
It's amazing, the women's volleyball "substitute" Zhu Ting was revealed to have signed a transfer after graduating with a master's degree, and her annual salary is the second in the world

author:Liu 66668321


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Speaking of Zhu Ting, the goddess of volleyball, everyone is no stranger, right? No, she has become popular again recently, but this time it is not because of her sassy and heroic appearance on the field, but because she shined at the graduation ceremony of Beijing Normal University and became the focus of attention.

It's amazing, the women's volleyball "substitute" Zhu Ting was revealed to have signed a transfer after graduating with a master's degree, and her annual salary is the second in the world

On April 20th, that sunny day, the campus of Beijing Normal University was full of people, and the graduates were dressed in neat bachelor's uniforms, with youthful smiles on their faces.

And among this group of energetic young people, there is a figure that is particularly eye-catching, that is, our volleyball goddess - Zhu Ting.

It's amazing, the women's volleyball "substitute" Zhu Ting was revealed to have signed a transfer after graduating with a master's degree, and her annual salary is the second in the world

Zhu Ting that day, dressed in a simple and unpretentious manner, could not hide her extraordinary temperament.

She was dressed in simple clothes and always had a warm smile on her face, which lit up the entire graduation ceremony like sunshine.

She uses her mobile phone to constantly record the beauty of this moment, which is full of affinity, and people can't help but want to get closer.

It's amazing, the women's volleyball "substitute" Zhu Ting was revealed to have signed a transfer after graduating with a master's degree, and her annual salary is the second in the world

Do you know? Zhu Ting is a leader in dual identity.

In the past six years, she has not only coped with the high-intensity training of the national team, but also squeezed out time to enrich her studies.

This struggle under double pressure makes her master's degree particularly precious.

It's amazing, the women's volleyball "substitute" Zhu Ting was revealed to have signed a transfer after graduating with a master's degree, and her annual salary is the second in the world

Now, she has finally come to a successful conclusion, and she has achieved remarkable results in her studies and volleyball career.

At the graduation ceremony, Zhu Ting's appearance immediately attracted many eyeballs.

Many people would like to have a photo with her, and she is always happy to accommodate every request and have a pleasant conversation with each of her classmates.

It's amazing, the women's volleyball "substitute" Zhu Ting was revealed to have signed a transfer after graduating with a master's degree, and her annual salary is the second in the world

That kind of approachable attitude is really lovely.

However, recently at ##的比赛上, something seems to be wrong with our volleyball goddess.

She didn't start as usual, but sat on the bench.

It's amazing, the women's volleyball "substitute" Zhu Ting was revealed to have signed a transfer after graduating with a master's degree, and her annual salary is the second in the world

In between games, when the rest of the team was busy discussing tactics, she often stood in isolation, with the occasional uncomfortable expression on her face.

This detail was captured by the audience and quickly spread to the web, causing widespread discussion and speculation.

It's amazing, the women's volleyball "substitute" Zhu Ting was revealed to have signed a transfer after graduating with a master's degree, and her annual salary is the second in the world

Some netizens pointed out that since Zhu Ting returned from the national team, there seems to be some estrangement between her teammates.

This reminds people of her demeanor at the graduation ceremony, when she was like a star-studded moon.

Now it is in such a predicament, which is really embarrassing.

It's amazing, the women's volleyball "substitute" Zhu Ting was revealed to have signed a transfer after graduating with a master's degree, and her annual salary is the second in the world

Despite the setbacks in the national team, Zhu Ting did not give up her volleyball dream.

Instead, she signed a contract with a top foreign club for a transfer fee of up to 145 euros, ranking second in the world for the salary of volleyball players.

It's amazing, the women's volleyball "substitute" Zhu Ting was revealed to have signed a transfer after graduating with a master's degree, and her annual salary is the second in the world

This transfer not only proves Zhu Ting's high level in the international volleyball world, but also highlights her market value and influence.

It's amazing.

Zhu Ting's future career is full of endless possibilities.

This positive move has provided her with more opportunities to showcase her talent on the international stage.

It's amazing, the women's volleyball "substitute" Zhu Ting was revealed to have signed a transfer after graduating with a master's degree, and her annual salary is the second in the world

The new career path not only brought her more competition opportunities, but also opened new doors for her to improve her skills and develop her career.

We look forward to seeing her continue to excel on the international stage."

Zhu Ting is a talented and tenacious volleyball goddess.

It's amazing, the women's volleyball "substitute" Zhu Ting was revealed to have signed a transfer after graduating with a master's degree, and her annual salary is the second in the world

She has achieved remarkable results both academically and in her volleyball career.

Despite some setbacks in the national team, she did not give up and chose a new path to move on.

This spirit is really worth learning from.

It's amazing, the women's volleyball "substitute" Zhu Ting was revealed to have signed a transfer after graduating with a master's degree, and her annual salary is the second in the world

Hopefully she will continue to shine in her future career and bring us more exciting games."

It's amazing, the women's volleyball "substitute" Zhu Ting was revealed to have signed a transfer after graduating with a master's degree, and her annual salary is the second in the world

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