
What is a "floating platform"? Why can it float? Can it resist typhoons?

author:Great discoveries of knowledge


A magical thing – a floating platform, you might be thinking, what is this floating platform? How can such a cow be able to float around on the sea?

What is a "floating platform"? Why can it float? Can it resist typhoons?

What exactly is a floating platform?

To put it simply, a floating platform is a large platform built by us humans at sea, which can be used for many things, such as extracting oil and natural gas, and conducting scientific research and observation. This platform is so big that it has to be supported by many large pillars in the sea in order to float steadily on the sea.

What is a "floating platform"? Why can it float? Can it resist typhoons?

Think of it as a big ship, but it's much bigger than what we usually see, and it's not meant to carry people or cargo, it's meant to work at sea.

What is a "floating platform"? Why can it float? Can it resist typhoons?

There are many types of floating platforms. Some of them seem to have built a high shelf in the sea, let's call it a self-elevating platform; Some are like submarines, exposing half of their bodies on the sea, which is called a semi-submersible platform; Some use special technology to allow the platform to float steadily on the sea, which is the tension leg platform.

What is a "floating platform"? Why can it float? Can it resist typhoons?
What is a "floating platform"? Why can it float? Can it resist typhoons?

Why does this floating platform float on the sea?

In fact, it's similar to the rubber boat we used to play in when we were kids. Why can a rubber boat float on the water? Because it's light, and it's shaped to allow it to drain more water so it can float. The same is true for floating platforms.

What is a "floating platform"? Why can it float? Can it resist typhoons?
What is a "floating platform"? Why can it float? Can it resist typhoons?

Floating platforms are made of some very light materials, such as steel, concrete, etc., but these materials are specially treated to make them light and fluttery. Then, the bottom of the floating platform is designed to be large, like a huge plate, capable of draining a lot of water. In this way, according to one of the principles of physics, the principle of buoyancy, the floating platform can float steadily on the surface of the sea.

What is a "floating platform"? Why can it float? Can it resist typhoons?
What is a "floating platform"? Why can it float? Can it resist typhoons?

And ah, there is an important part of the floating platform called the anchoring system. This system is like tying a few ropes to the platform, keeping it firmly in the sea and preventing it from being blown away by the wind and waves. With this system, floating platforms can work reliably at sea.

So can this floating platform withstand typhoons?

Truth be told, although this floating platform can float on the sea, it is not omnipotent. Typhoons are a force of nature that we humans cannot fully control. However, the floating platform has been designed with extreme weather such as typhoons in mind.

What is a "floating platform"? Why can it float? Can it resist typhoons?
What is a "floating platform"? Why can it float? Can it resist typhoons?

The materials of the floating platform are specially treated to resist a certain amount of wind and wave impact. And then, it's also structured in a way that's so well designed to disperse the forces of the wind and waves and keep the platform stable. In addition, the floating platform will also be equipped with some special equipment, such as automatic control systems, emergency rescue equipment, etc., so that it can respond in time when a typhoon comes.

What is a "floating platform"? Why can it float? Can it resist typhoons?
What is a "floating platform"? Why can it float? Can it resist typhoons?

Of course, even if the floating platform can withstand a certain typhoon, it should not be taken lightly. After all, the power of nature is infinite, and we still need to take precautions to ensure the safety of personnel and equipment.

What are the benefits of floating platforms?

This floating platform can be very useful. For example, when extracting energy sources such as oil and gas offshore, floating platforms are used. Because, all this energy is hidden deep under the sea, and we have to have a platform to mine it. In addition, when conducting scientific research and observation at sea, floating platforms are also needed. For example, the study of the marine environment, marine life, etc., must have a stable platform to carry out.

What is a "floating platform"? Why can it float? Can it resist typhoons?
What is a "floating platform"? Why can it float? Can it resist typhoons?

In addition to these, there are many other uses for floating platforms. For example, some countries will use floating platforms as maritime airports, allowing planes to take off and land at sea; In other countries, floating platforms are used as maritime cities, on which to build homes, shops, hospitals, and other facilities.

What is a "floating platform"? Why can it float? Can it resist typhoons?
What is a "floating platform"? Why can it float? Can it resist typhoons?

In short, the floating platform is a sea giant, and there are so many things that can be done!

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