
Xu Yajun is worthy of being a saint of love, and sent Xiao S away in a few words, and also made Xiao S fall into self-absorption!



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Xu Yajun is worthy of being a saint of love, and sent Xiao S away in a few words, and also made Xiao S fall into self-absorption!


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Oops, friends! Today, let's talk about a wonderful flower in the entertainment industry - Xiao S. The "cosmic star" recently released an earth-shattering remark, portraying his marriage as beautiful as a fairy tale.

But wait! Don't be fooled by her rhetoric. Let's take a look at the truth behind this and see what the hell this so-called "happy marriage" is! You ready? Buckle up and we're going to embark on this thrilling gossip ride!

Xu Yajun is worthy of being a saint of love, and sent Xiao S away in a few words, and also made Xiao S fall into self-absorption!

Xiao S's sense of low demand: freedom or self-deception?

Ladies and gentlemen, have you heard? Our little S sister recently made a big move, saying that the relationship between her and her husband Xu Yajun is very good, and she is simply a fairy couple! But wait, let's take a closer look at this bowl of chicken soup, I'm afraid it's a little sour inside.

Xiao S claimed that her sense of need for marriage was surprisingly low, and she was simply a model of a Buddhist wife. In her eyes, as long as the name is in hand, everything else is a floating cloud. The mentality of this "Mrs. Xu", tsk, is really eye-opening!

Xu Yajun is worthy of being a saint of love, and sent Xiao S away in a few words, and also made Xiao S fall into self-absorption!
"Xu Yajun and I are like the purest brotherhood now, who cares whom? He does what he likes! "

Listen, what I said is simply a interpretation of "I don't care" to the extreme. But, dear viewers, do you believe it? I don't believe it anyway.

Look at her sister Da S again, that is the master who wants her husband to revolve around all the time. These two sisters are simply two extremes in their view of marriage. Xiao S's attitude of "whatever you play, I don't care", to put it bluntly, isn't he just looking for himself to get under the stairs?

Xu Yajun is worthy of being a saint of love, and sent Xiao S away in a few words, and also made Xiao S fall into self-absorption!

According to incomplete statistics, Xiao S has emphasized in public at least 5 times in the past year how good her relationship with Xu Yajun is. This frequency, tsk, looks like self-hypnosis!

Guys, think about it, does a truly happy person need to work so hard to prove that he is happy to the outside world? Isn't this the place where there are three hundred taels of silver?

On the surface, it is humble but humble: a true portrayal of marriage

Xu Yajun is worthy of being a saint of love, and sent Xiao S away in a few words, and also made Xiao S fall into self-absorption!

Okay, now let's take a look at Xiao S's inner drama. On the surface, this "cosmic star" seems to be indifferent to her husband's every move, but in reality? Oops, that's a great show.

Xiao S once cried bitterly in the late-night live broadcast, and that picture, tsk, is even more bloody than Korean dramas. This is the true portrayal of her marriage, right? A truly free and easy person, will hide in the bed in the middle of the night and cry like a tearful person?

Xu Yajun is worthy of being a saint of love, and sent Xiao S away in a few words, and also made Xiao S fall into self-absorption!
"Xu Yajun held my hand, I was so excited that I was about to faint!"

Listen, what I said is simply engraved with the word "humble" in my bones! Does a normal couple relationship need to be excited about a simple physical contact? Isn't this a lack of love?

According to incomplete statistics, Xiao S mentioned Xu Yajun's "small actions" on the show at least 3 times in the past six months, and showed an extremely excited state. This frequency, this reaction, no matter how you look at it, is not normal!

Xu Yajun is worthy of being a saint of love, and sent Xiao S away in a few words, and also made Xiao S fall into self-absorption!

Dear melon friends, think about it, will a truly happy wife be excited like a teenage girl because of an ordinary action of her husband? This is not love, this is hunger and thirst!

"Pure" brotherhood: the awkward status quo of marriage

Okay, now let's talk about the current situation of Xiao S's marriage. She said that she and Xu Yajun have become "the purest brotherly relationship". Oh, that's what you say, it's just a big laugh!

Xu Yajun is worthy of being a saint of love, and sent Xiao S away in a few words, and also made Xiao S fall into self-absorption!

Brotherhood? Are you married or are you playing at home? This statement, no matter how it sounds, seems to be making excuses for one's failed marriage. How can a normal couple become "pure brothers"? Unless, hey, you know.

"Xu Yajun and I haven't been married for a long time, so there won't be any talk of having four children."

Listen, what you say is simply exposing your own ugliness! A couple of normal age has "not been married for a long time", isn't this a marriage crisis?

Xu Yajun is worthy of being a saint of love, and sent Xiao S away in a few words, and also made Xiao S fall into self-absorption!

According to incomplete statistics, Xiao S has mentioned her and Xu Yajun's "pure relationship" in public at least 7 times in the past two years. This frequency, this content, no matter how you look at it, looks like making excuses for your failed marriage!

Guys, do you think about it, does a normal couple need to emphasize how "pure" their relationship is so often? Isn't this the place where there are three hundred taels of silver?

Xu Yajun is worthy of being a saint of love, and sent Xiao S away in a few words, and also made Xiao S fall into self-absorption!

Netizens hotly discussed: Xiao S's concept of marriage caused controversy

This matter quickly aroused heated discussions among netizens on the Internet, and it can be said that it is a fryer! Some netizens think that Xiao S's attitude is actually quite good, giving each other enough space and not interfering in each other's lives.

@自由的风筝: "Xiao S's attitude is actually quite good, shouldn't marriage respect each other and give each other freedom?"
Xu Yajun is worthy of being a saint of love, and sent Xiao S away in a few words, and also made Xiao S fall into self-absorption!

However, some netizens strongly questioned this, believing that this is not a healthy marriage relationship at all.

@理性思考者: "Where is this marriage? It's like a roommate relationship! Isn't it self-deception that there is no intimate relationship between husband and wife, and that they call it 'pure'? "

Some netizens criticized from a feminist point of view, believing that Xiao S's attitude is disrespectful to himself.

Xu Yajun is worthy of being a saint of love, and sent Xiao S away in a few words, and also made Xiao S fall into self-absorption!
@女权先锋: "Xiao S's attitude is simply an insult to women! Why tolerate your husband's flowery heart? Isn't this condoning the inferiority of men? "

However, some people expressed their understanding of Xiao S's situation and thought that she might be helpless to do so.

@生活体验者: "Maybe Xiao S was also forced to be helpless, right? Instead of arguing all day long, give yourself a step down. After all, in this circle, it is not easy for a marriage to last so long. "
Xu Yajun is worthy of being a saint of love, and sent Xiao S away in a few words, and also made Xiao S fall into self-absorption!

Write at the end: What is the nature of marriage?

Friends, what do you think after watching Xiao S's "marriage drama"? Do you think this marriage is even more exciting than the series?

What exactly is the essence of marriage? Is it a formal existence, or is it a substantive accompaniment? Xiao S's approach seems to be free and easy, but it is actually a self-protection mechanism. She uses "don't care" to hide her inner vulnerability, and "give each other freedom" to avoid facing the problems of marriage.

Xu Yajun is worthy of being a saint of love, and sent Xiao S away in a few words, and also made Xiao S fall into self-absorption!

But, folks, is marriage really supposed to be like this? Isn't it just to support each other and grow together? What is the point of such a marriage if there is no even the most basic emotional communication?

So, I would like to ask you: what does a healthy marriage look like in your opinion? Is it a "non-interference" like Xiao S, or should there be more emotional exchanges and living together? Feel free to share your thoughts in the comment section!

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