
Burst! A woman is suspected of not being able to find a toilet in a shopping mall, taking off her pants and spraying on the spot! Netizens expressed their understanding

author:A tricycle driver

Horror in the shopping mall: The woman held her urine and caused a catastrophe, and "sprayed" on the spot to detonate public opinion! Is this a distortion of human nature, or is it a moral degradation?

Burst! A woman is suspected of not being able to find a toilet in a shopping mall, taking off her pants and spraying on the spot! Netizens expressed their understanding

This "squirting drama" in the mall is really eye-opening! Let's not talk about how profound this lady's "suffocation" is, just saying that this bubble of urine can make the whole shopping mall jump, which can be regarded as a lesson for merchants.

I went to the mall the other day and almost performed a "toilet search". After turning around for a long time, I couldn't find where the toilet was, and I asked the staff and was pointed to Tiannan Haibei. This toilet is like a "treasure map", for fear that others will easily find it. I wondered at the time, is holding urine also a test of the customer's IQ and perseverance?

To be honest, although this lady's behavior is a bit out of line, she can't be blamed entirely. Let's put yourself in the shoes of what you would do if you were shopping in the mall and suddenly felt like you were in a hurry, but you couldn't find a toilet? Do you continue to hold back your risking and pee your pants, or do you want to "fix it on the spot" like this lady?

Burst! A woman is suspected of not being able to find a toilet in a shopping mall, taking off her pants and spraying on the spot! Netizens expressed their understanding

In the final analysis, this incident still exposes the inadequacy of our public facilities. The mall is full of goods neatly arranged, but the toilet is more rare than the giant panda. Isn't this a deliberate attempt to embarrass customers?

Besides, people have three urgencies, which is a matter of course. If the mall wants customers to linger in it, it has to put these basic services in place. Otherwise, if the customer doesn't pee their pants, your floor will suffer first!

Speaking of which, this is really not uncommon. Some time ago, wasn't there an old man who had an urgent need to urinate in the subway, and finally solved it in the corner of the carriage. At that time, it also caused a lot of controversy. Some people say that the quality of the old man is low, and some people say that they understand the elderly. But I think it's better to think about how to solve the problem than to argue here.

Burst! A woman is suspected of not being able to find a toilet in a shopping mall, taking off her pants and spraying on the spot! Netizens expressed their understanding

For example, can we set up more toilets in crowded places such as shopping malls and subway stations? And it has to be placed in a prominent position, so as not to make it look like an "escape room". No matter how bad it is, it is better to put up an eye-catching sign, so that people can find out where the toilet is at a glance.

Also, since we are all about "smart cities" now, can we develop an app to locate nearby public toilets? In this way, even if you are in an unfamiliar place, you don't have to worry about not being able to find a toilet.

Burst! A woman is suspected of not being able to find a toilet in a shopping mall, taking off her pants and spraying on the spot! Netizens expressed their understanding

In the final analysis, this seems to be a problem of personal behavior, but in fact it reflects the shortcomings of our public service. Instead of judging this lady right or wrong, it is better to reflect on how to make our city more humane and more convenient.

Of course, as an individual, you have to be a little prepared to go out. For example, check where the toilets are near your destination in advance, or bring some emergency supplies with you. After all, it's better to be prepared!

In the final analysis, whether it is a merchant or a customer, we should be more considerate and understanding. Merchants should think more about customers and make the service meticulous and practical; Customers should also be more patient and rational, deal with problems calmly first, and don't rush to "release water".

So in the end, I would like to ask: If you encounter this situation, will you choose to carry it hard or solve it on the spot? What do you think about this?

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