
Andy Lau sued the boss of "Andy Lau Duck" for infringement, boss: My name is Andy Lau!

author:Sprite speaks

The Chinese-speaking entertainment industry was shocked by a turmoil, and the famous Hong Kong singer, film and television superstar Andy Lau targeted the lawsuit at a small Sichuan shop called "Andy Lau Banya Shop", which caused an uproar in the media and the public like a bombshell.

Two originally unrelated people, one is the international superstar Andy Lau, and the other is a little-known Sichuan restaurant owner, because of a name - Andy Lau, they met in the trademark number competition.

Andy Lau sued the boss of "Andy Lau Duck" for infringement, boss: My name is Andy Lau!

This seemingly nonsensical dispute has aroused great public concern and forced people to think deeply about issues such as celebrity effect and trademark rights.

The cause of this dispute and how it ended has been the focus of attention, so let's uncover this fascinating story together!

The life trajectories of the two protagonists are like two parallel lines, however, in this unexpected "Andy Lau" dispute, they are miraculously and unexpectedly intertwined at a certain point in time.

Andy Lau, an old man in Sichuan, is nearly seventy years old, and he is the head of the "authentic Andy Lau duck shop" in Guansheng Town, Chongzhou City. His story is prosaic, but it contains the bitterness and perseverance of thousands of ordinary workers in China.

Andy Lau sued the boss of "Andy Lau Duck" for infringement, boss: My name is Andy Lau!

In 1980, Uncle Liu, who was in his early thirties, started his entrepreneurial road in Chongzhou, a town famous for plate ducks, with the skills he inherited from his ancestors, and used his own name "Andy Lau" as the store sign, making his store stand out among dozens of local board duck shops.

At that time, Uncle Liu may never have thought that his name would cause such a big storm. He just makes delicious plate duck day after day, and runs a local specialty brand with simple and unpretentious persistence.

In his heart, the name "Andy Lau" is not only a precious heritage passed down from his ancestors, but also a proof of his hard work.

Andy Lau sued the boss of "Andy Lau Duck" for infringement, boss: My name is Andy Lau!

At the same time, Andy Lau, who is far away in Hong Kong, is experiencing an important turning point in his life. In 1981, at the age of 19, he joined the TVB Artist Training School, thus launching his legendary acting career.

Who would have thought that this young man would become a top superstar in the Chinese entertainment industry in the future?

Time flies, in 2010, 30 years later, the two Andy Lau's life trajectories are very different. Andy Lau from Sichuan is still busy in his small shop, inheriting the local food culture in a simple way.

Andy Lau sued the boss of "Andy Lau Duck" for infringement, boss: My name is Andy Lau!

In his 42-year acting career, he has starred in more than 150 movies, released more than 130 records, and held more than 300 concerts, becoming one of the well-deserved "Four Heavenly Kings".

Over the past 30 years, Hong Kong Andy Lau has been in the spotlight at every step of the way. From the early "Condor Heroes" to the later "Infernal Affairs" to the recent "The Wandering Earth", he has become a recognized "evergreen" in the entertainment industry with his outstanding strength and continuous efforts.

At the same time, Sichuan Andy Lau's life is also like a glass of mellow old wine, and the precipitation of the years has made him exude a more and more charming fragrance in his life.

Andy Lau sued the boss of "Andy Lau Duck" for infringement, boss: My name is Andy Lau!

This year, the gears of fate began to turn. Two people who have never met - Andy Lau, one is the owner of an unknown shop, and the other is a glittering entertainment superstar, who are unexpectedly intertwined because of a trademark dispute application.

This unexpected confrontation exposes the intricate entanglement of fame and fortune, and at the same time shows the collision of two eras and two lifestyles. One is the inheritor of local cuisine, and the other is the representative of the modern entertainment industry.

Their stories reflect the contradictions and challenges faced by Chinese society in the process of rapid development.

Andy Lau sued the boss of "Andy Lau Duck" for infringement, boss: My name is Andy Lau!

However, it is precisely because of this seemingly impossible intersection that a story full of warmth is presented, allowing us to see the brilliance of humanity beyond fame and fortune.

In this unexpected "Andy Lau" dispute, both sides took trademark registration as the key to victory, showing the intricate relationship between fame and fortune in modern society.

As early as 1993, the young Hong Kong Andy Lau showed advanced brand awareness. Although the title of "Heavenly King" was still some distance away from him at that time, he or his team had realized the importance of personal branding and registered the trademark "Andy Lau" in advance.

