
Wang Feng is indeed very happy! Bald in just one month, suspected of overindulgence, Forest North is indeed excellent

author:Xiaobu has something to say


Recently, a group of love photos of Wang Feng and Forest North were exposed on the Internet, the two took a sweet group photo, showing their affection, the two in the photo snuggled up to each other, smiling, warm and loving, which instantly aroused heated discussions among many netizens, and they sent blessings, saying that the love story of the two is simply sweet and sour, and Forest North has become the focus of attention, and many netizens have looked at her personal information and want to find out.

Wang Feng is indeed very happy! Bald in just one month, suspected of overindulgence, Forest North is indeed excellent

1. Fresh encounter, warmth strikes

Wang Feng is indeed very happy! Bald in just one month, suspected of overindulgence, Forest North is indeed excellent

It is reported that Lin Bei is not a person in the entertainment industry, but an ordinary foreign girl, and her acquaintance with Wang Feng is as faint as a breeze, giving people a fresh and refined feeling, and the acquaintance of the two is also by chance, when Wang Feng was recording the show, and Lin Lin Bei appeared on the scene as an audience, at that time she just wanted to see the style of the star with a curious heart, and did not expect that she would intersect with Wang Feng because of this.

Wang Feng is indeed very happy! Bald in just one month, suspected of overindulgence, Forest North is indeed excellent

At that time, Wang Feng did not regard her as an ordinary fan, but felt that her smile was very infectious, so after the recording of the show, he took the initiative to find her, hoping to communicate with her, and Lin Bei's straightforwardness and generosity also made Wang Feng look at her with admiration, which made the first meeting between the two particularly beautiful.

Wang Feng is indeed very happy! Bald in just one month, suspected of overindulgence, Forest North is indeed excellent
Wang Feng is indeed very happy! Bald in just one month, suspected of overindulgence, Forest North is indeed excellent

2. Steady love and warm companionship

Wang Feng is indeed very happy! Bald in just one month, suspected of overindulgence, Forest North is indeed excellent

In the days that followed, the acquaintance between the two gradually deepened, and Forest North gradually became a scenery in Wang Feng's life, the two supported each other side by side in the ordinary days, experienced the ups and downs of life together, and gradually, their relationship gradually sublimated from friends to lovers, and this relationship was not disturbed by the outside world, and has always lived a very low-key life.

Wang Feng is indeed very happy! Bald in just one month, suspected of overindulgence, Forest North is indeed excellent

And such a relationship has also made many netizens praise it, feeling that the relationship between the two is very stable and mature, and the way they get along with each other is also very worthy of reference, they did not deliberately pursue romance and excitement, but faced each other with the most real state, managed this relationship with tolerance and understanding, accompanied each other, and walked through every four seasons warmly.

Wang Feng is indeed very happy! Bald in just one month, suspected of overindulgence, Forest North is indeed excellent

3. Tacit love, firm dedication

And in this relationship, I have to say that Lin Bei's dedication, as a foreign girl, she came to a strange country, and here, she did not become high-profile because of her special identity, but lived a very low-key life, and in the relationship, she also silently paid for this relationship, chose to believe in Wang Feng in front of her, firmly guarding this relationship, and her firmness and courage are also the best interpretation of love, no regrets.

And such a relationship is also very moving, they use the most sincere heart to manage this relationship, with tacit understanding and understanding to face the challenges in life, support each other, grow together, and their love story is also full of touching and warmth, maybe such a relationship does not need too much blessing and recognition from the outside world, because their love itself is perfect enough.

Wang Feng is indeed very happy! Bald in just one month, suspected of overindulgence, Forest North is indeed excellent


Through the love story of Wang Feng and Forest North, we may learn a lot, their feelings are also very worthy of reference, they face each other with the most real state, with tolerance and understanding to manage this relationship, accompany each other, warm through every season, and such a relationship is also the truest portrayal, I believe there will be more people because of their feelings about love.

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