
The basement of the shopping mall has a speed bump, and the bumper of the luxury car is "scrapped"! Who pays for the five-figure repair fee?

Source: Chao News

"The car was over a speed bump and the bumper was knocked off. The maintenance fee is calculated to be more than 20,000 yuan, but there has been no progress in the negotiation with the other party in the past few days. ”

Recently, a reporter from Chao News Qianjiang Evening News received a request for help from Ms. He in Hangzhou. On June 25, when she drove a Mercedes-Benz coupe to the negative second floor in the underground garage of Hangzhou Wufu Rainbow Shopping Center, the bumper was directly hit by a speed bump.

The basement of the shopping mall has a speed bump, and the bumper of the luxury car is "scrapped"! Who pays for the five-figure repair fee?

Crashed bumper. Photo courtesy of the interviewee

"I knew that the chassis of my car was low, so I deliberately slowed down the slope when I drove, but I didn't expect the accident to happen." After inspection, Ms. He believed that the cause was related to the shattering of the stone slab in front of the speed bump, which was a potential safety hazard.

She believes that the management of the underground garage of the mall, that is, the property management company, should be solely responsible for the repair cost of the car.

A barricade was placed at the site of the accident

The owner of the car does not agree with the plan given by the property owner

"The slate here is broken, the hollow sewer paved above is loose, and the car will pry as soon as it passes by, and it is equivalent to sinking down a short section after passing here, and then there is a speed bump, and the bumper is knocked off."

Ms. He told reporters that the location of the bumper of the car was at the end of a section of downhill road leading from the underground garage of the mall to the negative second floor, and the speed bump of the "accident" was set at the junction between the slope and the ground, and a row of sewers needed to be driven before passing through the speed bump. She believes that it is the unreasonable location of the speed bump of the property, and the close proximity of the two to the low and the high, which is the root cause of the accident.

The basement of the shopping mall has a speed bump, and the bumper of the luxury car is "scrapped"! Who pays for the five-figure repair fee?

There are multiple cracks at the junction between the sewer and the stone slab. Photo by reporter Teng Yitao

At the scene, the reporter saw that the accident had been placed by the underground garage management side of the triangular cone barricade, and the car was temporarily closed to traffic, so it was impossible to observe the car passing by. However, there are indeed multiple fractures at the junction between the stone slab and the hollow sewer. In addition, according to the surveillance video footage provided to Ms. He by the mall property, Ms. He did not drive the car fast that day due to the car in front of her when she was going downhill.

Ms. Ho said that after the incident, the mall property believed that the chassis of her car was too low to hit the speed bump, and suggested that Ms. Ho take insurance for repairs, and they were only willing to compensate Ms. Ho for part of the cost of the insurance increase in the second year.

Ms. He did not agree with the plan given by the property. "It's fine to drive a car with a high chassis, but it's a safety hazard for a car with a low chassis. If the slate is loose, if it is repaired in time, things will not happen. ”

At present, Ms. He's car is in the 4S shop. According to the estimate given by the 4S store, the repair involves the replacement of multiple accessories such as the condenser, cooler, and front bumper lower guard, with a total amount of more than 26,000. "Such an accident will cause the price of car insurance to increase for at least the next three years, not to mention the depreciation of the car after the overhaul."

The basement of the shopping mall has a speed bump, and the bumper of the luxury car is "scrapped"! Who pays for the five-figure repair fee?

The estimated value of the car is 26,000. Photo courtesy of the interviewee

Mall Property: The loose slate is currently being repaired

The damage has been reported and the company's insurance process has been initiated

"This has not happened before, and we have been actively communicating with Ms. He." Manager Zhu of the shopping mall told reporters that due to the dispute between the two parties on the determination of responsibility, Ms. He did not accept the treatment plan given by the property, so they believed that the relevant departments needed to do further investigation, "We are waiting for the results of the accident, rather than delaying the treatment." Only after the results of the certification can the insurance process be initiated. ”

The basement of the shopping mall has a speed bump, and the bumper of the luxury car is "scrapped"! Who pays for the five-figure repair fee?

The current status of Ms. Ho's car. Photo courtesy of the interviewee

"There are so many cars passing by here that the joints may be crushed." Manager Zhu admitted that the stone slab at the accident site of Ms. He's car was indeed loose, and the property has been sent to repair it. In response to Ms. He's question that the sewer is too close to the speed bump, they will also arrange for the engineering department to conduct on-site investigation and judgment in the near future, "If the situation is true, this will be adjusted." ”

"The collision of Ms. He's car was not an accident under normal circumstances, but an accidental accident." The staff of the local traffic police department said that for this kind of situation, the responsible party cannot be directly identified, and the two parties can negotiate to solve it, and an accident identification letter can be issued after reaching an agreement.

"If the two parties cannot reach an agreement, Ms. He can go further to legal proceedings based on the accident statement issued by us." The staff member explained that although the accident statement could not determine responsibility, the fact that Ms. Ho's car hit a speed bump due to a loose stone slab would be stated.

This afternoon, under the coordination of the traffic police department, the mall property said that it was willing to communicate with Ms. He in person again. As of press time, the property agreed to Ms. He's request.

"We submitted the car repair estimate provided by Ms. He to our insurance company, and the specific process is already in progress." Manager Zhu told the Chao News reporter that the damage assessor will further assess the damage of the car, and the maintenance status of the follow-up vehicle will also be fed back to Ms. He in a timely manner.

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