Andy Lau sued the boss of "Andy Lau Duck" for infringement, boss: My name is Andy Lau!

This forward-thinking approach laid the groundwork for his future brand protection.

At the same time, Andy Lau from Sichuan, a small shop owner who focuses on making delicious plate duck, may not have thought about the "high-level" issue of trademark registration, and may not even have thought about it.

However, in 2004, perhaps inspired by other businesses, or in order to protect the results of his years of business, this simple old man finally submitted an application for trademark registration of "Andy Lau Banya".

Andy Lau sued the boss of "Andy Lau Duck" for infringement, boss: My name is Andy Lau!

In 2007, Andy Lau's application for registration was approved by the local Administration for Industry and Commerce. This decision seemed to be an ordinary administrative approval at the time, but it laid a hidden danger for future turmoil.

Over time, Andy Lau's popularity in Hong Kong has gradually increased, and his team has become more and more focused on brand protection. The team traveled all over the country to crack down on all kinds of counterfeit and shoddy products and unauthorized use of the name "Andy Lau".

They don't let go of anyone who tries to catch the ride of "Andy Lau", as long as there is such behavior, they will definitely receive a lawyer's letter This strict brand protection strategy has also caused some controversy while protecting the rights and interests of celebrities.

Andy Lau sued the boss of "Andy Lau Duck" for infringement, boss: My name is Andy Lau!

In 2010, Andy Lau's team in Hong Kong discovered a store called "Andy Lau Banya Shop" in Sichuan during a routine brand inspection. Out of professional sensitivity, they immediately filed an application for a trademark dispute.

However, they did not foresee that this move would cause such a big controversy.

When a disputed application was delivered to Andy Lau in Sichuan, the old man was shocked. He didn't understand why his name, which had been used for half a century, was now an infringement.

Andy Lau sued the boss of "Andy Lau Duck" for infringement, boss: My name is Andy Lau!

In an instant, the old man felt both aggrieved and angry, "My name is Andy Lau too!" The old man's words profoundly revealed the absurdity and helplessness of this controversy.

This controversial incident quickly caused heated discussions across the country and caused widespread follow-up effects. People began to discuss topics such as celebrity effect, trademark regulations, morality and ethics, and the balance of public opinion began to tilt in favor of Andy Lau in Sichuan.

The public began to sympathize with this simple old man, thinking that the big star bullied the small traders, which caused great concern.

Andy Lau sued the boss of "Andy Lau Duck" for infringement, boss: My name is Andy Lau!

This seemingly absurd contest actually shows the complex entanglement of fame and fortune in modern society. On the one hand, celebrities have the right to protect their brand and image; On the other hand, it is understandable for ordinary people to run a business under their own name.

This conflict reflects the delicate balance between law, morality, and fairness and justice in a rapidly developing Chinese society.

Two Andy Lau with very different identities, one is a famous entertainment superstar, and the other is an ordinary small shop owner, they met in the trademark battle. This controversy is not only about the financial interests of individuals, but also about the public's expectation that celebrities should assume social responsibilities and their concern for the protection of the rights and interests of ordinary citizens.

Andy Lau sued the boss of "Andy Lau Duck" for infringement, boss: My name is Andy Lau!

As soon as the "Andy Lau" controversy was reported by the media, it quickly sparked heated discussions across the country. Public opinion from all walks of life across the country began to tilt towards Andy Lau in Sichuan, and people expressed sympathy for this simple old man, believing that the big star was bullying small traders.

This simple trademark dispute has quickly evolved into a high-profile social hotspot.

Hong Kong's Andy Lau team did not expect such a development. They started out dealing with just an ordinary trademark dispute, but they didn't expect it to cause such a big controversy.

Andy Lau sued the boss of "Andy Lau Duck" for infringement, boss: My name is Andy Lau!

When the reporter asked about this, Andy Lau looked a little dazed: "Is the other party also called Andy Lau?" What is this Andy Lau duck? His remarks revealed that he did not know much about the whole affair, and this reaction somehow exacerbated public misunderstanding and gave the impression that he was condescending and did not care about the interests of small businesses.

At the same time, Andy Lau in Sichuan was also in a state of anxiety. He was extremely confused and helpless in the face of the sudden controversy. He asked: "It's not you named Andy Lau alone, is it wrong for me to sell ducks?" This shows his anger and powerlessness at the impersonation of celebrity status.

As a result, he and his family began to actively seek legal assistance in preparation for possible litigation.

Andy Lau sued the boss of "Andy Lau Duck" for infringement, boss: My name is Andy Lau!

