
Wang Feng's girlfriend was met by chance, and the two male assistants carried bags with great pomp, and the real person's appearance and figure were amazing!

author:Laurel muffins


After Lin Bei and Wang Feng were together, their popularity rose gradually, and they directly changed from a small Internet celebrity to a big Internet celebrity. Nowadays, she is constantly advertising, and she sends videos and new advertisements every once in a while.

Wang Feng's girlfriend was met by chance, and the two male assistants carried bags with great pomp, and the real person's appearance and figure were amazing!
Wang Feng's girlfriend was met by chance, and the two male assistants carried bags with great pomp, and the real person's appearance and figure were amazing!

On June 29, a new video was sent out in Forest North. She wore a black deep V vest to share good things with everyone, but sharp-eyed netizens saw at a glance that this was a new advertisement for Forest North. In the video, she talked from the writer Sanmao about the suit on her body that is suitable for going to the dinner party. And changed the shape to show everyone, full of sincerity.

Wang Feng's girlfriend was met by chance, and the two male assistants carried bags with great pomp, and the real person's appearance and figure were amazing!
Wang Feng's girlfriend was met by chance, and the two male assistants carried bags with great pomp, and the real person's appearance and figure were amazing!

The forest north in the video has an outstanding figure and outstanding appearance, and when he wears professional clothes, he is very similar to Samsung's Li Fuzhen. However, some people question that Forest North is a "photo fraud", and he is far from being as beautiful as in the video, which is not the case.

Recently, some netizens met the real person of Forest North offline, she and her team are filming offline, and the real appearance and figure are undoubtedly exposed.

Wang Feng's girlfriend was met by chance, and the two male assistants carried bags with great pomp, and the real person's appearance and figure were amazing!
Wang Feng's girlfriend was met by chance, and the two male assistants carried bags with great pomp, and the real person's appearance and figure were amazing!

Some netizens encountered Forest North on the streets of Xinjiang and sighed that it was "so good-looking". On that day, Forest North wore a gray knit sweater with jeans and khaki boots from a distance.

Lin Bei himself is very petite, and there is not much difference between his camera and his own video. When she saw the camera, she walked away with her head down. Because the appearance is too outstanding, it has attracted the attention of many people.

Wang Feng's girlfriend was met by chance, and the two male assistants carried bags with great pomp, and the real person's appearance and figure were amazing!
Wang Feng's girlfriend was met by chance, and the two male assistants carried bags with great pomp, and the real person's appearance and figure were amazing!
Wang Feng's girlfriend was met by chance, and the two male assistants carried bags with great pomp, and the real person's appearance and figure were amazing!

Some netizens found that Lin Lin Bei was followed by two assistants, one with a camera to follow her to shoot, and the other with three bags of things in his hand followed her. Seeing that someone was filming Forest North, the assistant with the bag hurriedly stepped forward to block the camera and stop the netizens' shooting.

Wang Feng's girlfriend was met by chance, and the two male assistants carried bags with great pomp, and the real person's appearance and figure were amazing!

However, some people said that the north of the forest is on the street, why don't you see Wang Feng. Later, some netizens found that Wang Feng and his ex-wife Zhang Ziyi were participating in the event in the same place.

As we all know, Wang Feng recently participated in a music festival in Qinhuangdao, and he and Wang Beiche appeared as the finale singer. Although netizens are full of doubts about Wang Feng's love life, they are full of praise for his business ability.

Wang Feng's girlfriend was met by chance, and the two male assistants carried bags with great pomp, and the real person's appearance and figure were amazing!
Wang Feng's girlfriend was met by chance, and the two male assistants carried bags with great pomp, and the real person's appearance and figure were amazing!

As for Zhang Ziyi, she also participated in the theater festival in Qinhuangdao recently, and also brought her son to appear together.

Wang Feng's girlfriend was met by chance, and the two male assistants carried bags with great pomp, and the real person's appearance and figure were amazing!

Many netizens are curious about whether Zhang Ziyi and Wang Feng will meet in the same place. In fact, this possibility is not small, after all, Zhang Ziyi took his son to participate in the event, and Wang Feng can understand even if he sees his son.

Previously, Jiang Xiaoyan revealed that after Wang Feng and Zhang Ziyi divorced, the son returned to Zhang Ziyi and the daughter returned to Wang Feng. But netizens often photographed Zhang Ziyi and her daughter together, and Wang Feng was also photographed with his son, which shows that the two children are picking up each other.

Wang Feng's girlfriend was met by chance, and the two male assistants carried bags with great pomp, and the real person's appearance and figure were amazing!
Wang Feng's girlfriend was met by chance, and the two male assistants carried bags with great pomp, and the real person's appearance and figure were amazing!

However, Wang Feng already has Forest North, and Zhang Ziyi has also started a new career, I believe that it is no longer possible for the two, and the only bond is only the children of the two.

Now the relationship between Wang Feng and Lin Bei has attracted much attention, and Zhang Ziyi's new career is also progressing smoothly. The trajectories of their respective lives are gradually becoming clear, and the future development is full of unknowns. But in any case, their every move in the public eye will still spark a lot of discussion and become a topic of conversation after dinner.

Wang Feng's girlfriend was met by chance, and the two male assistants carried bags with great pomp, and the real person's appearance and figure were amazing!

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