
Two Han Chinese armies in the Golden Triangle

author:Only for a lifetime

Lei Yutian was the soul and core of the Han exiled tribe that ruled the Golden Triangle after Duan Xiwen, and in many ways emulated Duan Xiwen's style, and his power and will were enough to influence every corner of the Golden Triangle. The villagers of Meisle do not call him a military position, but call him "Lei Gonggong". It is said that "Father-in-law Lei" is a person with great style and official spirit, hiding a knife in his smile, and he will kill you when he gives an order.

He soon heard some rumors of mutiny, after all, he was a veteran of the political circles of the Golden Triangle, and the city government was in his chest, so he immediately dispatched troops to take strict precautions. "The Book of Yue Jue" contains Zigong and said to the king of Yue: "The husband has the heart to seek people, and those who make people know are also in danger." (Whoever has the intention of murdering others and let others know about it is dangerous.) Qian Yunzhou learned that the news had leaked and was forced to start an incident in a hurry. Unexpectedly, he overlooked one thing, that is, the change in the morale of the military. The officers and men of the Self-Defense Forces are no longer the remnants of the past, they have acquired Thai nationality, and to a certain extent, they have a guarantee of survival, and they are more like Thai residents. They all have wives and children, and they have endured decades of war, which has displaced them and shed blood. There is a saying that "I would rather be a peace dog than be a chaotic person", so most of them are unwilling to engage in infighting, and they are even more reluctant to re-enter the deep mountains and old forests to fight guerrillas. In the end, Qian Yunzhou only called for a few dozen responders. Such a small team, not to mention overthrowing Lei Yutian, let alone dealing with the encirclement and suppression of government troops, even if it encounters bandits, it will inevitably be eaten in one bite.

Due to the incident at the east window, there was no way out, and Mi Masuda proposed to take refuge in Kunsha. Because Kun Sha was encircled and suppressed by the government army and suffered heavy losses, it is very likely that they will be taken seriously. Moreover, the senior officers of the Zhang Jiajun are basically Han Chinese, and they are all professional soldiers of the former Kuomintang remnants, so it is relatively likely that Kunsha will take them in. Qian Yunzhou had no choice but to agree to defect to Kunsha. He felt that even if Kunsha refused to tolerate them, he would not turn his face against them. Besides, he was still Zhang Suquan's chief in the past, and he didn't look at the face of the monk to see the face of the Buddha, and it became their expedient measure to take refuge in Kunsha.

They escaped from Mesle overnight, and after negotiations, an officer finally agreed to let them stay on a hill called Huipeng, on the outskirts of the starry stacks, and wait for Kun Sha to reply. It was a barren mountain, with no human figure except rocks and bushes, and Qian Yunzhou and his rebellious subordinates had set up camp here. After the vicissitudes of life, this general, who is over half a hundred years old, has added a lot of hoarfrost to his temples. In the past, he was ambitious and eager to build a career, so he participated in the Anti-Japanese War, and after being defeated by the People's Liberation Army, he followed Li Guohui's remnants to create the foundation of the Golden Triangle, becoming the elder of the four dynasties of the Golden Triangle Kingdom, and making great achievements for the survival and development of the Han tribe in the Golden Triangle. But now? He has become a shameful rebel who everyone shouts and beats, and he has ended up like this! Thinking of this, he couldn't help but burst into tears, and he said to his subordinates; "If there is no need to fight, bloodshed is avoided, and soldiers and their families are not held accountable, I am willing to bear all the consequences." However, it can only be wishful thinking to say this now, politics is always sensitive and suspicious, full of blood, and there is little room for manoeuvre. As soon as the opponent shows its head, it smells the fish and quietly eats the enemy in one bite. More than a month later, the fate of black finally befell them.

When the government learned of the mutiny, it issued an order to resolutely destroy the rebels and prevent them from flowing into the mountains. But there are two questions that make the commander-in-chief Lei Yutian feel very tricky, one is the question of whether Kun Sha accepts Qian Yunzhou. If Kun Sha receives Qian Yun Zhou, then this war is bound to evolve into a battle between Mei Si Le and Man Xing. Once the two largest Han armies in the Golden Triangle merge, the Self-Defense Forces may not be sure of victory, which not only allows outsiders to reap the benefits, but also when will the grudge between the same room and the fight be resolved? But I wonder how Kun Sha and Zhang Suquan will feel?

