
Zhang Ye and Lu Jihong's rehearsal pictures were exposed, the woman's short and fat clothes were ridiculed, and the man's hair was rarely covered with a hat

author:Hua Tian Ru Hui


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Speaking of Zhang Ye and Lu Jihong, these two are veterans in the music world, but I didn't expect that in a recent concert rehearsal in Taiyuan, their performance was really shocking.

Zhang Ye, a singer in his sixties, has always shown people with a gorgeous stage image, but this time? She actually appeared in a dark-toned, oversized blouse, which was simply sloppy, and compared to her previous image of exquisite makeup and gorgeous clothes, it was a world of difference.

Zhang Ye and Lu Jihong's rehearsal pictures were exposed, the woman's short and fat clothes were ridiculed, and the man's hair was rarely covered with a hat

This blouse is ridiculously big, as if it was picked up from a plus-size store, not only did it not cover her figure shortcomings, but made her shortcomings more obvious.

The tight cuffs, which tightened her arms, looked like a prisoner in bondage.

And the loose jeans, wearing it on her, also looked so ill-fitting, making her legs look shorter.

Zhang Ye and Lu Jihong's rehearsal pictures were exposed, the woman's short and fat clothes were ridiculed, and the man's hair was rarely covered with a hat

Not to mention the funny melon skin hat, which is worn on her head, it is simply a snake and adds a sense of humor to her image.

To be honest, this outfit really makes people want to laugh.

Lu Jihong is also not to be outdone.

He was dressed in plain white clothes, and the obvious folds on the clothes were almost like two people compared to his previous well-matched image.

Zhang Ye and Lu Jihong's rehearsal pictures were exposed, the woman's short and fat clothes were ridiculed, and the man's hair was rarely covered with a hat

The obvious receding hairline also reminds people of the perfect wig he wore when he performed.

This is really impressive, they behind the stage are actually ordinary people.

This rehearsal is not only the second collaboration between the two of them since the Harbin concert, but also a challenge to the stage image and public expectations.

Zhang Ye and Lu Jihong's rehearsal pictures were exposed, the woman's short and fat clothes were ridiculed, and the man's hair was rarely covered with a hat

However, the singing of the two of them is really disappointing.

Forgetting words, out of tune, out of tune, these problems appear frequently, compared with their past performance, it is simply a world of difference.

Although age may affect their performance, this frequent mistake is still difficult to accept.

Zhang Ye and Lu Jihong's rehearsal pictures were exposed, the woman's short and fat clothes were ridiculed, and the man's hair was rarely covered with a hat

When netizens saw this scene, they also expressed their opinions one after another.

Some argue that since they are no longer able to maintain the high level they used to have, they should consider stepping down and making way for more emerging artists to take the stage.

Although this is a bit harsh, it is not unreasonable.

In the rapidly evolving music industry, audiences' aesthetics and preferences are constantly changing, and if they can't adapt to this change, they will only be eliminated.

Zhang Ye and Lu Jihong's rehearsal pictures were exposed, the woman's short and fat clothes were ridiculed, and the man's hair was rarely covered with a hat

To be honest, I really feel a little sorry to see Zhang Ye and Lu Jihong's performance in the rehearsal.

They used to be so good, so brilliant, but now? The years are unforgiving.

However, I also hope that they can find new breakthroughs and rejuvenate their art.

Zhang Ye and Lu Jihong's rehearsal pictures were exposed, the woman's short and fat clothes were ridiculed, and the man's hair was rarely covered with a hat

After all, artists also need to constantly improve and innovate, and only in this way can they gain a foothold in the highly competitive market.

This rehearsal, although it made people see the shortcomings of Zhang Ye and Lu Jihong, also let us see the limitations brought by their gradual adaptation to age and physical fitness.

Zhang Ye and Lu Jihong's rehearsal pictures were exposed, the woman's short and fat clothes were ridiculed, and the man's hair was rarely covered with a hat

Let's hope they can find a balance and continue to bring great performances to the audience.

At the same time, I also look forward to the rise of more emerging artists to enrich our music world.

This rehearsal is really interesting to watch, and it also makes people look forward to and be curious about future concerts.

Zhang Ye and Lu Jihong's rehearsal pictures were exposed, the woman's short and fat clothes were ridiculed, and the man's hair was rarely covered with a hat

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