
Countdown to Iran's General Election, Presidential Candidate: Not Afraid of US Sanctions|Exclusive

author:Casual drifters

As the countdown to the Iranian election began, one of the candidates, former Iranian Interior Minister Pur Muhammadi, held the first and last campaign rally on the 26th.

In an exclusive interview with Phoenix Satellite TV, he said that he ran for the election to help the country, and even if he loses the election, he will stand with the country.

He offered a variety of political views.

For the upcoming presidential election, all parties are unprecedentedly hot.

Iran's presidential election is not only related to Iran's domestic trend, but also has a significant impact on the global situation.

One of the six candidates has the support of Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei.

It remains to be seen how he will change the political situation in Iran.

Purmuhammadi supports Iran.

Pur Muhammadi is one of the candidates in Iran's general election, having served as Iran's interior minister and chief of the president's office, and has a deep understanding of Iran's political situation.

He presents his ambitions to the outside world and offers his views on major issues.

In an exclusive interview with Phoenix TV, Purmuhammadi said that the ultimate goal of his candidacy is to help Iran get out of its current predicament and make the country prosperous and free from troubles and disasters.

He also stressed that his position is on the side of national interests and will not be swayed by any force.

Countdown to Iran's General Election, Presidential Candidate: Not Afraid of US Sanctions|Exclusive

Purmuhammadi declared to the outside world: "Whether you support or oppose me, I want to tell you the fact that I will serve my country with all my heart, whether I am elected president or not."

He believes now is the time to drive change.

Purmuhammadi has a wealth of experience and has made a name for himself in the face of hardships.

From 2000 to 2005, he served as Chief of Staff to the President.

From 2005 to 2013, he held the key post of Minister of the Interior.

He believes that some of the sanctions and threats of the United States are not terrible.

"We know that the United States wants to sanction us, but we will not be intimidated," he said in an interview.

"We don't make trouble and we don't go with the flow," he said.

In the face of the US threat, the former interior minister of Iran's former country firmly stated: "These sanctions are not the final outcome.

He also criticized the United States for its threatening approach: "Sanctions never really solve the problem.

Countdown to Iran's General Election, Presidential Candidate: Not Afraid of US Sanctions|Exclusive

Purmuhammadi also has his own unique views on the issue of external interference.

He believes that there are important challenges in Iran's relations with the United States, Israel and other countries.

However, he opposes the use of force to settle disputes and advocates resolving differences through dialogue and negotiation.

"In today's globalized and multipolar world, confrontation, oppression and bullying are outdated," he noted.

"We should follow the trend of the times and build a win-win relationship.

Wise leaders don't get caught up in conflict blindly, but rise to the challenge and solve problems with wisdom and decisiveness.

Iran's election has even attracted global attention.

The United States has previously imposed a series of sanctions on Iran and tried to influence its domestic and foreign policy decisions.

Pur Muhammadi rose to prominence in this election, demonstrating his ability and will to resolve complex situations.

It is the leaders who dare to face the challenges head-on and stand firm in their principles that can lead Iran to a bright future.

Countdown to Iran's General Election, Presidential Candidate: Not Afraid of US Sanctions|Exclusive

Candidate analysis.

Iran held a presidential election on the 28th, which is related to the future fate of Iran, which has attracted global attention.

Purmuhammadi, a candidate who has made his mark among several Iranian elites, is busy pushing forward with his campaign.

Pur Muhammadi played a pivotal role in this election.

In the face of frenzied sanctions and pressure from the United States, he was resolute and outstanding.

So why does Pulmuhammadi stand out from the competition?

Pur Muhammadi is a well-respected political elite.

He has held key positions such as Chief of Staff to the President and Minister of the Interior, and has demonstrated exceptional talent in a number of areas.

From 2000 to 2013, during Purmuhamedi's tenure as Home Affairs Minister, he successfully implemented the national census program with positive results.

With his efficient and pragmatic work attitude and excellent management skills, he has been widely praised and gradually became a rising star in the political world.

On the occasion of the 2017 presidential election, Purmuhammadi stood up again.

He ran as an independent and advocated for a fair, transparent, and efficient authority to promote reform and development in Iran.

Despite his defeat in the general election, his positive and responsible qualities have won widespread recognition.

Running again in this election, Purmuhammadi advocated further reforming the existing system to better meet the diverse needs of the people.

Specifically, he proposed to promote economic development through public-private partnerships and the introduction of foreign investment, while advocating measures such as strengthening social welfare, improving medical and health standards, and improving people's livelihood conditions.

These pragmatic measures have won the support and affirmation of people from all walks of life.

It is worth mentioning that in the current international context of constant disputes and severe economic situation, jointly resisting external pressure and safeguarding national interests has become the common mission of most candidates.

Brief introduction

Countdown to Iran's General Election, Presidential Candidate: Not Afraid of US Sanctions|Exclusive

Pur Muhammadi is one of Iran's candidates in the general election and a rising star in the spotlight.

As a senior official and Minister of the Interior, he has a wealth of experience in the political arena.

He will take part in this crucial battle as an independent.

Despite facing six strong opponents, it struggled in a highly competitive environment.

But the experienced and cohesive candidate still campaigned with confidence and laid out a solid platform for his future presidency.

Candidate analysis.

Despite the fact that the United States has tried to prevent substantial progress in this election through sanctions and threats,

But Purmuhammadi and other competitors moved forward with confidence,

Leading Iran into the future.

This election will determine the direction of Iran's domestic and foreign affairs in the next four years.

and the importance of leadership succession.

Despite the old age of Supreme Spiritual Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei,

However, the successor of the future leader is not clear.

It also makes Iran's future uncertain.

Countdown to Iran's General Election, Presidential Candidate: Not Afraid of US Sanctions|Exclusive

It can be seen that due to the death of Leahy,

Whether it is the question of candidates or successors to leaders,

There are important and profound challenges.

Professor Mousavi of the International Relations Department of the Faculty of Law and Political Science of the University of Tehran:

So unlike three years ago when Raisi became a candidate,

This time not a single important clergy attended,

Considering Ayatollah Khamenei's advanced age,

Who will be the next president,

It will have an impact on who will be the next supreme leader.

But some analysts believe that

This election will not have an impact on the question of succession to the leader.

Professor Marandi, Institute for World Strategy, University of Tehran:

Elections have nothing to do with the future of the leader or the leader,

The current leader is very healthy,

I think he's going to be active for years to come.


Regardless of whether the president-elect wields real power or not,

His words and deeds will be a strong proof of this,

Countdown to Iran's General Election, Presidential Candidate: Not Afraid of US Sanctions|Exclusive

It sends a signal to the outside world that Iran is going to be in a hurry.

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