Lei Yutian specially visited Li Wenhuan and asked him for advice. Li Wenhuan used to be the old governor of Kunsha, who has been up and down in the Golden Triangle for decades, and of course he is familiar with the samadhi. At that time, Li Wenhuan was suffering from migraine and had a slight stroke, so he came up with three strategies for Lei Yutian:

First, Kun Sha will be a favor and give this group of people as gifts to those who need them the most. After all, offending your neighbors is a dangerous thing. This is the best policy.

Second, Kunsha acquiesced to us doing it ourselves. This is also a cooperative move, which can be the middle way.

Third, Kun Sha insisted on taking in Qian Yunzhou. We had no choice but to report to the government that the rebels had fled into Manxingdi and asked the government army to come in and suppress them. And there must be no war with Kunsha, otherwise both sides will lose. This is the next step.

Lei Yutian suddenly brightened. The second issue is what to do with Qian Yunzhou after the rebellion has been quelled. Qian Yunzhou is a veteran of the four dynasties of the Golden Triangle Kingdom, one of the founders of the Li Guohui era, and has made great contributions to the life and death of the Han people in the Golden Triangle. This question was a sad question for all the commanders. After all, they are life and death comrades who share weal and woe and are like brothers! And Qian Yunzhou is a real soldier after all, they are not fighting for their own selfish interests, but to maintain the dignity and pride of the Han army, and they rose up to resist because they refused to be slaves. Of course they are ambitious and act excessively, but who hasn't made mistakes and excesses? After these people are exterminated, who will dare to speak for their Han tribes? But on the other hand, doesn't rebellion against the government mean war, bloodshed, and the separation of wives? It's better to sit firmly as a slave than to be a slave but not to, right? In a foreign land, in a strange land, only by bowing your head and bowing your waist will you gain the right to live. For the sake of eternal peace, for future generations to never shed blood, they had no choice but to raise their swords and clubs to break their backbones with tears; It is only like an animal that castrates the passionate and ambitious testicles to suppress the aggressive nature and settle itself.

When the order for encirclement and suppression was issued, General Lei, the always formidable commander-in-chief, was also moved by emotion and burst into tears.

On the issue of dealing with the rebellion, the forces of all parties have united in their interests and acted together. On a dark and windy night in the Golden Triangle, a tidal wave of troops surrounded the Huishan from all sides. Then all the intrigues, the fights, the massacres, the bloodshed were carried out in an orderly manner under the cover of night. The rebels have nowhere to flee, just as the zebra herds of the East African savannah are quickly dismembered and eaten by ferocious predators.

After the incident, the press released the news: A number of armed drug dealers who had fled abroad had been killed, and how many drugs had been seized.

Unofficial information from within the Self-Defense Forces is as follows: the rebellion has been successfully quelled and several rebels have been killed. Considering that the rebels had made war exploits in the past, it was decided to exempt them from criminal responsibility, and their families should be compensated according to the death of the war without discrimination. Wait a minute.

The Kunsha Group claimed: Qian Yunzhou and others were infighting, killing each other, and the remnants were scattered, and their whereabouts were unknown.

The unfortunate family was later agreed to go up the mountain to collect the body. There seemed to be a pungent smell of gunpowder smoke and sulfur in the air, the trees were charred, the ground was riddled with craters, the soil had turned black and red due to the infiltration of blood, and there were bloody corpses scattered everywhere. Most of the bodies of their loved ones they found were unrecognizable, and many had been gnawed to pieces by wild dogs. Some of them were tied hand and foot with wire, indicating that they were not killed in battle, but slaughtered. The family is crying and grabbing the earth, but there is nowhere to redress grievances, who told your man or son to be a rebel? In the Golden Triangle, the law of survival is very simple: make it or die. They had no choice but to drink this bitter wine and bear the great grief of the loss of their loved ones alone.

Two Han Chinese armies in the Golden Triangle

It is said that Huipeng Mountain has become a forbidden place for all the relatives of the victims, and only during the annual Qingming Festival, family members can kowtow with incense wax paper money. As soon as people passing by approached, they would hear the miserable cries of those lonely ghosts.

Commander Qian Yunzhou's whereabouts are unknown, he seems to have evaporated from the world, without a trace. Dao Ruina and her son Qian Dayu searched every mountain and ravine near the shed, but they didn't find any trace. Of course, it was basically impossible for him to escape, and there was no hope of breaking through. So where the hell is he? ……

Years later, some so-called insiders were secretive about the matter. It is said that the way a person dies is often the highest manifestation of how he has lived in his life, and it is the pinnacle and summary of his life's path. Qian Yunzhou, who has a mysterious face and mysterious whereabouts all his life, has become one of the countless mysteries in the Golden Triangle that have not yet been unsolved, and has also become a question mark that has been branded in the hearts of relatives for a long time.