The fermentation of public opinion has complicated this otherwise simple trademark dispute, and people have begun to discuss topics such as celebrity effect, trademark regulations and ethics. This controversy is no longer limited to the legal level, but more of a test of social values.

Just when public opinion was about to get out of control, the situation took a turn for the better! After a week of fermentation, Hong Kong Andy Lau was finally able to gain an in-depth understanding of the ins and outs of the matter. When he learned that the other party was a 68-year-old man who ran a long-established store with a long history, his attitude changed 180 degrees.

At the same time, his agency also came forward to clarify, saying that it had never sent an infringement lawsuit to Banyadian, and that the previous action was just a routine information check. This explanation further alleviated the public's doubts and brought the whole incident to a happy conclusion.

Andy Lau sued the boss of "Andy Lau Duck" for infringement, boss: My name is Andy Lau!

When the news reached Sichuan, the old man Andy Lau and his family finally breathed a sigh of relief. "Sure enough, everyone in the world surnamed Liu is a family!" The old man's children said excitedly. This sentence not only resolved all previous grievances, but also reflected the unique family concept and reconciliation spirit of the Chinese.

This unexpected dispute between the two parties, under Andy Lau's humble attitude and wisdom, finally ended in reconciliation between the two parties. Andy Lau showed a modest side in Hong Kong, successfully defusing the crisis and winning the public's favor.

Andy Lau in Sichuan defended his rights and interests with his persistence and courage and won the respect of the society.

Andy Lau sued the boss of "Andy Lau Duck" for infringement, boss: My name is Andy Lau!

This twisting and turning ending shows the intelligence and broad-mindedness of the two Andy Laus, and also reflects the tolerance and rationality of Chinese society in the face of contradictions. This outcome proves to us that even seemingly unsolvable conflicts can always find a win-win solution if both sides can understand each other and think from each other's perspective.

This unexpected dispute finally ended with a reconciliation between the two parties, but Sichuan's "Andy Lau Banya Shop" gained an unexpected harvest in this turmoil.

The role of media exposure is significant, and this obscure small shop became popular because of the report, and became an "Internet celebrity" overnight. Food lovers from all over the country want to try the plate duck made by the owner of "Andy Lau".

Andy Lau sued the boss of "Andy Lau Duck" for infringement, boss: My name is Andy Lau!

There are often long queues in front of the store, and business has doubled several times than usual, and the old Andy Lau and his family are very busy, but their faces are full of happy smiles.

This turmoil did not affect their business, but brought this time-honored brand to life again. The delicacy of the duck not only attracts people, but also the spirit of Andy Lau's adherence to traditional craftsmanship is also moving.

This small shop has become a new local landmark, attracting many tourists to taste it.

Andy Lau sued the boss of "Andy Lau Duck" for infringement, boss: My name is Andy Lau!

At the same time, Andy Lau's humble attitude and wisdom in this incident have won the favor of the public, and his fans have said that the behavior of their idols makes them proud.

This adds warmth to his personal brand and boosts his public image.

This unexpected event eventually evolved into a win-win situation and became a classic case of crisis public relations.

Andy Lau sued the boss of "Andy Lau Duck" for infringement, boss: My name is Andy Lau!

Time has passed, and it has come to 2023 in a blink of an eye. In this extraordinary year, Hong Kong superstar Andy Lau performed a powerful personal influence with an online concert that caused a sensation all over the world.

At 8 o'clock in the evening on September 3, Andy Lau held a concert on the virtual stage. In just one hour, the number of viewers exceeded 200 million, and by the end of the concert, the number of online users reached a staggering 350 million.

This number once again refreshes our understanding of the influence of the 'Heavenly King'.

Andy Lau sued the boss of "Andy Lau Duck" for infringement, boss: My name is Andy Lau!

Looking back, Andy Lau's success is not accidental. In his 42-year career, he has appeared in more than 150 films, released more than 130 records, and held more than 300 concerts. Behind every number is his unremitting efforts and persistence.

From the earliest "The Condor Heroes" to the recent "The Wandering Earth", Andy Lau has proved that he is an "evergreen" in the entertainment industry with his strength.

He said: "I'm just an ordinary person, I cry, I make mistakes, I'm not a genius." All the skills I excelled at were acquired through hard training. This humility and persistence may be the real reason why the name "Andy Lau" can flourish for a long time.

Andy Lau sued the boss of "Andy Lau Duck" for infringement, boss: My name is Andy Lau!

Whether it is his ingenuity in trademark disputes or his brilliant performance on stage, it is a testament to his professionalism and professionalism.

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