
Zhang Ye and Lu Jihong rehearsed, Zhang Ye has greasy skin and is fat! Netizens shouted for him to retire!


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Zhang Ye and Lu Jihong used to be bright stars in the music world, conquering countless listeners with their unique voices and excellent singing skills. Now, the wheels of time are rolling relentlessly forward, and they may no longer have a youthful face and a peak voice, but their original intention for music remains the same.

Zhang Ye and Lu Jihong rehearsed, Zhang Ye has greasy skin and is fat! Netizens shouted for him to retire!

Just like Na Ying, she has been active in the Chinese music scene for many years, although she has also faced ups and downs in her voice state and various evaluations from the outside world, she has always insisted on singing, constantly exploring and trying new music styles, and interpreting her love for music with her own actions. The same is true for Zhang Ye and Lu Jihong, who have never given up their pursuit of music because of their age.

They maintain a proper friendship with each other, supporting and encouraging each other on the path of music. This pure friendship has become a warm support for them in their musical journey. In each other's company, they face difficulties together and meet challenges together.

Zhang Ye and Lu Jihong rehearsed, Zhang Ye has greasy skin and is fat! Netizens shouted for him to retire!

With the passage of time, their image and voice have inevitably received various evaluations from netizens. Some people praise their perseverance and courage, saying that they are evergreens in the music industry; There were also questions and criticisms of their performance. But whether it is praise or criticism, Zhang Ye and Lu Jihong always adhere to themselves, using music to express their love for life and the pursuit of art.

During the rehearsals, they did run into some problems. Forgetting words and losing their voices from time to time have happened, but they have never deterred from it. On the contrary, they work harder to overcome these difficulties. Just like a veteran dancer, although his body may no longer be as flexible as when he was younger, he still shines on the stage with tenacious perseverance and love for dance.

Zhang Ye and Lu Jihong rehearsed, Zhang Ye has greasy skin and is fat! Netizens shouted for him to retire!

Some netizens advised them to step back into the background, believing that they were past their prime. However, we can't ignore the fact that their experience and talent are still an invaluable asset in the music industry. The skills and insights they have accumulated over the years of their singing career are invaluable learning resources for the younger generation of singers.

True art transcends time and space, touching people's hearts and bringing strength and hope. The music of Zhang Ye and Lu Jihong has accompanied the growth of generation after generation, and those touching melodies and affectionate lyrics have long been deeply engraved in people's hearts. Even as the years have passed, their music still has a unique charm. Whenever a familiar melody sounds, it always evokes memories and emotions deep in people's hearts. They use music to convey love and warmth, allowing people to find a trace of solace in the complex world.

Zhang Ye and Lu Jihong rehearsed, Zhang Ye has greasy skin and is fat! Netizens shouted for him to retire!

Whether it is the radiance on the stage or the silent efforts in the rehearsal room, Zhang Ye and Lu Jihong have shown great awe of music. They know that every singing is a dialogue with the listener's heart, and every note carries the weight of emotion.

Zhang Ye and Lu Jihong rehearsed, Zhang Ye has greasy skin and is fat! Netizens shouted for him to retire!

For example, when they prepare for a large-scale concert, they work tirelessly to rehearse repeatedly in order to present the most perfect performance. Even some subtle rhythms and emotional expressions have to be polished countless times. In the process, problems such as physical exhaustion and memory loss brought on by age did pose a challenge for them, but they never complained.

Zhang Ye and Lu Jihong rehearsed, Zhang Ye has greasy skin and is fat! Netizens shouted for him to retire!

Looking back, their road to fame was not all smooth sailing. When Zhang Ye was just starting out, she also encountered incomprehension and criticism from the audience, but with her tenacity and perseverance and unique understanding of music, she gradually found her own style and won everyone's love. Lu Jihong also experienced a low period in his career, but he always maintained his belief in music, constantly improved his singing level, and finally gained a firm foothold in the music world.

Zhang Ye and Lu Jihong rehearsed, Zhang Ye has greasy skin and is fat! Netizens shouted for him to retire!

Their experience tells us that behind success is often countless setbacks and perseverance. And now, in the face of various evaluations from netizens, they choose to face it with a peaceful mind. Because they understand that music is their lifelong pursuit, and the sound of the outside world is only a temporary interference, which cannot shake their inner love.

Zhang Ye and Lu Jihong rehearsed, Zhang Ye has greasy skin and is fat! Netizens shouted for him to retire!

We can't easily dismiss their musical contributions just because of their age and temporary difficulties. Just as Pavarotti insisted on standing on the stage and singing for the audience despite his poor health in his later years, his spirit was infectious. The same is true for Zhang Ye and Lu Jihong, their very existence is an inspiration, making more people who love music believe that as long as they have dreams and work hard for them, nothing can stop them from moving forward.

Zhang Ye and Lu Jihong rehearsed, Zhang Ye has greasy skin and is fat! Netizens shouted for him to retire!

In the long river of music, Zhang Ye and Lu Jihong are like two bright stars, although the light may fluctuate, but they always shine. Their musical compositions cover a wide range of emotions and themes, from the heroism of the motherland to the delicacy of depicting the true feelings of the world.

Zhang Ye and Lu Jihong rehearsed, Zhang Ye has greasy skin and is fat! Netizens shouted for him to retire!

Despite all the challenges, they still actively participate in charity performances, using music to convey warmth and strength. For example, in a charity performance for children in poor areas, their singing gave the children endless encouragement and hope. They have proved that music is not only entertainment, but also a kind of responsibility and responsibility. We should be grateful and respectful, and look forward to them continuing to shine in the future and writing new glories for the music industry.

Maybe one day in the future, they will really choose to retreat into the background, but the music they left behind and their dedication to music will forever inspire future generations. Their stories are precious chapters in the history of music, legends that deserve to be remembered and celebrated.

Zhang Ye and Lu Jihong rehearsed, Zhang Ye has greasy skin and is fat! Netizens shouted for him to retire!

Let us listen to their music with a tolerant and appreciative heart, and feel the power and emotion contained in it. I believe that under their guidance, more outstanding musicians will emerge, bring us more beautiful music works, and make the world of music more colorful. In this fast-paced era, perhaps we should learn to appreciate and respect those who have always stuck to the path of art. Their persistence and perseverance are not only for their own dreams, but also to bring us more beautiful artistic enjoyment.

Zhang Ye and Lu Jihong rehearsed, Zhang Ye has greasy skin and is fat! Netizens shouted for him to retire!

Zhang Ye and Lu Jihong, they are warriors on the road of music, and they interpret their loyalty and love for music with their own actions. Let us give them more understanding and support, and look forward to their continued brilliance in their future musical journey.

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