More than two decades later, a Thai television station aired an interview with an elderly leader of the Thai Communist Party. The battle-hardened veteran said that their retreat in the Battle of Khao Ko Khao Nga was a voluntary retreat, not a defeat - the CPT and the government have been fighting for many years to build a country with a happy people, but they have been fighting for many years, which is not their goal. Therefore, in the battle of Kaoya, they voluntarily gave up. The Battle of Kaokokaoya around 20 years ago and the broadcast of this TV program made this history of intervening in the power of the Chinese seem so paradoxical overnight that every Chinese felt depressed.

This rebellion led to the final decline of the remnants of the Kuomintang army in the Golden Triangle. After this change, the Han Chinese Self-Defense Force of Mei Sile has become a sick insect covered in scabies and sleepy in the mountains all day long. The heart of the dead wood has no thought of sprouts. Even so, the government has taken tight-control measures, stationing troops on all major roads leading to refugee villages in the Golden Triangle, much like military control. Refugees are only allowed to live in the mountains, and they have to be allowed to descend the mountains, they are issued passes by the army, and so on. Later, many people recalled that it was similar to a labor camp.

What is even more terrifying is that no matter where there is a war in the Golden Triangle, as soon as there is a war, as soon as the government army is dispatched, everyone in the refugee village is in danger, and every family is closed, as if the end of the world is coming. Especially in 1982, after the battle of Kaoke and Kaoya, the Black Tiger Division encircled and suppressed the neighboring Zhang Jiajun full of stars, and the rumbling cannon sounded, and every family in the Meisle family was afraid and couldn't sleep at night, not because they were afraid that the shells would fall on their heads, but because they were afraid that the king would give an order, and the men would be driven to the battlefield as cannon fodder to fight those Han compatriots in the Zhang family's army. But I don't know if the government thinks that this sick insect really doesn't work, or if the Black Tiger teachers and students are afraid that they will be robbed of the limelight by the Self-Defense Forces, in short, they never called the Han Self-Defense Forces to go out later.

In 1992, a piece of news spread around the world: the Golden Triangle Han Self-Defense Force, the remnants of the former Kuomintang, finally handed over all their combat weapons to the government. Subsequently, the Thai government allocated more than 20 hills to establish more than 10 self-supporting villages, and gave these stragglers and their families a place to live and work. So far, since Li Guohui's defeat on the mainland in 1950, the remnants of the Kuomintang army, which created the myth of the Golden Triangle, have finally officially disintegrated and become real peaceful residents. As many as 100 Han refugee villages in Thailand in the Golden Triangle are no longer legally armed and have become veritable peaceful villages. Today, Mesler is such a beautiful and peaceful refugee village. Villagers live on the border between Mae Sile in Thailand and Laos and Myanmar, cultivating land, tea and fruits, and some of them are engaged in tourism, living a self-reliant life.

Two Han Chinese armies in the Golden Triangle
Two Han Chinese armies in the Golden Triangle

After Zhang Suquan, a former Kuomintang special forces officer, defected to Kunsha, he served as the chief of staff of the "Shan State Revolutionary Army" (also known as the "Zhangjia Army"), and helped Kunsha train a combat-effective army within a few years. This force has about 4,000 to 5,000 people, plus the reserve force has numbered more than 30,000 at times, and is equipped with American-made carbines, submachine guns, light and heavy machine guns, grenadiers, rockets, all kinds of artillery, and even modern military equipment such as American-made anti-aircraft missiles and helicopters. Khun Sha led this force to defeat dozens of encirclement and suppression by the Burmese and Thai government forces, and gradually eliminated and integrated other drug trafficking groups in the Golden Triangle, becoming one of the powerful drug trafficking forces in the Golden Triangle.

In the mid-1960s, Kun Sofa launched the largest "Opium War" in the history of the Golden Triangle. After more than two months of the Opium War, Zhang Jiajun ambushed the opium horse team of Luo Xinghan, the recognized leader of the dragons in the Golden Triangle, and captured twelve tons of opium. Luo Xinghan, the head of the Kokang Regional Self-Defense Force, known in the Western media as the "opium general", had worked closely with the remnants of the Kuomintang army, and was the most powerful drug trafficking armed leader at the time.

