantly plan for Wenwen's future.

Find out now: At 19:00 on June 28, 2024, 7 social incidents occurred in China

Wenwen has his own unique way of reacting to the outside world, sometimes dancing happily, sometimes shouting unexpectedly. During each loading and unloading, he would sit in the passenger seat, listen to music or watch videos, and enjoy this brief moment of peace.

Find out now: At 19:00 on June 28, 2024, 7 social incidents occurred in China

Tian Xiu's story is also widely known on the cargo lala platform, and she has won unanimous praise from users with a score of up to 3,000 work orders, zero rejection rate and excellent service. However, what is even more touching is the understanding and support for Wenwen and Tian Xiu in the community. Although Wenwen sometimes misunderstands others due to sudden behaviors caused by his illness, Tian Xiu always insists on understanding and communicating with his heart.

Find out now: At 19:00 on June 28, 2024, 7 social incidents occurred in China

Recently, Tian Xiu won the title of "Charming Driver" through a driver selection activity, and her story has also received wider attention. This is not only an affirmation of her personal efforts, but also opens a window into Wenwen's future possibilities. Tian Xiu knows that there is still a long way to go.

Find out now: At 19:00 on June 28, 2024, 7 social incidents occurred in China

She hopes that in the future, Wenwen will have the opportunity to receive education and integrate into social life as much as possible. In this process, she is not only a mother, but also a selfless guardian and guide of Wenwen.

Tianjin Nankai electric car fires frequently attract attention

On June 27, 2024, in Nankai District, Tianjin, an electric bicycle suddenly smoked and caught fire while driving, and surveillance footage showed five explosions in just 14 seconds. Fortunately, a substitute driver reacted quickly, stopped the car in time and dialed 119 for help, and firefighters arrived quickly and successfully extinguished the fire.

Find out now: At 19:00 on June 28, 2024, 7 social incidents occurred in China

This incident is not an isolated case. Not long ago, there was also a fire caused by overheating of the circuit caused by the long-term use of electric vehicles in Tianjin, and another case of spontaneous combustion of electric vehicle batteries in residents' homes, but fortunately they were extinguished in time and caused no casualties. In recent years, with the popularity of electric bicycles in the mainland, their ownership has shown a trend of increasing year by year, providing people with a convenient way to travel, but also bringing certain safety hazards.

Find out now: At 19:00 on June 28, 2024, 7 social incidents occurred in China

Once an electric bicycle catches fire, due to the large number of polymer materials and battery components used in the body, the fire is often rapid and violent, and even accompanied by the explosion of the battery, releasing a large amount of toxic smoke, posing a serious threat to personnel and the surrounding environment.

Find out now: At 19:00 on June 28, 2024, 7 social incidents occurred in China

Experts remind that during the use of electric bicycles, attention should be paid to regularly checking the circuit and battery status to avoid overheating of the circuit caused by long-term use and causing fire accidents. In addition, once an electric vehicle is found to be on fire, you should immediately stay away and call 119 to call the police, and seek help from the fire department in time to extinguish the fire to avoid causing greater losses and hazards.

Find out now: At 19:00 on June 28, 2024, 7 social incidents occurred in China

Oriental Oriental selected the anchor Dunton's public dissatisfaction in the live broadcast room, which attracted attention

Recently, the Oriental Selection (1797. HK) well-known anchor Dunton expressed his dissatisfaction with the company's management in his live broadcast room, which attracted widespread attention and appeared on Weibo hot search. Dunton revealed in the live broadcast that he was annoyed and disappointed by the company's recent practice of opening new accounts without consultation with the anchor, as well as the inaction of the public relations department in response to negative public opinion.

Find out now: At 19:00 on June 28, 2024, 7 social incidents occurred in China

He admits that he has had a good impression of the company for a long time, but he has been disappointed by the recent events, so he chooses to express it publicly, hoping to alleviate the negative feelings. Recently, Dongfang Selection has caused controversy due to insider remarks, and its stock price has fluctuated. During the "618 Promotion" on June 18, some of Dunton's remarks also caused some controversy in the product promotion of the beautiful life live broadcast room.

Find out now: At 19:00 on June 28, 2024, 7 social incidents occurred in China

Previously, Yu Minhong, the founder and current CEO of Oriental Selection, also attracted a lot of attention in public because of his remarks. In the process of transformation, the company is facing the challenges and opportunities of platformization, and how to balance management and innovation will be the key in the future. Debang Securities analysis pointed out that Oriental Selection needs to further optimize the platform transformation strategy, and diversified KOL matrix and channel operation are one of the important paths for stable operation.

Find out now: At 19:00 on June 28, 2024, 7 social incidents occurred in China

As of now, the share price of Oriental Selection is HK$12.7, a slight decline. For the company's future development, the market and investors will continue to pay attention to its management changes and business expansion.

Hanshou County, Hunan Province found that the illegal Fushou snail processing plant processed meat entered the market

Recently, in Huanglushan Village, Yanwanghu Town, Hanshou County, Hunan, the reporter made an unannounced visit and discovered a processing plant that illegally processed Fushou snail meat. Workers are busy sifting through piles of snail meat, including one with pink soft fragments.

Find out now: At 19:00 on June 28, 2024, 7 social incidents occurred in China

The meat is shoveled into plastic baskets, weighed and sent to cold storage, where it ends up in restaurants and prepared food factories. According to the person in charge of the processing plant, due to the decrease in the number of snails, there are more and more snails in wild waters, so they mainly sell shelled frozen meat of snails, and they sell hundreds of tons a year.

Find out now: At 19:00 on June 28, 2024, 7 social incidents occurred in China

However, as an alien species, the snail has strong reproductive ability, is destructive to the ecological environment, and may contain potential risks such as parasites and heavy metals, posing a threat to human and animal health. The local market supervision department attaches great importance to this and intervenes in the investigation.

Find out now: At 19:00 on June 28, 2024, 7 social incidents occurred in China

At present, the processing plant has been investigated and dealt with by the local government due to environmental protection issues. The local government reminds consumers that they should choose reputable merchants when buying snail meat products, and pay attention to distinguishing between the fake and the fake to ensure food safety. At the same time, it will also strengthen the supervision of agricultural product markets and the catering industry to ensure the safety of public food.