Kun Sha became famous in one fell swoop. He sold opium and recruited troops to expand his ranks, and many former Kuomintang soldiers came to join him. In the ensuing battle, Kun Sha was invincible, expanding his territory and growing stronger in the brutal annexation of the Golden Triangle. With the retreat of the remnants of the Kuomintang and the temporary power vacuum in the Golden Triangle, Kun Sha finally stood out from an obscure little man and became the most powerful figure in the Golden Triangle after the Kuomintang forces and the opium general Luo Xinghan. His name began to appear frequently in the Western press, attracting the attention of Southeast Asian countries, the CIA, and the world's anti-narcotics organizations.

It was not the so-called "Shan State (MTA)" that made Khun Sa famous around the world, but the drug kingdom that he painstakingly managed. According to United Nations statistics, in 1949 the Golden Triangle produced only 37 tons of opium, by the end of the 1960s, the Golden Triangle opium production had increased dramatically to 1,000 tons, by the 1990s, opium production had exceeded a record 2,500 tons, heroin production reached 250 tons, accounting for 85 percent of the world's total opium. The Kunsha Group smuggles 60 percent of the world's heroin every year. The Kunsha Group has even established its own brand, the famous No. 4 heroin "Double Lions on Earth". In the 1990s, the International Narcotics Control Commission announced that the number of drug users in the world was about 300 million, that is, one in every 20 people used drugs, 66 per cent of whom were teenagers. In 1994, the total global drug smuggling revenue accounted for about 8% of the total global commercial trade revenue, reaching $400 billion!

After the 1970s, Kunsha's control over drug smuggling gradually changed from transporting heavy opium to producing, processing and refining morphine and heroin, which are small, lightweight, high-purity and easy to transport. He set up a secret heroin processing factory deep in the mountains, and hired a "Shanghai master" with special skills from Hong Kong to smuggle the drugs he produced into the world. The main export of drugs is Europe and the United States, and the heroin produced in the Golden Triangle accounts for more than half of the US market, so Kunsha has become the biggest headache in the side of the US federal government, and a reward of $2 million has been offered for the arrest of the world's number one drug lord. Since the 1980s, with China's reform and opening up and opening up to the outside world, drugs that had already disappeared have resurfaced in China, and 100% of the drugs that threaten and endanger the Chinese people come from the Golden Triangle. As the world's largest drug source center in this century, the Golden Triangle has long been notorious and a household name.

After controlling most of the drug production and trafficking in the Golden Triangle, Khun Sha desperately exported drugs to the rest of the world. In June 1967, Khun Sa organized a drug trafficking convoy of 500 armed men, still known as the "Caravan of the Century", to escort 300 mules and horses and 16 tons of opium to Laos and sell them to the then Commander-in-Chief of the Lao Royal Government Army, Major General Win Radikorn.

At that time, the home team of the Khun Sa mule and horse team set off from Yong Lane in Myanmar and headed for Ban Quang in Laos, more than 100 kilometers away. Ban Quang had a morphine refinery for Wen Radikorn, which was also the place where he ordered the delivery of opium to Khun Sha. Along the way, small drug transport teams from Dangyang, Menggen, and Mengping joined the ranks one after another. By the time they arrived at Jingdong, the mule-horse drug convoy had reached more than 1.5 kilometers long. When this team passed through the area controlled by the remnants of the Kuomintang army, an armed clash broke out between the two sides because the Kunsha side did not pay the "road money". At this time, Major General Wen Radikorn was very nervous, fearing that the loss of drugs would reduce his trade; Second, I am afraid that if this matter is publicized, the notoriety of the "opium commander-in-chief" will spread far and wide. After weighing the pros and cons, the commander-in-chief decided to play the role of a soldier who resolutely defended the peace of the country, and he suggested that the then prime minister of the Lao Royal Government, Phu Ma, "fight poison with poison" and send royal forces to "attack". The Royal Lao Army, armed with aircraft, launched a surprise attack on both sides of the fierce fighting, and in the end, the Khun Sa army retreated to Burma, and the remnants of the Kuomintang army retreated to Thailand, while Win Radikorn picked up 16 tons of opium! After this battle, Wen Radikorn became the opium boss who occupied the border between Thailand and Laos. His five heroin processing plants worked day and night to supply the processed heroin to hundreds of thousands of US soldiers stationed in Vietnam. It was not until 1971, when the case was revealed, that the commander-in-chief of the royal army was forced to resign.

Kun Sha lost his wealth and returned to his lair, but his vitality was not greatly damaged, and he soon regained his former prestige. The Burmese government is deeply suspicious and determined to eradicate this "cancer". In October 1969, Colonel Shi Ding, the new commander of the Burmese Northeast Military Region, sent an invitation telegram to Khun Sofa from Taunggyi, where the headquarters was located, inviting Khun Sa to attend an emergency military meeting and sending a plane to Lashio to wait. It was a grand courtesy, and Khun Sa was full of ambition and unguarded, but when he arrived in Taunggyi, he was thrown into prison. At the same time as the capture of Khun Sa, the Burmese army carried out a large-scale military sweep of the Khun Sa drug cartel. The dragons have no leader, and the Kunsha Group is in a dangerous situation for a while. Chief of Staff Zhang Suquan led the remnants of his troops to flee to the wilderness of Congshan and temporarily lay dormant.

After Kun Sha was imprisoned by the government, Zhang Suquan actively armed forces on the one hand, and at the same time actively rescued Kun Sha. In order to put pressure on the Burmese government to free Khun Sa, Zhang Suquan sent a team of agents to kidnap two Soviet doctors, Bekomsky and Vinogdadolph, during the Songkran festival in Burma on April 16, 1973. However, the reaction of the Soviets was not as strong as Zhang Suquan expected. The victim country is not in a hurry, and the Myanmar government is of course happy that nothing has happened, and simply ignores it. When the hostages learned that the Soviet government had not taken active action against their abduction, they wept in despair. Under these circumstances, the two Soviet hostages became "fish bones" stuck in their throats, and they struggled. Zhang Suquan had no choice but to take two Soviet doctors to wade through mountains and rivers, wandering around, and sometimes having to carry two foreigners on stretchers to escape. The matter was deadlocked for more than a year and gradually attracted the attention of international public opinion. Some foreign newspapers and periodicals made a big deal about the incident, condemning the Soviet Union's indifference to the hostages and dissatisfied with the "inhumane" attitude of the Burmese government. The Burmese government launched a powerful military offensive against Zhang Suquan, but failed to rescue the hostages. In 1974, through secret channels, Zhang Suquan invited the then chief of staff of the Thai Army, Jaisa Chamanan (who was the prime minister of Thailand in the late 70s), to mediate, and held a press conference to announce to the outside world the situation of the Soviet hostages in his hands. Under the attention of international public opinion, the matter finally came to an end. In May 1974, Admiral Gangsa personally took a helicopter to Zhang Suquan's stronghold on the Thai border, picked up two white and fat Soviets who had been detained for more than a year, and handed them over to the Soviet Embassy in Bangkok. The Burmese government released Khun Sa on September 7, 1974, on the premise of saving face. After his release, Khun Sa was initially asked to stay in Yangon and not allowed to leave. Later, they migrated to Wacheng. On February 7, 1976, under Zhang Suquan's careful planning and arrangement, an American-style jeep carrying the disguised Kun Sha and Zhang Suquan's special operations team drove out of Wacheng.

Seven years later, Khun Sa returned to the "Golden Triangle" region on the Thai-Myanmar border. Soon after, Khun Sa took Chang Suquan's suggestion and pulled people to the northern border area, which was beyond the reach of the Thai military and police at the time. At that time, due to the small armed activities of the Thai Communist Party in the border areas of Thailand, after Khun Sa reached an agreement with the relevant Thai parties to oppose communism and defend communism, the presence of the Khun Sa Department gained a certain degree of "legitimacy". Khun Sa set up the headquarters of the "Shan State United Revolutionary Army" in a small town called Manxingdi. It is a village less than 8 kilometers from the border with Myanmar, in a valley, 3 kilometers long and 1.5 kilometers wide, surrounded by mountains, difficult terrain, abundant water sources, dense forests, and is an easy place to defend and difficult to attack. In this area, the Thai army is outstretched, and the Burmese army is too busy consolidating the eastern region to deal with other rebels. It is adjacent to the Mekong River and the opium-rich deltas of Burma, Thailand and Laos in the east, and the Third Army and the Fifth Army of the remnants of the Kuomintang Army in the west. When the Vietnamese army invaded Cambodia in 1978, Thailand and Cambodia, which had always maintained friendly relations, shared a sense of crisis. As a result, the Thai military focused on the eastern border with Cambodia, and for the northern region, it attempted to use the Kuomintang Third and Fifth Armies and the Khun Sha Department to protect the land and the people and prevent external troubles. This provides a once-in-a-lifetime favorable opportunity for Kunsha. Kunsha has lived in Manxing for more than ten years, turning this deep mountain valley into the heart of a world-famous drug kingdom. Here he controlled most of the Golden Triangle with more than 30,000 troops, and eventually developed into the largest rebel force in Myanmar in the 90s, with widespread international and domestic influence.